Grant Lannin Profile picture
lonely black janitor seeking internet companion. moonlighting systems designer
6 subscribers
Mar 8 8 tweets 4 min read
One interesting facet of normie psyche i've learned about by existing on twitter for 2 years is the concept of "feeling behind"

I get DM's like this all of the time. "i feel behind for my age". When i first started receiving these I genuinely didn't know what the fuck these DM's meant because I had quite literally never viewed life through that lens. I then asked some kid what he meant and he goes "i'm just behind my friends". I was like uhhh in what metric? In making less per year? lmfao. What a strange way to construct reality. Your entire orientation dependent on everyone that isn't you🤣🤣

After talking to this kid I then learned that normies have an imagined concept of "ahead" in their brain, and if they are farther along than that imagined concept, they feel good. If they aren't, they don't. And it depends on what their other normie friends do.

"if I have a $75k/yr job, then I'm ahead!!"🤣🤣
"if I have a graduate degree but am $100k in debt, i'm ahead!!!!"


Horrible way to live lmao. If I had this weird comparison metric in my brain I wouldn't have bailed on the autopilot 6-fig sales job at 25.

There is literally no bar. Nobody does anything. Nobody tries at anything. Put in 10% of self-generated effort into anything independently and u r in the 1%

Have to get rid of the general "i'm behind". It means you're literally a bot, optimizing for nothing specific. I was 55k in debt at 26 taking a shot on a business & i could have given a fuck where anyone placed me. Was I ahead? Was i behind? who the fuck knows or cares. it doesn't even make any sense. If doesn't even have aj actual definition, because it depends on a specific metric. And if that specific metric is ONLY money, u r very spiritually gay. "oh i make $10k more in my salaried job than sam but i can't go anywhere and hate my life"

bots For the ND's (nondiscerners) - i'm not attacking OP by the way - his tweet just popped up on my feed. Looks like he makes cool knives. I am attacking only the IDEA of "behind".

When i learned this was a thing I was like "oh shit no wonder the average person is monstrously depressed. their literal entire life orientation is foundationally constructed on comparing their life to other peoples".

Then they ask questions like "how do i stop caring what others think"
"how do i get over rejection"
"how do i (insert whatever fear)"

Brother u r already cooked lmao. Your foundation is already erroneous. U have to literally start at the deepest part of ur psyche, explode & rebuild.

It's all very simple:

pick a goal that excites you, make a plan, fix your energy, attack daily. That's quite literally all it is. Nobody does THAT. That's the secret. "oh no i better charge you $100,000 for that".

"i'm behind"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

N*gga you GAY
Mar 7 5 tweets 2 min read
If you fix your energy everything will basically fix itself. But there's a "two week shit period" that you have to go through to get to "actual energy". An amount of energy/power you probably haven't touched before, unless you have. And it's not hard to touch

1) No coffee/stims/alch
2) Real foods
3) 8 hours of sleep with same wake/sleep cycle
4) Workout 4x/week
5) Drink enough water

That's literally it. So retardedly simple that most people go "wah" & don't actually understand the power in it because they haven't done it. When you cold turkey the bullshit you will be tired / low energy for about 14 days. Ur hunger will also maxxxxrev. In this 14 day window, Just sleep when u need to & eat as much as u need to. "free pass" for discipline on the minors, the MAJOR is just making it to day 14.

Then once ur there ur energy will be at levels u can't fathom. Then u go "oh", and have now developed a system to always get yourself back up there when you need it ur not unmotivated, u have no energy

ur not undisciplined, u have no energy

ur not lost, u have no energy

it IS actually your root problem. But you subconsciously nuke it over & over again because you're afraid to feel
Feb 26 5 tweets 2 min read
There’s a lot of people that u essentially have 2 dominate with love. Lovemog them into submission

They have weird personality defenses they’ve built up that are just flat out annoying as fuck. They either purposely poke/instigate or habitually pull away during any micro conflict. SUPER fucking annoying to deal with, but their internal world craves closeness & appreciation. They r just ironically behaving in a manner that attracts the opposite in a weird form of self-fulfilling prophecy

