How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App convictions prompted a Puerto Rican nationalist bombing campaign. postcolonialists have a hard time squaring their nominal commitments to material wellbeing and democratic governance/rule of law with their support for nationalist movements that undermine both of these values in practice. Mostly, they just ignore the contradiction 1954, members of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party - which had previously attempted to assassinate Harry Truman - shot 5 congressmen during an immigration debate on the floor of the US House. is time to repost my Borat 2 thread, it’s worth addressing seriously not on merits of claim but as metapolitical illustration of why the American right always loses… is the inverse of O’Sullivan’s law which famously states that “Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.” In conjunction, the two observations tell us something about what “left” and “right” really mean