Grant Lannin Profile picture
online biz, sales, life
4 subscribers
Jan 30 4 tweets 1 min read
You make a big jump when you just go with your intuition without any logical or articulable reasons

Ur intuition is there to guide you when you can’t hash out the “why”

But PEOPLE will ask YOU “why”

You don’t owe them shit

“Because my intuition said to” or “because my intuition said not to”

Big mindfuck for those who live only in the mind

Very obviously play for those who live by the heart If you get alarm bells, just listen to it & dip

If you get that feeling there’s gold somewhere here, go check it out

Fuck a reason. The reason is you felt like it was the move. Because it was
Jan 14 6 tweets 10 min read
2 largest blocks to gatekeeping yourself out of being tapped into your healing, nourshing & powerful Godenergy:

1) Avoiding the difficult conversations that are keeping you trapped in little pockets of misalignment in your life

2) Not “doing the work” & avoiding what you need to be doing. Not in an obligation sense (how most will interpret that), but in a “what’s your gift, & is the direction of your life aligned with that” sense

These are the 2 core pieces of your HEALTH puzzle (all is downstream of the psyche, which is directly downstream of the energetic flow of your spiritual channel)

Ironically #2 is a side-effect of #1 (meaning procrastination is a misalignment problem, it happens when you think you have to do something the way other people want and not the way you want) & this is why DIRECTIONALITY is so important in your life.

To access your godenergy, there is a REAL DIRECTION shift that you need to “turn and face” or “pivot” to in life to allow your spiritual channel to fully open & godenergy to come through. Godenergy is always there waiting for you to nourish & heal you - but the misaligned shit in our lives can cut us off from it. You can FEEL it. You start withering away & dying like a plant with no water - spiritually, physically, psychologically. Godenergy is the water for our being in the metaphysical sense because it is FLOW, and FLOW is health

When you cut out the misaligned shit, and ur channels open up, u just fucking feel how healthy that is. Genuinely nourishing. Like your soul drinking the purest water after 10 days of hot dehydration. U can breathe again. The oxygen flows back into your body & you become whole & vital


I have plants in my house that I didn’t water when I moved in because I didn’t know they were real. So the tips of the plants, because of me not nourishing them, turned brown & died

They also droop down & start sagging. That’s actually what made me notice to water them, because i didn’t actually see the brown. I could SEE their posture shift. They were becoming frail & weak. They were in that crouched forward position u enter when ur shamed,anxious,feel bad

So I watered them. Almost IMMEDIATELY (like less than 24 hours) they start standing up again. They get greener. They get MORE VITAL, and can fucking see that. I’ve never had plants before so i went “wow how fucking amazing is that”

But here’s my point -

They still have brown tips. They are NOURISHED and FED, but the DEAD BROWN SPOTS ARE STILL THERE

Being cut off from nourishment permanently aged them. It quite literally killed little pieces of their cells, and those cells remain on them dead & withered, even though the plant remains vital

I think this is largely how human health works as well. When we NEGLECT alignment in our lives, and cut ourselves off from nourishment (by not making the decisions and having the conversations we know we need to make because we are afraid of angering people or looking a certain way or sunk cost etc) - we wither away and die in a way. And we can feel it. It feels very anti-life.

But when we target & explode those things causing us emotionally-turbulent misalignment, we free up the channel & are nourished once again. Gratitude in this state (a natural appreciation for life & its beauty) becomes very automatic. Random waves of euphoria. You love deeper, you laugh fuller, and the alignment gives you a type of “protection” and “fearlessness” spiritually. You become immune to external opinions, and the game shifts from appeasing mouthbreathers to “did you satisfy yourself with your performance” - and that’s all that matters. Running a good process for the sake of the process & not the result.

U can feel when people are in their godenergy. The originality has a fucking pull/aura. REAL sauce. They’ll say some shit & you’re like “damn bro cooked”. Because that person is in internal alignment. They’ve learned, in a real way, to channel Godenergy “aka GOD” through them. A vessel Your mental health issues are FLOW PROBLEMS which are ALIGNMENT PROBLEMS

Re-align your life with TOUGH CONVERSATIONS & DOING THINGS YOUR OWN WAY TO SATISFY YOURSELF & you immediately open those channels back up & FEEL the nourishment. You could check the state of your energetic flow by checking on your mental issues, and predict your mental issues by stating what areas/things are/feel misaligned, but you are just fighting to put up with the way they are, constantly. It just runs uncomfortably in the background as your psyche tries to find flow around it, but it never fully can. Only temporary fake godenergy (more like stained mania) that has an undertone of avoidance/shame/disgust of self softly hiding behind the illusion of flow. It’s heavier. It’s “dirtier”. It’s not as clean as real godenergy. Eventually u learn 2 feel these things