Depending on context sometimes i will see thru the shell/facade & can pierce internals with compassion. U can sometimes turn these ppl & get them to chill the fuck out. It is mostly futile tho. Everyone deserves what they get, but u can pick at divine order almost like its a hobby. To see if a change can be made just in & of itself like a mini science experiment

Only those who romanticize life & can play with the abstract can deal with these ppl. Everyone else just avoids them due to their monstrous, glaring character flaws. Their inability to deal with people due to very high emotional fragility/volatility

Most futile to try & pierce but it can be fun for sport. Some do drop the bullshit & become normal humans temporarily. U connect w/ the soul & not the construction. If that is even possible The issue is if you’re the type of person that is able to hover above their bullshit long enough to try & love-dagger them out of their retarded loops like a targeted spearfisherman, u will have a short fuse. Unbeknownst to them they get a good 2-3 opportunities for the spear to land, and if it doesn’t u will move on & just consider them a lost cause. Sad in a way but that’s divine order at play. Can’t save anyone, but maybe can guide a couple lost 1’s into a better direction. Essentially is a detached pity situation. U know pain so u want to trust & break other’s pain spells when they’re too obvious to ignore. Again, mostly futile. But rewarding sometimes. Fun part is u get 2 pick & choose
Feb 25 6 tweets 2 min read
Guys think “master game” and “master sales” means “get any bitch” or “sell any client”

Not how it works

Mastering both is getting better at COMMUNICATING your value so the lowest on the discernment rung are able to go “oh DiS TiNG Is GoOOD”. But those are ONLY of the 1’s in the “YES” category, of which not everyone is in

If it’s not a fit, it’s not a fit. And this is the blindspot. The whitebelt thinks “Imma cOnVeRt aLL PrOspEcTs”

The blackbelt knows that if the client has signs of retardation, he’s probably a retard. That’s a guy you would never WANT to close.

The fit is the fit. Eventually u close basically all fits, but YOU reject all non-fits. If ur fumbling FITS, skill issue The self-esteem horseshoe is when you realize you don’t WANT to close everyone becsuse why tf would you close a bad fit. Makes ZERO sense.

“Oh I GoT The cLoSe!”. That is insecure POV. But is it the RIGHT close?

Focus shifts from young “winning at all” to more mature “winning correctly”
Feb 20 6 tweets 2 min read
For a woman to get married, she quite literally only has to be 2 things:

1) not fat
2) not annoying

The uanmarried non-annoyings are fat (but actually also annoying) and the non-fats who think they aren’t annoying (and genuinely believe they are “waiting for the right man” because “i’m the right woman” are astronomically annoying but don’t realize it (self-awareness issue).

Wives get wifed. Zero exceptions. Any wifey i’ve ever met gets wifed fast as fuck if somehow they end up temporarily single

And all the non-wifeys just wife stay single forever, never getting wifed, convincing themselves “there’s a problem with men”. 😂

Lesson in there.
Feb 19 4 tweets 2 min read
Getting rich “slow” is dead. Old world was make a milli in 7 years. Now You can make million(s) in 2-3 years. The J-curve is much more aggressive.

There are also a fuckton of ways for you to get rich. It’s actually overwhelming, and they all work. But you have to develop the skill of “choosing and running the process” or you’re completely fucked because there are infinite “bright & shiny objects” to distract you.

Don’t “dabble around and see what works”. Not how the world works. COMMIT to 1 and MAKE IT work. And THAT is actually the skill - having the SIGHT to know what to commit to.

When you begin you don’t know enough about the world to say “yep that opportunity is way better than that one”. You have no fucking clue. So you could be in an opportunity that you THINK is a 9/10 but id actually a 1/10. OR you think it’s a 1/10 but it’s actually a 9/10. You simply can’t “see it”.

Then the guy who CAN discern properly days “just commit!”. But what he doesn’t tell you is that he has ACQUIRED the sight to KNOW what is worth committing to.

Beginners don’t have this. They are hopelessly lost in the blindness of inexperience. Ur best bet is 2 pick something that someone to ur similar personality type has succeeded in, & refuse to stop until u make it work at a micro level. 1 win, 1 success, $1. Ironically this is all super fucking natural. What mentor are you naturally drawn to? Just go that way. Don’t overthink it. And then when it doesn’t work as fast as u want it to (bcuz u suck rn cuz ur a beginner), and they say “yo it works keep going”, u just keep going.

