Ravi Mantha (We/Us) Profile picture
Holistic Healer. 101-time #BloodDonor. #Compassion. Only 2 goals for this simulation: 1.Freedom & Equality for all. 2. Restore planet to its pristine condition.
Jun 8, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Theory vs. Framework.
Most people are confused about this.
There are infinite Theories,but only one Framework.
Everyone operates within that Framework,whether they know it or not.
Your understanding of framework is not wrong,it is merely incomplete.
My understanding is complete. Those scientists looking for the "Theory of Everything" will never find it, because they are looking for the wrong thing.
What they should be looking for instead, is the Framework that describes everything.
I discovered it on 6th June,2021.
In that instant, I became realized.
Jun 6, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
TIred of people telling me,don't use the word "magic",because it conveys the wrong meaning,like you are a stage illusionist or something.
If "gay" can mean stupid and "sick" can mean amazing in less than one generation,why should I not ask that magic should mean what it truly is? With that out of the way, let me explain...
There are two parallel and equal systems that run this universe.
Yup, they rhyme in English. The universe is in fact poetic...because poetry is magical.
Jun 6, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Hardware is always logic. Because logic is binary and all hardware is built on binary.
Software is magic because it is written by magical beings,namely humans, but without the constraints of logic.
#NotesFromTheMagicalWorld But Software is built currently to conform to logic,but only because the best software engineers are logical fools who have no understanding of framework.
They are actually the one-legged guy in the ass-kicking contest.
Jun 5, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
On a scale of 1 to perfection,
1. My framework is a 1.01. A rounding error.
2. It is merely better than yours, that's all.
Challenge me. Prove me wrong.
On either 1. Or 2. Or both.
Preferably both.
I would love love love to be proven wrong.
Engage,with resources.
#OmNamahShivaya I bet you.
Bring the biggest stack that you have to the table and let's play. I am ready to play.
Winner takes all.
No Holds Barred.
No quarter will be given. Or Asked.
Jun 5, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
There is only one way to waste time.
It is by thinking about it.
Everything else is growth,towards zero or towards the infinite.
Zero and Infinite are the same thing, cosmically speaking.
It is just that the path to zero is suffering,and the path to infinite is joy.
Choose. It is the path to Zero that is hell,and the path to Infinite is heaven..
Hell is therefore a journey through suffering in this life,both yours and what you inflict on others through your actions.
Heaven is the journey through joy in this life.
Which one are you in?