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uddereats app where I milk namjoon for free | 🔞 | minors dni
btsnsfw Profile picture Shai⁷ 🌶 🌟 ⁵ Profile picture 7 subscribed
Aug 25, 2020 104 tweets 18 min read
Bunny hybrid Jungkοοk has been scared of the jaguar hybrid from day one, avoiding him like the plague despite their mutual friends. He just wishes he could also avoid dreaming about mating the predator every single night.

#bunkookweek (🔞) Namjοοո became his worst nightmare from the moment he first laid eyes on him.

Jungkοοk, despite being a prey, isn't usually scared of predators - he plays sports, knows how to fight, how to handle himself, never submits to the predators that think they can do as they please.
Jul 3, 2020 71 tweets 12 min read
Namjοοո loses a bet and is dared to attend an anime con dressed as sailor moon, throws a very lazy cosplay with a blonde wig and a skirt a size too small because he got it cheap off ebay. He expects laughs and jeers, not the overgrown weeb with the deer eyes following him around. He's impossible to miss - partly because of the 'Hatsune Miku is my girlfriend' shirt, partly because of his anime eyes, partly because he's standing in Namjοοո's way and gaping.
Jun 28, 2020 123 tweets 22 min read
AU where an evil witch turn Jungkook into a deer and only true love can break the curse. But Jungkook already loves someone, the issue is that this person refuses to return his feelings. If he couldn't seduce Namjoon as human, how will he do it as a deer? Jungkook leaves rehearsal last, and he'd hoped Namjoon might have waited for him but he's not surprised to see he didn't. What does surprise him is the girl waiting for him at the entrance, that he recognizes even though she's not part of the staff. 'A sasaeng' his mind supplies.
Apr 30, 2020 160 tweets 67 min read
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Apr 1, 2020 188 tweets 79 min read
Namkook post-apocalyptic zombie AU where all the stores in Seoul have run out of milk. Jungkook is growing desperate. Namjoon is lactating. - apocalypse +1 year
- internet servers are still up because zombies don't eat electronics
- electricity is still provided thanks to groups of armed survivors who fortified the power sources and are keeping it going
- ⚠️ might get nsfw
Mar 29, 2020 84 tweets 15 min read
Thinking about a zombie apocalypse AU actually... Yoongi and Jin were out fishing, blisfully unaware of the break out. When they reach the port again, it's silent and empty in a way it's never been. Empty, except for that lone sailor they see staggering on his feet towards them. Silent except for the cry the captain let out when they sailor lunge for his throat and bite him. Jin has muscles but the fear paralyzes him when a handful of bleedy, injured sailors start reaching for them, and it's Yoongi, small Yoongi, grabbing his hand and dragging him away.
Mar 3, 2020 89 tweets 16 min read
🔞 The word gets out that Namjoon let his omega ex top him a few times despite being an alpha, and it earns him some jeers from his peers. He doesn't really care, but he doesn't quite expect the sweet jock omega with the bunny teeth knocking on his door asking if he can top him. Namjoon blinks, sure he heard wrong - Jungkook is mumbling, gaze downcast and words blending together when he speaks.

"I'm sorry what?"

"I- " Jungkook looks embarrassed but he makes an effort to look up. "Everyone says you let o-omegas top you."
Jan 18, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
AU where Jungkook is hired to kill Namjoon but not only does he fail spectacularly he also gets offered a job by his target. A job and a blowjob somehow.
Jan 3, 2020 91 tweets 34 min read
Taejoonkook AU - freshly back in Seoul after two years abroad, Namjoon accidentally finds himself at a furry convention. Confused but pragmatic, he hooks up with a pair of furries in the bathroom, unknowingly hooking up with his future coworkers Namjoon, the love interest
Nov 26, 2019 83 tweets 15 min read
Namjoon stumbles upon Jungkook's collection of RM photocards, and Jungkook is absolutely mortified. He thinks Namjoon is going to ask questions, or mock him, but Namjoon says absolutely nothing and Jungkook figures he'll ignore it like he ignores all his public love confessions. He used to be glad about it, used to appreciate Namjoon's lack of reaction everytime Jungkook expressed his undying admiration towards him but now.... now it's getting tiring. It's obvious he's in love with Namjoon and he wishes he'd acknowledge it and reject him already.
Nov 7, 2019 291 tweets >60 min read
Namkook where namjoon is human and jungkook a werewolf who imprints on him at a concert. Namjoon noticed the cute boy first in the crowd because he has en eye for cute things. But when their eyes meet even from afar he can see his eyes widen and turn to gold. They both still.

Namjoon doesn't know any werewolf, but he's heard stories about imprinting, heard about the gold eyes thing. Heard you were supposed to give space to the wolves when they imprinted, leave them alone. But also heard werewolves arent supposed to imprint on humans.
Oct 8, 2019 84 tweets 14 min read
Let's do this - namjoon discovers he likes being spanked and incidentally his boyfriend jungkook discovers he likes spanking him. Attempting to write this

Oct 2, 2019 74 tweets 13 min read
Have we ever talked about jungkook walking in on Namjoon humping a plushie because I would like us to talk about it Ok wait