That’s literally the secret. 99% will ignore
Feb 16 5 tweets 2 min read
Ironically how you get everything is just letting go of all need for the result (accepting a reality if you were to never get it on the front end) and just having fun from that place of zero fucks 2 give

But at the same time knowing that is actually how you actually get it Letting go of it & not giving a fuck about it is actually the stance you take if you REALLY FUCKING WANT IT & refuse to ever not get it

Most can’t pull from opposite ends

The trust fall is how you push the hardest
Feb 15 5 tweets 2 min read
Women starving for IRL convo. I will throw on my kewtest fit & go outside & it is infinite invitations

When u approach people don’t go into it with frame “will they like me” or “do they want me to be here”

Go into convo with “gonna provide value & they can take it or leave it, and if they leave it, they are retarded ND’s (nondiscerners) & it is never worth energy to convert a nondiscerner because they can only ever revert back to their nondsicerning”

My biz partner was like “me want girl”. Had convo with 1 chick. “Hey love ur fit”. Worked. They’ve been together since.

The chasm between dating app reality/online reality and actual reality is actually hilarious. Almost hard to fathom

Zero comp out there brother If ur gna use apps u gotta be completely detached. They r super gay if u take them seriously. That woman is cooked anyway brother i promise u lmfao. Especially if in a city. But even if she’s not. Just have some fucking IRL convos and that is ur answer. U will walk by dimes all the time literally anywhere. The only barrier to entry is literally not being gay. But that’s not even the barrier anymore. Am in NY rn & all I see are women dating soys lmao. Weird inverted dynamics here
Feb 14 4 tweets 1 min read
My boy just sent me a memory we had from 5 years ago when I lived in Portland. That went quick as fuck

One day that will say 50 years. That is a REAL inevitability. It WILL eventually be 50 years into the future.

I always think about the 50-year-into-the-future version of me laughing at all the problems i have right now & saying to myself now “send it brother, you’ll wish you did”

Very helpful perspective to minimize resistance u have in the 1st person POV. It really is fleeting. It really isn’t that big of a deal.

Full send There’s an alternate “gaygrant” timeline where I never quit that job. I’m still there making the same amount living the same life.

Pretty insane to think about. All the joy in life is from climbing mountains, reflecting when u get 2 the top, then climbing bigger mountains
Feb 14 7 tweets 2 min read
I genuinely hate spending time in normie groups or gatherings. U r just full on castrated. It is modern torture 4 me

There will inevitably be handful of very fragile-minded people who will just whine about the truth when it comes up or cry about some objectively hilarious edgy joke. So then u have 2 either deal with their minds exploding & u r the bad guy (the truth is actually the bad guy, u r just the messenger) or have 2 hold anything truthful in & just play pretend fantasy land with a bunch of confused insecures that r desperately running from their own shadow. It is also usually people who side with the WEAK side of ordeals/situations instead of the strong, so u just have 2 either sit there & participate in the cope (i physically can’t) or play devils advocate in which kills all vibes

“Yay! Fun!” “Hey what if instead of whining about not finding enough coupons to use you just made more money?”

Then ur off 2 the races
Feb 14 5 tweets 2 min read
You learn the most about yourself by getting into shit situations, exiting them, & then reflecting on what the fuck just happened. That's literally it.

Anything else doesn't really work.

All u gotta do 2 develop ur self-awareness is just follow ur intuition. That's it. When u MOVE forward things will shift underneath you without you noticing & you'll end up in a new "i don't actually like this" situation. U just magically appear there, again. But it's always new variables & new context. And THAT is where the self-discovery is found. Studying the deltas between the prediction & the reality, then being able to pinpoint the variables that contributed to the deltas of each. each "loop" gets you MORE SPECIFIC on what the variables actually are. There's infinite variables within variables. When you're 20 you might be like "i like sales... oooohhh... wwwowww...." then when you're 28 it's some shit like "i love dynamic problem-solving/systems design in real time & sales is one avenue of which that has tended to express itself"

U get narrower & narrower & narrower which allows you to optimize for tighter & tighter targets. Add in a fuckton of sidequests and u have a pretty 'conscious' life
Feb 14 4 tweets 2 min read
Yes I know many professional women who "travel for work" (not just working remote, traveling & fucking) & they don't do what the solo travel chicks do. But it's for the exact reason you just mentioned - there is a reputational liability involved. The incentive structure is there 2 stop it. U mess up and every1 knows it at work? You're cooked. Simple as that. Not worth the risk. What if they see you? Plus all the certainty involved? Not worth it.

