Rise of the Alien Queen Profile picture
President of Antifa • Author: Rise of the Alien Queen • UCLA Grad/Poli Sci #Resist #Haiti #LGBTQ #BLM https://t.co/e6PRlO3hDX https://t.co/Yk1wlCMy45
Sep 29, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
There really is no bottom with the Supreme Court. They make up their own rules, their own morals and their own laws.

Thomas didn't disclose
Robert's didn't disclose
Amy Coney Barrett didn't disclose


politico.com/news/2022/09/2… Amy Coney Barrett
Sep 26, 2022 10 tweets 12 min read
97 Republican and Democratic members of Congress traded on stocks. The same stocks which they make laws on.

This made the news cycle for about a minute. Image While it is not surprising when we hear that folks like Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul are part of this cabal of insider traders using their position to make millions while their constituents suffer.
Aug 8, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
This is a recap of an article from The Atlantic regarding Trump's Zero Tolerance/Family Separation policy. I've included important excerpts here.

It should enrage you.

The article is 30,000 words and is attached at the end. It may have a paywall This excerpt speaks for itself.
Mar 23, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
I have gun stories.

The 1st was when my granddad blew his head off with a gun

I was in lockdown during the Van Nuys shootout

The North Valley Jewish Center was my kid's preschool

I've had guns pulled on me 3x's by strangers and one of my clients aimed a shotgun at my chest The same day as Parkland, a kid was arrested at my children's school for planning a school shooting

My last day at work in Lynchburg, I witnessed a shootout on the tarmac at my station

As a medic, I've witnessed multiple gunshot victims, suicides & attempted suicides
Nov 8, 2020 18 tweets 8 min read
In this time of reaching out across the aisle, I would like for each of you to remember that Trump did this:

Lifted the ban on the importing of elephant trophies and endangered species

Knowing that elephants are sentient animals with families who mourn their dead Took back Bears Ears/other sacred native lands for fracking & oil

Lifted restrictions for clean water & allowed chemicals from mining, fracking, & oil to pollute the earth & waterways

Approved bear baiting/killing of hibernating bears, cubs & wolves so his own kids could hunt
Oct 24, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read
I need to respond to "Who Built the Cages Joe?"

As though a catchy phrase could absolve Trump for all he's done.

It can't.

Immigration is a complex issue, but let's talk about the cages.

1/15 The US has always had immigrant holding cells. As long as we've wanted to keep people out they've been there

When Obama was president, the refugee population exploded largely due to the worldwide Bush Recession

Obama expanded the facilities to meet the influx of refugees

Aug 23, 2020 12 tweets 6 min read
I woke up with lots of fucks to give:

Fuck Big Oil and Fuck the Republicans. They've killed solar and renewables. They know Climate Change is real & have their own reports which prove it. Fuck them

Fuck them that they don't pay taxes. Fuck @exxonmobil Fuck @Chevron

Fuck Them Fuck the Plastic Companies, Fuck Big Oil and Fuck the distributors

They keep churning out the plastics while killing recycling. They want profits above people & the environment. They sue to stop bottle buy backs & recycling requirements

Fuck @Nestle Fuck @pepsi Fuck @CocaCola
Jun 23, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Now seems like a good time to discuss my past. I fulfilled my lifelong dream of becoming a paid firefighter at the age of 49

I signed an NDA to settle my discrimination & harrasment lawsuit. I can't talk about all of it, but you can read about it here 👇

firelawblog.com/2017/06/05/lyn… Part of my suit involved the retaliation I received after reporting the racism I witnessed of my black co-workers & to the black community

This part of the suit was thrown out b/c the judge said I had no standing as a white woman & could be provided no protections under the law
Mar 19, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Let's talk about @Walmart

It started out as a local business that promoted goods made in the USA. Their advertising promoted it and everyone felt good about buying from such a patriotic company that supported American made goods

Slowly, Walmart stopped buying American made goods. Their prices were phenomenal & small businesses began to close wherever a Walmart showed up. Small towns were decimated b/c they couldn't compete w/Walmart prices

Walmart paid low part-time wages w/few benefits & made trillions
Nov 26, 2019 18 tweets 3 min read
It's time to have a thorough review of all the times Trump has harmed Veterans. Hold on tight - this is a long thread:

1. Trump Dodged Draft 5 Times - No one in his family has ever served
2. Had is 2nd wife sign a prenup that would cut off child support if their daughter joined 3. Started a fake college that primarily took advantage of & targeted veterans
4. Started a fake charity that purported to help vets. Instead the money was used to fund his campaign/pay his legal fees
4. Tried to have vets kicked off 5th Ave. for decades - called them a nuisance