Procrastination is stagnant energy, it is when flow stops. And this is because there is a “certain way you think you have to get to the result” instead of just operating from source & doing ur own things to get there. When i think I “have to record” with a nice camera, massive procrastination cuz it is unaligned. It is me unnaturally conforming to what is societally accepted as “nice”. So u end up with fags saying nothing with pretty presentation. That is soy. That is gay. When I just draw on whiteboard and COOK, zero proceastination cuz that is natural to me. That is me. That is my godenergy (God) being channeled through me. It is NOURISHING as much as it is EXPRESSIVE, because the act of EXPRESSION is sending GODENERGY through your tubes. It’s like water cleansing a dirty sink. Expression = godenergy doing its thing. And what’s that called? FLOW.

U cut off urself from flow when u think you have to abide by someone else’s “path to get there” instead of just tapping into urself and cooking like u know how to cook, regardless of how the fuck it looks / feels / presents externally (and worrying about changing the optics/presentation of it because “thats how its supposed to be”)

“That’s how its supposed to be” is the biggest anti-flow bullshit ever. Completely fucked & anti life, in every area of your life.

Oh i cant leave her, i’m not supposed to
Oh i can’t quit, i’m not supposed to
Oh i can’t cut this person off, i’m not supposed to

Then these people get used to living with being cut off from flow. It gets normalized internally then becomes invisible. They cant see they are cut off from flow, and don’t realize they are trying to rationalize a flow issue, unaware it’s alignment first, flow second, psyche third, body fourth

Life/situational alignment (opens up channels for flowing godenergy > FLOW begins (godenergy/source flows through the body, nourishing it via expression) > psyche “heals” and balances” > body “heals & balances. Just like plants & water.

But opposite is also true. Misalignment enters ur life & u don’t fix it & explode it > flow gets cut off & you stop EXPRESSING (because expression is how the flow of godenergy cleanses you) > psyche deteriorates/withers like a plant with no water > body withers / deteriorates like a plant with no water. Then if that happens long enough, shit actually dies like those plant tips, and irreversible damage occurs.

So u wanna be pro life for urself?

Then fuck how its supposed to be. Tap into your flow & create healthily. Let your expression heal you. But that requires u to remove the misalignment blocks stopping ur ability to express. Fuck the optics of the end product. Trust that the stamp of your energetic signature will be enough, and flow.
Nov 28, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
'Hardest' part about being a young ambitious dude is that lul period of being a nobody while you're attacking that "first big win" that places eyes on you in the real world

U probably have a bunch of micro wins from ur past. U've been dubbing ur entire life, but it's been in other games that get chalked off to adolescence

None of that matters though when you enter the real arena with the big boys. It becomes time 2 exhaust all resources into touching the top of the rope, for whatever game it is you choose to play

U've exited the phase of "aww he has potential" and entered "but what are his results? Is he competent? Can he be trusted? Is he an asset? Is he a good connect?" and people stop giving a fuck about 'potential narratives' & start paying attention to actual receipts, because everyone else has actual receipts

What they don't tell you though i that RECEIPTS isn't actually the entire picture. Your FOUNDATION has to be concrete as well, or nobody will give a fuck

Made $5m/mo in income but you've scammed everyone? Talk shit? Have weird victim/feminine complex? Can't be non-confrontational in a group? You'll get written off anyway

There are a lot of guys that use the pursuit of money / material success to avoid/cope with their actual, glaring character flaws that stem upwards from a bad foundation, usually out of core-level scarcity (feeling inherently not good enough, not abundant enough, not secure enough) & perpetually lashing out to others in strange ways. Always feeling like they're on the outside looking in, and everyone outside has them in a crosshair

Go hard as fuck towards your dreams (and control the controllables) but always make room for the sidequests that breathe life into your soul. Say YES to adventures that you can't really see how they'll play out, because those are the ones that will add to your mental models & make you more antifragile / buoyant against struggle/uncertainty

The only sidequests wasted are the ones where it's not a quest. A quest is launching yourself into the unknown, to become familiar with it, and therefore increasing your capability to explore outwards

The best way to do your 20's IMO (have longer post coming in this on the substack soon) is to PUSH the main thing forward (whatever that is) & use that as your "core front" of which you continually push into the unknown, WHILE also pushing into the unknown on all of these tangential fronts as well.