Contrast that to "literally nobody here knows you & they're all leaving anyway". Incentive structure 2 herps ville U don't learn shit about yourself traveling alone lmfao. That is the massive fucking irony of all of this.

You learn a LOT about YOURSELF and SOMEONE ELSE when you travel as a DUO, you basically learn NOTHING about yourself TRAVELING ALONE. When you're alone it is EMPTY. U DISCOVER NOTHING, LEARN NOTHING, U R JUST IN A MENTAL LIMBO.

"oh no Grant you can't just call the entire travel hoe paradigm a scam!"

Yes, it is a scam. They just want to fuck with zero rep damage. "DiSocVeRinG MySELF"🤣🤣🤣. Get a husband & have some babies hoe, you'll learn a lot more. ohw8
Feb 14 4 tweets 3 min read
Nomad life is trash for dating. But it's great for FUCKING.

This is why any guy who's traveled looks at the 'omg i'm finding myself solo traveling' women with monstrous skeptcism. These chicks BE fuckin. But they'll call it whatever they wanna call it 2 rationalize it. It is DICK, no *actual* commitment. Punchline. Now - do they all do it? No. But do a LOT of them do it? YES. Have seen it firsthand many, many times. Girl comes through town & you VISUALLY see her with 5+ dudes (one after the other) in different locations. Wish i was kidding. This is very common. It isn't 1 time, 2 times, 3 times. This is a LOT of times that u see this. MANY, MANY women. Eventually you're able to just identify the archetype & can see it in the face. Anyone who disagrees that this exists is simply lying to you, and any guy who travels & actually goes out & talks to people has seen this VERY often. It just is what it is, because the incentive on the woman's side is 2 fuck, so can't really blame them. Fuck all they want & have it not touch their reputation? Why not! lol. Inb4 "i Twaveled for 2 yrs And DiDn'T kISs 1 Guy!". Props to you felicia. Don't believe it at all. i can see the truth imprinted on ur forehead wrinkles & btw ur hands smell like aged Roquefort

DATING (i guess it depends what you call dating) is virtually impossible when you're in a new location every 3 months. GREAT to fuck, horrible to build connections. "oh hey it was great 2 meet u, c u later, my visa expired". Is THAT dating? I'd say it's just fucking with a deadline, but women like to rationalize it all by calling it dating.

To OP's point tho (seems like a handsome young gentleman) - 99% of nomads are desperately lonely searching & clinging to any modicum of community-esque type situation they can find. It's like moths to a light. "dId Sum1 SaY RetReAt?" "DiD Sum1 SAy DwuMCircLe?" "DiD Sum1 SAy NoMA DiDnner"hahahahaha. There's actually a very uniquely-flavored, weird isolation-type apathy with a monstrous majority of them. They aren't actually solo-wolf types. They REALLY just want community, but ironically left their community to go find another one? makes no sense really if they were aware of their own wiring. I don't know why you'd 'solo travel' unless you wanted to be solo. "imma meet new people!". For 3 months? okay. Then u r alone again. It's like the traveling snakeoil salesman, except its ur life. Very 'shallow' emotionally with some 'great long distance friends' pepper'd in.

The wild minority of cases (and something I was able to find, bless god) is you end up with a squaa. Tight-knit group who likes the same stuff. But that requires multiple poeple 2 b living in same place for extended time. VERY VERY RARE, but absolute gold once u find it I chose smoke this week. I balance out being strapped to a desk & grinding on computer all day with internet beefs
Feb 13 4 tweets 2 min read
If you stop drinking entirely you’ll probably make really good money within 6 months kf you lock in

I personally never took that route but it slowed me down a lot compared to a sober version of me

Takes 4 days to FULLY recover (meaning 4th day u get ur soul back) & then by that time its thursday so u get 2 days to go hard unless u just drink on that thursday (that is what i would do)

Hilarious to think i made money with like 1 good day a week lmfao. Was going HARD for a WHILE

It takes less work than u think but also way more than u think. Hard 2 explain.

