Will Bailey 🇺🇦🇮🇱🇺🇸 Profile picture
United States Representative for 4th District of Oregon | Fmr White House Communications Dir | Fmr Chief of Staff to VPOTUS | Fictional Character
Jan 25, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Biden’s Watch Story Breaks My Heart. Here’s why:

My grandfather never had a lot of money. He was the son of an immigrant and owned a small dry cleaning plant and worked there doing people’s laundry until he had a heart attack and died at age 67.

He also never owned a watch.

He was taught that watches were luxury items and he couldn’t afford to be luxurious. He was, after all, a dry cleaner.

He raised three children all of whom were amazing. All of them had health issued and died fairly young including my late mother.

Apr 22, 2018 12 tweets 9 min read
I’ve begun casting TRUMP: THE MOVIE

Elizabeth Shue: Stormy Daniels
David Schwimmer: Michael Cohen
The Late Phillip Seymour Hoffman: Steve Bannon
Vin Diesel: Michael Avenatti

How am I doing so far? Prolly gonna get:

Colin Hanks: Stephen Miller
Steve Martin: Mike Pence
Tom Hanks: Robert Mueller (Obviously)
Christopher McDonald: Paul Manafort
Dec 19, 2017 32 tweets 5 min read
THREAD: Will of Another: George Washington predicted Donald Trump and the modern GOP. His final words to the nation warned against their rise. Read on… 2/ President George Washington sought to emulate the great Roman military leader Lucius Cincinnatus when he declined a third term as the leader of our young nation. He handed the power back to the people. And he left office with a stark warning to the American people.
Dec 10, 2017 41 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: Architects & Engineers: I’ve been sitting on an airplane flying over the greatest nation on the planet and I have a few thoughts I’d like to share. 2/ I’m listening to my Spotify playlist and a song came on called You Were Born (link below.) It begins, “You were born into a strange world. Like a candle you were meant to share the fire. I don’t know where we come from. I don’t know where we go.”
Dec 7, 2017 8 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: Here’s how @SenFranken should start his remarks tomorrow: My name is Al Franken and here is why I’m not resigning from the senate. Our country is being hijacked by very bad people. Rapists and pedophiles and Nazis and Racists and Treasonists and Crooks and Liars and Thieves. I have behaved badly. I have mistreated women for many years. I have acted irresponsibly. And I am ashamed. And embarrassed.