An absolute UNIT of conquering 'real uncertainty' in the exact directions that your heart tells you to go. The itch gets implanted, u not only scratch it, but u fucking rip its head off & peak inside, for the sake of growing yourself as a person

Run this out until late 20's and you'll be richer, wiser, & have more stories than 99.9999999999% of other men your age I see dudes never jump out of the crib & stay cucked in societal path for their entire 20's, IMO this is "wrong"

I also see dudes ONLY go money route in 20's, then play a type of "life catchup" in mid to late 30's. This isn't necessarily wrong IMO, but there's a call to adventure that will NEVER be re-created in your 20's. That's just the truth. People can hate that I said that, but that's what it is.

Perfect balance is to jump INTO the arena early to mid 20's and do the crazy shit WHILE you're building. Life design will FORCE you to figure it out, and then you'll also become a master life designer as you've just scratched more issues than most would have said is humanly possible
Nov 27, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
I see a lot of dudes start dating a crazy bitch & then internalize all of the crazy bitch shit that she blames the dude for

I just want 2 grab him & be like "nah bruh, she just a crazy bitch"

U could be superman, she still going 2 be insane & blame u for everything

Have to realize people are who they are

And it has nothing to do with you I think this is partially why one of my best friend's killed himself last year

He fell in love with a demonic crazy bitch. I could see it clear as day, but don't think he did. I didn't say anything because I felt as though it wasn't my place (i tend to let people do themselves)

That path of "dating a crazy bitch & gaslighting yourself into believing the reason she is crazy is because of you and if you do x,y,z she magically won't be crazy anymore" does not end well

Just leave.
Nov 26, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Instead of getting married you could just move to Medellin & pay some random girl $6/hr to cook you 3 meals/day & clean for you daily

And another to handle all of the "click and drag" admin tasks that you hate doing

Then finally you walk to the corner of Poblado and choose 1 out of 3,000 active hookers who just stand in the middle of the city asking everyone that walks by for $100 a night

You see, this whole time u've been looking for 1 western woman

when the answer has always been 3 Colombians

Moshi moshi Instead of getting the $5000/month apartment

Get the $2000/month apartment & use the other $3000/month on 3+ Colombians

They won't teach you this @ Hardvard
Nov 4, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
I took a family business class my senior year of college

It was in Oregon so most of the students in the class were from generational orchards/farms. Huge properties/operations passed through generations

Many of the guys in that class with me were 33-45 yrs old. There were a few women in that age range as well

Biggest complaint out of ALL of them? As in 8/8?

Their parents "wouldn't see them as adults".

That class was when I learned that you can't "break the ceiling" from inside of the family unit. There's a glass ceiling that will forever trap you until you separate from the metaphorical tit

I had been fighting under this ceiling feeling the same way they did. I had the belief I could pierce it from the inside

Then the unanimous nature of the largest complaint solidified in me that it's just not a viable solution 99% of the time

Have to separate, get on your own legs, enter back in as a man

For this transition to be successful, it also requires both parties to evolve.

If a parent can't accept that the child went from boy to man, or girl to woman - then that relationship will never be functional. It's like a mother bear trying to breastfeed a 600lb Grizzly. The Grizzly operates off of meat - he's simply aged out of milk. It's not useful anymore.

Additional benefit of cutting the cord is you basically become immune to all opinions forever. If u can risk (or actually experience) nuking opinions of those closest to you as a byproduct of finding your legs, no opinion you'll ever face in life will carry that much weight again.

Sort of like beating the final boss on level 1Image These dudes would have like 80 year old fathers who were stubborn as fuck still running shit with an iron fist

They'd get 0 leeway or any space to voice their opinions

Was actually insane to me they stayed that long & dealt with it. Nuanced line for sure but FUCK man, 45?
Aug 26, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
If you want to be an anomaly, just actually try

Knock on God's door of opportunity & you might be surprised by how often he answers

If you took someone's situation & explained their own situation to them as if it was someone else struggling who needed advice - that person would be able to give the other person in their exact situation a really good answer. Proof the answers are in them.

The problem is they don't actually take their own advice. Via action. Either cuz they don't trust themselves, or have others on a pedestal (therefore indirectly discrediting their own sight)

The answers u need aren't some super-special, genius type shit. They are obvious moves (that u already know) put into practice.

Everything you want is on the other side of doing the obvious actions.

The bar into the game isn't genius-level insight. It is acting on what is blatantly obvious. But the reason most get confused is u can't see the obvious actions in the background, u only see the content that person produces.

Make Gud Offer. Pitch gud offer. Collect Muneh. How get shredded? Eat helthy fud. Walk moar.
How make money? Find product. sell product.
How get gf? Find gurl. Talk gurl.
How make friend? Find person. do ting wit dem.