The issue is i cared more about drinking and having fun than printing. When i actually got serious after i quit my job I naturally didnt drink for like 4 months

Or maybe I did. Can’t remember A part of me didn’t want it to be “that easy” so i think o subconsciously drank just to make it harder so it actually felt meaningful

I think i knew how easy it actually was. And then what? Who knows. Would rather just struggle forward

Was fun tho. Made great mems & figured it out while basically being a low-grade alcoholic
Feb 13 6 tweets 5 min read
You can actually make your “psychological environment” MORE AGGRESSIVE than most of reality

It’s like making your practice sessions 10x harder than the game itself

If YOU can truth-fuck YOURSELF, and stomach it, then there’s really nothing reality can tell you that you don’t already know or haven’t yet accepted. Which therefore means there’s nothing anyone else can say to you that fucks with you. It’s all “ok” or “whatever lol”. Just bounces. Nothing sticks, cuz u already jabbed urself way harder.

The ISSUE for 99.9% of the population tho it is so skewed the other direction that it’s actually frightening. Most people are afraid of WORDS, let alone dark truths like facing their own REAL, objective inadequacies or coming to terms with power dynamics that control their life.

The average person can’t even try anything new because they “feel too dumb” lmfao. That is the competition. Literally so insecure that they get into something they have NEVER DONE, and feel BAD about being really bad at it. Makes literally zero sense. It would be like never touching a weight and then being insecure u can’t bench 350. Mf u’ve never even done 1 set of bench, what do you expect

And the EASIEST WAY to truth-fuck yourself (and make the practice sessions harder than the game) is by looking at your ACTIONS ONLY - and accepting those as 100%, rock-hard truths about your OWN competency.

It is CONSCIOUSLY removing your focus from ALL internal narrative/story (aka the lies you tell yourself) and ONLY looking at the results you’re putting out.


1) Only getting 200 views on your videos?

Internal: man it’s the algorithm. Man the audience doesn’t get it. Man x,y,z

Objective reality: ur vids fucking suck. Make them better. Ur not shadowbanned, ur content is ass (or not built for mass market) & the market is literally telling you that via no views

2) only scored 4 points in the pickup basketball game?

Internal: man my knee was messed up. Man my hands were slippery. Man I ate too much

Objective: U fucking suck at basketball and need to practice more

MOST PEOPLE put what they consider “true” on the NARRATIVE instead of objective reality. Then when someone tells them the TRUTH (aka just recites objective reality back to them) they self-destruct lmfao.

U wanna be your own most objective critic. U need ur own shit aligned with reality. And the way that you do that is by using your ACTIONS & RESULTS, as the TRUTH, and not the story for why “it should have been different”. This is also why people get SO FUCKING TRIGGERED by the truth. They KNOW the thing ur saying is true, but are desperately running from it. They’ve crafted a massive reality of delusion to completely avoid it (and face their own inadequacy). So when you bring that truth to the surface, their self-hatred (because they haven’t accepted the truth of themselves) gets triggered & they project that self-hatred / rage onto you, who is actually just acting as mirror for truth.

Luckily if ur a competent dude u r gna be a savage in the art of accepting harsh truths, because reality is fucking harsh, and u have to conform to it to win. U’ve conformed YOURSELF to reality, while everyone else has conformed their DELUSIONS to “safely avoid it”.
Feb 12 4 tweets 2 min read
Many lacking reading comprehension - this has become a bunch of people comparing & dming me MORTGAGE COSTS to RENT COSTS lmao. That wasn't the point of anything. I don't care what u r paying

Also responses be like 'well what else should I do?'. I am not recommending 1 way nor saying don't do it. I am just trolling the statement that 'buying a house is the pathway to success' which was HIS entire point (as he was the one that responded to it making that claim). My entire point is me illustrating that I don't think it's a pathway to success and I wouldn't do it AS a pathway to success. That's it. That was the point.




All tangential points. My point was that BUYING A STARTER HOUSE AT 26 is NO LONGER 'the pathway to success'.

