Ricardo Herrero Profile picture
Papá de 2. Executive Director, @CubaStudyGroup. Advisor, @PCubaEmprende. USA Fellow, @EF_Fellows. Life Member, @CFR_org. Antillano. RT ≠ endorsement
Oct 18, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Para racionalizar la batalla que enfrenta #Cuba hoy como una contra EL IMPERIO—y no ENTRE CUBANOS—tienes que:

1) excluir a americanos descendientes de cubanos de tu definición de “cubano.”

2) ignorar que los políticos que más protegen a Helms-Burton son de descendencia cubana. 3) ignorar a las mayorías de votantes cubanos exiliados o emigrados en la Florida que eligen y re-eligen a estos políticos para que los representen en el congreso.
Oct 16, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Todo un debate bajo mi twit previo sobre si el gobierno estadounidense debería sancionar a una pastelería cubana.

Ya no hay colmo. 🧵/1 Las sanciones de EEUU o 1) congelan activos en el exterior, 2) prohiben a estadounidenses, y en ciertos casos 3) entidades internacionales, hacer negocio con la entidad sancionada.

Estamos hablando de una pastelería en Santa Clara. /2
Oct 2, 2020 16 tweets 8 min read
New #FIUCubaPoll shows that despite 54% of #Cuban-Americans still support the continuation of the embargo, majorities also support the temporary suspension of sanctions during the Covid-19 pandemic, something the Trump administration has refused to do. Full 2020 #FIUCubaPoll report here: cri.fiu.edu/research/cuba-…
Sep 23, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
The race in Florida must be super tight if after three and half years, and imposing all sorts of failed sanctions that mostly harm #Cuban families, Trump FINALLY denies his country club cronies their secret stashes of Cuban rum and cigars. miamiherald.com/news/nation-wo… The measures are low hanging fruit that allow Trump to say he's tightening the squeeze on #Cuba and won't allow anyone to go sing to Castro when he visits Miami on Friday. In short term they'll have no practical impact since Cuba is still not accepting US travelers due to Covid.
Jun 16, 2020 18 tweets 8 min read
Three years ago today, President Trump flew to Miami to announce he was "cancelling" Obama's #Cuba policy. He said he'd "seek a much better deal for the Cuban people" and help them "form businesses and pursue much better lives." How well has that worked out for Cubans so far? 1/ Image Are Cuban entrepreneurs better off today than they were three years ago? Far from it. Trump's travel restrictions have dealt a fatal blow to a burgeoning private sector largely dependent on the purchasing power of U.S. visitors. 2/ nbcnews.com/news/latino/cu…
Jun 4, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
For every $1 in remittances sent to #Cuba, in order to deny a 0.13 tax to the Cuban military, the Trump administration intends to block the other 0.84 meant to go to Cuban families.

All in the name of “supporting the Cuban people.”

It really doesn't get dumber than that. I’ll be the first to say the #Cuban government should lift its tax on remittances. But you have to be pretty thick in the skull to think this measure by the State Dept will encourage them to do it.
Jun 3, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
U.S. remittances to #Cuba are channeled through one of these entities. It is inhumane and the height of hypocrisy for Sec. Pompeo to claim the Trump Administration stands with the Cuban people while attempting to cut off remittances to Cuban families in the middle of a pandemic. FINCIMEX is the entity through which Western Union sends family remittances to #Cuba along with other money transfer service providers. It also channels Airbnb money to casas particulares on the island.
May 12, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Seeing this oped make the rounds. I agree with Mr. Singleton's title and proposal for direct diplomacy with #Cuba to achieve a breakthrough in #Venezuela. However his idea that it must be through "coercive diplomacy" is self-defeating. 1/4

newsweek.com/our-venezuela-… Coercion has defined US-#Cuba policy for 60 years. We threw the sanctions book at them decades ago. Trump has only squeezed the covers. Meanwhile the Cubans built their entire system on top of our sanctions (making these more disruptive in their removal than their permanence) 2/4
Apr 28, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
I see some on Twitter, nervous at Biden's recent Cuba comments to @DeFede, once again peddling the myths that Cuban-Americans are one-issue voters who only supported Obama before he re-established relations with #Cuba. Contrary to what some Miami activists want DC & the media to believe, Cuban-Americans are not a monolith who only vote on #Cuba policy (like said activists). Most vote on the same issues as other Americans. Cuba is not a priority issue per 2018 FIU Poll: cri.fiu.edu/research/cuba-… Image
Nov 20, 2019 6 tweets 5 min read
Los que siguen #HR4884 #CFRP deben de entender que lo que hizo la comisión de Miami-Dade ayer en contra de la resolución de @DLCAVA fue colocar a sus intereses políticos por encima del bienestar de las familias cubanas (¿les suena familiar?). @DLCAVA Los servicios consulares en la embajada EEUU-#Cuba no debería de ser un tema partidista, sino algo que avanza los intereses de ambos pueblos y la seguridad nacional de EEUU, como en cualquier otra embajada en países con cuales EEUU ha tenido relaciones complicadas. #CFRP
Oct 26, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
The Florida GOP’s #Cuba strategy is cynical beyond words. They’ve convinced Trump to pile on the pain for 11 million ppl just to appease approx 100,000 aggrieved voters (out of 1.2MM Cuban-Americans) who after 60 yrs still refuse to accept that unilateral sanctions don’t deliver. From here we can expect an end to general license travel & (why not) SSOT. It’s the hardline’s greatest hits from the 90’s-00’s. They failed after the Cold War and certainly won’t work with Russia and China back in the game.
Jun 5, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
.@MiamiHerald Editorial Board:

“Who will be hardest hit by this action? Yes, the long-suffering #Cuban people.” But cut travel anyway, for its “stinging message” value. We think it’ll work this time. 🤦🏻‍♂️ miamiherald.com/opinion/editor… As if we weren’t already enforcing against #Cuba the toughest sanctions regime the U.S. has toward any country.

As if these sanctions had EVER nudged the leadership in Havana to do what we want in the 60 years since the embargo was put in place.