Left-curve yourself
Aug 7, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
In order for me to drop GENERATIONAL BANGERS of which infuse your soul with levels of self-certainty PREVIOUSLY ONLY READ in your daddy's favorite history books, DIRECTLY on your face thru the internet

I have to GENERATE an internal turbo-manic state & then LAUNCH IT @ the screen while the divine ether handles all of the specific wording & tells me exactly what to type & where to go with it

I view my body/being in STATES

What STATE is my psychology in. What STATE is my body in.

This is how you can get yourself to emotional "homebases" with absolute consistency. It's like an AI that programs tornadoes, except EVERY TORNADO is slightly different, and you get to choose the exact flavor of tornado for the day.

There is a process of "drumming up the soldiers" internally. Generating raw psychic/spiritual POWER & POOLING IT within you. Generating a "PUNCH" to the words. Or to the project. Or to the way you go about your day.

The way you learn to GENERATE this power is by consciously LETTING GO of ANYTHING that is trapping you. It's spiritually "letting the backpack hit the floor" & only entertaining thoughts of abundance, power, LOVE, gratitude, speed, precision, humor, joy, & a little bit of trolling

LOVE is waiting to be generated inside of you. But it's hidden under all the retarded bullshit you carry in your day to day life

"fuck i dont have enough money"
"fuck i cant get a gf"
"fuck my parents are pissing me off"
"fuck i cant make x work"
"fuck x is slowing down and I think im gonna be fucked"

You will have a MILLION of these little thoughts ALL THE FUCKING TIME. FOREVER.

The question is not "will you have them".

The question is can you CHOOSE to "let them go" and temporarily shed them ALL.

LET THEM GO. You will immediately feel 1000x lighter. Pep back into your step. We r so fucking back.

There is a "warning" that people give out when someone who is suicidal will randomly start enjoying life again. Their BOUNCE will randomly come back. And this is a RED FLAG because it means they've actually decided to kill themselves. They realize it's all gonna end, and the pressure magically evaporates. They become detached from outcome & get to ironically enjoy the present.

You can illicit this same BURST of energy in yourself, daily. It is a conscious choice to DROP ALL THAT MAY HARM YOU, and temporarily EMBRACE absolute LOVE & ABUNDANCE. Shifting your psyche into a deep form of gratitude that isn't superficial, but instead REAL at the deepest levels of the human experience.

"Wow, I actually do not have to worry about ANY OF this right now"

"Wow, I actually don't have to carry ANY OF THIS BULLSHIT right now"

Boom. Deep breathe. It's gone.

Is it forever? No. That is why it is called a practice. Because you continually need to practice it.

But it has been one of THE most important skills for making my writing not only better, but more consistent.

Writing is reflection of your energy, and your energy is a reflection of your psychological STATE. This is also partially why "we must remember more than we need to be taught".

The bullshit of life will ALWAYS temporarily trick u into believing you're not ready/good enough. Will trick you into believing it's all gonna end, or fear = the only proper response.

"oh wait, NOPE"
Jul 21, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
If you're a young dude who's genuinely trying to get rich

Don't spend any time/effort trying to convince other people around you to get rich or explaining/qualifying why YOU want to get rich

Why you want to get rich should be completely fucking obvious

You'll be shocked at how literally nobody else around you wants to partake in the most obvious mission on planet earth with you

But the earlier u accept the insane fact that litrly nobody around u wants 2 get rich, the more free u get.

Take the energy u'd spend convincing and focus that energy on getting rich This experience was my first intro into me being built different but not even realizing it

Me: "hey guys let's all get rich as fuck"

Them: "nah"

Me: What the fuck?😂😂
Jun 24, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Dmooooors will send 800 follow ups telling you how good they are instead of just doing the thing for you once to show you how good they are

going 2 b hard 2make $$ with negative IQ Spend that time/effort mastering your craft

Then when u r so fucking good @ it it will only take u like 5 minutes to drop absolute gold in someone's inbox to display ur talent to them

Dudes will just climb the wrong mountain for years
Jun 5, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Almost every addiction is a symptom of being too gay to live the life u actually wanna live & your addiction is the only sliver of your life where you’re actually submitting to your true desires

Your entire life can become the addictio, but it requires you to kill off people pleasing (from life directionality standpoint) @ all depths

If you’re “addicted” but it’s propelling you forward - that’s not an addiction

That’s called perfect alignment An addiction is only “bad” when it goes BACKWARDS away from the direction the lie is facing

When your entire life is a lie to yourself & your addiction is the one little reprieve you get, it will be “damaging” because it’s actually a step closer to yourself in a field of delusion
Dec 4, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
🚨🚨 offer inbound 🚨🚨

Keep reading if you're interested in becoming an internet micro-celebrity & building your own online high-ticket coaching business to $10k/month in 16 weeks (as a side hustle) by MASTERING shortform content I have previously closed the doors to perfect this product.