U can disagree, fine. But i personally think making millions in ur 20's by RAISING YOUR INCOME and stacking money-making skills is a better option than going $300k into debt And yes of course the tweet was framed extremely aggressively to add entertainment value. Why would I not magnify the edge for dramatic effect

"oh let me write some boring, uncharged rebuttal!"

U can disagree but at least u r entertained
Feb 12 4 tweets 2 min read
Bro said pathway to success is buying a house at 26🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Okay boomer

"oh you're $350k in debt at age 26 and will be paying ZERO principal and PURE INTEREST for the next 15 years!"

Look up & study ANY amortization calculator

Chances are you won't stay in that house past 15 years. You'll live it in for 3-5 year & "upgrade". Guess who knows that? The dudes who gave you your loan. BTW you still own nothing, but now have FULL liability for anything that goes wrong.

Your only hope to "make it" is the house's equity increasing. But guess what? If YOUR house goes up 5%, so does every other house. The market rises in unison. So you're actually in the same exact spot financially, except for all of the money you wasted throwing it into an equity vacuum that has no return.

Additionally - EVEN if your house goes up 5% per year, inflation IS going up much higher. So you're STILL (literally) losing money. They just printed 25% of our money within the last 5 years.

So the ONLY way you win is IF your house goes up in value AND THEN you downsize to capture the liquidity/value differential. Any other scenario you actually LOSE, badly. And ESPECIALLY if the market crashes and you're stuck underwater in your massive loan. Then you're paying off interest on a loan that doesn't even matter, because your house is now worth 60% of the price it used to be.

Mind you this is all taking place while there is 500 ways to increase your income online.

what's interesting to me is boomer parent drones raise boomer drone kids

"just get ur degree, save ur money and buy a house to be successful!"

You do realize WHY boomers were able to do that, right? And you do understand why that unique situation no longer exists, right

"dIdN'T WAsTe my MoNeY On A LAnDLorD bRoo!"

Not how it works anymore. But enjoy I think this is the difference between "being successful" and "appearing successful"

People (like this guy) GENUINELY believe being $300k+ in debt at 26 = success. Pair that with a $30k car loan as well.

$330k in debt & zero ability to travel or go anywhere for extended period of time in 20's

love me some success
Feb 9 5 tweets 2 min read
Most of you have never experienced the power of a manic high because you give too many fucks

People roasting ye for being “insane” but what you’re seeing is world-class creativity in action. World-class flow state

It’s when raw unfiltered energy is completely unrestricted. Most people can’t let the chains off like that to allow it to happen

I can, which is why I see myself in all of it. Not the words specifically, but the state that creates a never-ending creative flow

Hypercreative knows hypercreative People can’t not only GENERATE that energy & target it outward, but they ALSO can’t “remove the chains” to a COMPLETELY unrestricted state to be a le to do that

It’s 2 world-class skills in 1. Created as a by-product of creativity being the oxygen
Jan 30 4 tweets 1 min read
You make a big jump when you just go with your intuition without any logical or articulable reasons

Ur intuition is there to guide you when you can’t hash out the “why”

But PEOPLE will ask YOU “why”

You don’t owe them shit

“Because my intuition said to” or “because my intuition said not to”

Big mindfuck for those who live only in the mind

Very obviously play for those who live by the heart If you get alarm bells, just listen to it & dip

If you get that feeling there’s gold somewhere here, go check it out

Fuck a reason. The reason is you felt like it was the move. Because it was
Jan 14 6 tweets 10 min read
2 largest blocks to gatekeeping yourself out of being tapped into your healing, nourshing & powerful Godenergy:

1) Avoiding the difficult conversations that are keeping you trapped in little pockets of misalignment in your life

2) Not “doing the work” & avoiding what you need to be doing. Not in an obligation sense (how most will interpret that), but in a “what’s your gift, & is the direction of your life aligned with that” sense

These are the 2 core pieces of your HEALTH puzzle (all is downstream of the psyche, which is directly downstream of the energetic flow of your spiritual channel)

Ironically #2 is a side-effect of #1 (meaning procrastination is a misalignment problem, it happens when you think you have to do something the way other people want and not the way you want) & this is why DIRECTIONALITY is so important in your life.

