Richard Cobbett Profile picture
Writer. Narrative Designer. I make games. Please like them and also me.
Sep 30, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
One of the weirdest things about writing a text based game is 'drama'. Not in the words, but in the wrapping. If everything just flows together, nothing has any particular weight. It's amazing how much just doing a fade to black or similar adds a sense of Conclusion to a thing... But of course, you really don't have a lot of tools in your toolbox. So it becomes a real case of figuring out how best to use them - when to show or reveal a character, when to change background, when to do a reveal in the main text or an option... lots of cool microdecisions.
Sep 21, 2022 24 tweets 4 min read
Just for funsies, and because I don't do reviews any more, a few cool adventure design things I noted down while playing #ReturnToMonkeyIsland. No spoilers, promise. Just noting some things that I especially dug. Puzzles are so well signposted, and in multiple ways. You've got the To-Do list as a reminder, but also, character dialogue trees typically leave in a reference to the puzzle they're part of, making it easy to strip the branches and dismiss red herrings or pointless components.
Sep 20, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
One of the things I'm most enjoying about Return To Monkey Island is the *flow* of it. The character movement is crazy fluid, which is *not* usually the case in these games, and the puzzles blend into each other with incredible style. It's stuff that's hard to define, but There. I'd say it's not a difficult game, but a) I don't think that matters, and b) I've been playing these things for about 30 years, so I probably *should* be vaguely okay at them. But even so, the signposting and flow is super polished.