It is now officially "fool proof".

The program currently has a 100% active student success rate - meaning EVERYONE inside who followed the proper requirements closed AT LEAST ONE $2,000+ deal.


May 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Too many people wasting massive energy on UNWINNABLE games.

Explaining to those who don't want to understand.

Walking on eggshells with those who are still carrying trauma (and will find a way to feel x way no matter what).

Selling to nonbuyers.

Replace with ABUNDANCE. This means understand there are other people out there who HAVE or VALUE what you're offering.

If you are not valued - leave. Detach emotionally. See the Truth for what it is.

Your most precious assets are your time and energy. If you're not seeing an ROI...

Mar 7, 2023 25 tweets 9 min read
🚨🚨 Insane offer inbound 🚨🚨

Keep reading if you’re interested in building your own high-ticket coaching business to $10k/month in 24 weeks (as a side hustle) using my newly discovered “Tiktok ascension system”

(Works even if currently have no idea WTF you’d coach or sell) First… Who TF am I?

I’m Grant & 1 year ago I had 0 followers on the internet & had made a total of $0 from my personal brand. ZERO.

Fast forward to now & I have built up 700,000+ followers & have done $70,000/mo PROFIT with 0 employees as a SIDE HUSTLE using this exact system. ImageImage
Feb 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Discipline doesn't exist. One of the most misconstrued fantasy jargon words ever to be birthed into existence

Dudes achieving shit either because it's fun as fuck or because they are divinely pulled by a vision that's deeply interwoven into the fabric of their being & ego If it's not either one of these two things - the shit won't get done

Reason Greg can wake up @ 4am every morning is because he needs the business success 2 prove 2 himself that he's not an unlovable piece of shit. The narrative/vision fuels the action

Discipline = NARRATIVE
Feb 3, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
Making NO MONEY and fucking TIRED OF IT? But have NO IDEA how to start?

Follow these steps and PRINT as a beginner (no money required)

🧵 Just going to rip off the hip because I hate admin tasks and am too lazy to edit a thread lmfao if you enjoy the value in this just go make some fucking money and that will make me happy. Here we go
Jan 18, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
5 mental frameworks that will allow you to stop being a little whiny bitch & actually achieve the shit you want to achieve

👶🧵 1) Higher self vs. bitch self

Ur higher self is how you’d be living, behaving & operating if you could make any change to your life instantaneously

Ur bitch self is every limiting belief, request for comfort, seed of self-doubt etc that gets in the way from you LIVING that life
Jan 2, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
9 beliefs that will help you keep a CHAD FRAME on sales calls:

1. Your product works like MAGIC. (must remove ALL fulfillment doubt as salesperson. Not your job to worry about fulfillment)

2. That financial skin-in-the game is necessary for self-transcendence. (Humans don’t value FREE + the DECISION/ACT of investing in self = more valuable than any 1 specific program

3. What you’re selling doesn’t have to solve ALL of their problems - it simple has to MOVE THEM FWD

4. Your job is to talk the prospect out of their limiting mental BS that stops them
Dec 31, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
In any game u play - ur going 2 learn “mainstream” rules/tactics/strategies

These will contain the core fundamentals. MASTER them. The people better than you are better at the fundamentals than you are.

Fundamentals are like the canvas to your sauce. Without them, u cannot paint ur picture. There is nothing to build on.

NOW - once fundamentals are mastered, PRINCIPLES of why fundamentals WORK begin to get clearer. “Ahh I get it”.

Once here, you build up from your base of fundamentals in a way that suits YOU. There is NO roadmap here.
Dec 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
If you pay attention to your own BEING & the words of others - you are able to TUNE INTO collective energies.

This week is a good example. Many feeling more "spiritually tested" in the last 6-7 days for no "specific" reason. That is OKAY.

Keep moving forward. We r ALL part of larger "whole" that has energetic ebbs & flows that we simply have no control over.

YES - the logical part of our minds can regulate, argue against, & "control" our emotions (4 the most part). BUT - that system cannot override the energy of GOD, the UNIVERSE,
Dec 17, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Once you understand that CONVERSION is a game of messaging

And MESSAGING is a game of A/B testing

You get retardedly persuasive in your every day life.

Example: You want to go to Miami. You’re trying to talk your boy (who’s in love w bae) into going with you.

“Bro there’s so many bitches tho”. Doesn’t work. He loves bae.

“Bro u’ll get so tan. Chelsea will b salivating over ur golden-brown body”. He buys ticket instantly.