To access your godenergy, there is a REAL DIRECTION shift that you need to “turn and face” or “pivot” to in life to allow your spiritual channel to fully open & godenergy to come through. Godenergy is always there waiting for you to nourish & heal you - but the misaligned shit in our lives can cut us off from it. You can FEEL it. You start withering away & dying like a plant with no water - spiritually, physically, psychologically. Godenergy is the water for our being in the metaphysical sense because it is FLOW, and FLOW is health

When you cut out the misaligned shit, and ur channels open up, u just fucking feel how healthy that is. Genuinely nourishing. Like your soul drinking the purest water after 10 days of hot dehydration. U can breathe again. The oxygen flows back into your body & you become whole & vital


I have plants in my house that I didn’t water when I moved in because I didn’t know they were real. So the tips of the plants, because of me not nourishing them, turned brown & died

They also droop down & start sagging. That’s actually what made me notice to water them, because i didn’t actually see the brown. I could SEE their posture shift. They were becoming frail & weak. They were in that crouched forward position u enter when ur shamed,anxious,feel bad

So I watered them. Almost IMMEDIATELY (like less than 24 hours) they start standing up again. They get greener. They get MORE VITAL, and can fucking see that. I’ve never had plants before so i went “wow how fucking amazing is that”

But here’s my point -

They still have brown tips. They are NOURISHED and FED, but the DEAD BROWN SPOTS ARE STILL THERE

Being cut off from nourishment permanently aged them. It quite literally killed little pieces of their cells, and those cells remain on them dead & withered, even though the plant remains vital

I think this is largely how human health works as well. When we NEGLECT alignment in our lives, and cut ourselves off from nourishment (by not making the decisions and having the conversations we know we need to make because we are afraid of angering people or looking a certain way or sunk cost etc) - we wither away and die in a way. And we can feel it. It feels very anti-life.

But when we target & explode those things causing us emotionally-turbulent misalignment, we free up the channel & are nourished once again. Gratitude in this state (a natural appreciation for life & its beauty) becomes very automatic. Random waves of euphoria. You love deeper, you laugh fuller, and the alignment gives you a type of “protection” and “fearlessness” spiritually. You become immune to external opinions, and the game shifts from appeasing mouthbreathers to “did you satisfy yourself with your performance” - and that’s all that matters. Running a good process for the sake of the process & not the result.

U can feel when people are in their godenergy. The originality has a fucking pull/aura. REAL sauce. They’ll say some shit & you’re like “damn bro cooked”. Because that person is in internal alignment. They’ve learned, in a real way, to channel Godenergy “aka GOD” through them. A vessel Your mental health issues are FLOW PROBLEMS which are ALIGNMENT PROBLEMS

Re-align your life with TOUGH CONVERSATIONS & DOING THINGS YOUR OWN WAY TO SATISFY YOURSELF & you immediately open those channels back up & FEEL the nourishment. You could check the state of your energetic flow by checking on your mental issues, and predict your mental issues by stating what areas/things are/feel misaligned, but you are just fighting to put up with the way they are, constantly. It just runs uncomfortably in the background as your psyche tries to find flow around it, but it never fully can. Only temporary fake godenergy (more like stained mania) that has an undertone of avoidance/shame/disgust of self softly hiding behind the illusion of flow. It’s heavier. It’s “dirtier”. It’s not as clean as real godenergy. Eventually u learn 2 feel these things

Procrastination is stagnant energy, it is when flow stops. And this is because there is a “certain way you think you have to get to the result” instead of just operating from source & doing ur own things to get there. When i think I “have to record” with a nice camera, massive procrastination cuz it is unaligned. It is me unnaturally conforming to what is societally accepted as “nice”. So u end up with fags saying nothing with pretty presentation. That is soy. That is gay. When I just draw on whiteboard and COOK, zero proceastination cuz that is natural to me. That is me. That is my godenergy (God) being channeled through me. It is NOURISHING as much as it is EXPRESSIVE, because the act of EXPRESSION is sending GODENERGY through your tubes. It’s like water cleansing a dirty sink. Expression = godenergy doing its thing. And what’s that called? FLOW.

U cut off urself from flow when u think you have to abide by someone else’s “path to get there” instead of just tapping into urself and cooking like u know how to cook, regardless of how the fuck it looks / feels / presents externally (and worrying about changing the optics/presentation of it because “thats how its supposed to be”)

“That’s how its supposed to be” is the biggest anti-flow bullshit ever. Completely fucked & anti life, in every area of your life.

