R Logan Jones, MD FACP Profile picture
Leading #CBME & #EPA @OHSUSOM | #TeachDx #MedEd with @ohsu_dhm | Passion Projects include #ChangeMedEd #AI #CBME #Advocacy #Policy | Posts = my 🧠 only
Mar 24, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
#MedStudents - Need help with your perspective. Quick questions!

1. If you were to match at your home medical school for residency in your specialty, and they offered starting you in residency 2 months Early (May 1st instead of July), how likely would you be to take them up? 2. If you were offered to start residency 9 months Early (Oct M4 yr) at your home medical school, but meant you were LOCKED their program, how likely would you be to take them up?
(ie less tuition, no interview trail, no NRMP, early med school grad = end residency sooner)
Apr 29, 2019 10 tweets 6 min read
55 yo ♂️s/p RenalTx 10+yrs ago tacro/aza immunosuppressive, gardens & recent travel to home (Philippines), presents chronic progressive cough, constitutional features & single skin abscess, with non-cavitary RUL consolidation + diffuse ggo refractory to Levaquin... 100.1F, HR110s (near baseline), RR18 97% RA. Found to have mild AoC kidney injury, AoC hyponatretomia , mild hepatocellular injury. Procalcitonin 0.7.

Do you start antibiotics? If Yes: tell me which ones in comment
Feb 5, 2019 13 tweets 8 min read
Because this tweet seemed to strike a nerve among so many;.

Suppose its #tweetorial time to evaluate the evidence supporting, or not, the use of contact precautions (CP) to prevent the transmission and infectious complications of #MRSA #MRSA first made its way to the greater medical knowledge in its debut publication in the @bmj_latest in 1961.