Oh i cant leave her, i’m not supposed to
Oh i can’t quit, i’m not supposed to
Oh i can’t cut this person off, i’m not supposed to

Then these people get used to living with being cut off from flow. It gets normalized internally then becomes invisible. They cant see they are cut off from flow, and don’t realize they are trying to rationalize a flow issue, unaware it’s alignment first, flow second, psyche third, body fourth

Life/situational alignment (opens up channels for flowing godenergy > FLOW begins (godenergy/source flows through the body, nourishing it via expression) > psyche “heals” and balances” > body “heals & balances. Just like plants & water.

But opposite is also true. Misalignment enters ur life & u don’t fix it & explode it > flow gets cut off & you stop EXPRESSING (because expression is how the flow of godenergy cleanses you) > psyche deteriorates/withers like a plant with no water > body withers / deteriorates like a plant with no water. Then if that happens long enough, shit actually dies like those plant tips, and irreversible damage occurs.

So u wanna be pro life for urself?

Then fuck how its supposed to be. Tap into your flow & create healthily. Let your expression heal you. But that requires u to remove the misalignment blocks stopping ur ability to express. Fuck the optics of the end product. Trust that the stamp of your energetic signature will be enough, and flow.
Nov 28, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
'Hardest' part about being a young ambitious dude is that lul period of being a nobody while you're attacking that "first big win" that places eyes on you in the real world

U probably have a bunch of micro wins from ur past. U've been dubbing ur entire life, but it's been in other games that get chalked off to adolescence

None of that matters though when you enter the real arena with the big boys. It becomes time 2 exhaust all resources into touching the top of the rope, for whatever game it is you choose to play

U've exited the phase of "aww he has potential" and entered "but what are his results? Is he competent? Can he be trusted? Is he an asset? Is he a good connect?" and people stop giving a fuck about 'potential narratives' & start paying attention to actual receipts, because everyone else has actual receipts

What they don't tell you though i that RECEIPTS isn't actually the entire picture. Your FOUNDATION has to be concrete as well, or nobody will give a fuck

Made $5m/mo in income but you've scammed everyone? Talk shit? Have weird victim/feminine complex? Can't be non-confrontational in a group? You'll get written off anyway

There are a lot of guys that use the pursuit of money / material success to avoid/cope with their actual, glaring character flaws that stem upwards from a bad foundation, usually out of core-level scarcity (feeling inherently not good enough, not abundant enough, not secure enough) & perpetually lashing out to others in strange ways. Always feeling like they're on the outside looking in, and everyone outside has them in a crosshair

Go hard as fuck towards your dreams (and control the controllables) but always make room for the sidequests that breathe life into your soul. Say YES to adventures that you can't really see how they'll play out, because those are the ones that will add to your mental models & make you more antifragile / buoyant against struggle/uncertainty

The only sidequests wasted are the ones where it's not a quest. A quest is launching yourself into the unknown, to become familiar with it, and therefore increasing your capability to explore outwards

The best way to do your 20's IMO (have longer post coming in this on the substack soon) is to PUSH the main thing forward (whatever that is) & use that as your "core front" of which you continually push into the unknown, WHILE also pushing into the unknown on all of these tangential fronts as well.

An absolute UNIT of conquering 'real uncertainty' in the exact directions that your heart tells you to go. The itch gets implanted, u not only scratch it, but u fucking rip its head off & peak inside, for the sake of growing yourself as a person

Run this out until late 20's and you'll be richer, wiser, & have more stories than 99.9999999999% of other men your age I see dudes never jump out of the crib & stay cucked in societal path for their entire 20's, IMO this is "wrong"

I also see dudes ONLY go money route in 20's, then play a type of "life catchup" in mid to late 30's. This isn't necessarily wrong IMO, but there's a call to adventure that will NEVER be re-created in your 20's. That's just the truth. People can hate that I said that, but that's what it is.

Perfect balance is to jump INTO the arena early to mid 20's and do the crazy shit WHILE you're building. Life design will FORCE you to figure it out, and then you'll also become a master life designer as you've just scratched more issues than most would have said is humanly possible