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In mortal danger. Decentralize. Roadtoserfdom's Stream of Consciousness on Podbean, Spotify, Audible, Odysee and YT: Alt: @cornedbeefcurse
Jan 16, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Many of the points I make are seemingly dramatic but actually merely subtle clarifications on what is already widely understood but misidentified or misinterpreted. Most obvious example is that the state is designed to do what it's doing, it's not "corrupt." Elections won't help. The state hasn't mistakenly foisted a dangerous medical procedure unknowingly or without due consideration. It has carefully examined its options and chosen the most destructive biological weapon it could reasonably deploy, meticulously planning a propaganda campaign to coincide.
Jun 21, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
As I've mentioned, it's good that people recognize that corporate organs of the state are our enemies. For now, that will have to do. In terms of understanding the landscape, learning about corporativism is the next major step. It does appear some people are beginning to get it. Once it's understood that corporativism is a collectivist ideology and government form, entirely hostile to free market capitalism, the corporativist arrangement can be properly inspected. First misunderstanding that needs to be dispelled is that we're seeing regulatory capture.
Feb 26, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
As I have been saying from the outset, the purpose of almost all of what's happening is because the state is implementing planned society. Movement licenses, so-called "15 minute cities," etc. are all undeniable examples.

We know for a fact that planned societies cause collapse. Advocates of planned society used to make the case that replacing freedom with planning would improve efficiency and increase quality of life. That argument was fully debunked so planners have swapped their justification from improvement to necessary decrease in quality of life.
Feb 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Anyone who still believes in government is either complicit or uninformed. I don't think there's another category. Only the latter can be helped but time is a problem. Here's an open question for which there ought to be many examples of if the rule of law was actually applicable.

When was the last time a constitution restricted government from doing something it was dead set on doing?

My qualification is obviously unfair but that's the point.
Feb 23, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
The chief error made by most is that the mechanical analogies used to describe the social control systems sought by cyberneticists are conflated with the science of cybernetics. In fact they are metaphors intended to communicate the concept rather than as literal exemplary cases. It is possible to describe the idea of a feedback loop using the real-world example of a steam engine, shut-off valve, etc. Indeed, you can even call those systems examples of cybernetic systems because they adhere to the principal of intrinsic error control via feedback.
Feb 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Imagine if every town had their own reactor. Nobody could shut off their power. That is the one of the goals of decentralization. Considering recent events and the possibility of rogue ex-state dead-ender's likely attempts to poison water supplies, an abundant source of energy such as this would allow large scale distillation and other high-energy applications to be maintained locally.
Dec 12, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Cybernetics: A detailed explanation and disambiguation

Cybernetics is commonly presented as a synonym for computers, robots, and all things internet. This is a conscious misdirection and intentional obfuscation intended to obscure the true definition for laypeople. It is cover. The root word in Greek is kubernetes (κυβερνήτης) and translates as "helmsman," "pilot," or "governor." Ultimately, it means control. So any time you see the word cybernetics used, you may reasonably substitute the word "control," or "controller."
Oct 27, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read

A good starting point for the topic. I was going to tailor it for a certain audience but, best thing to do is just start. Mostly sourced by @CJBowden1 who you should follow. Documents following will include links, PDFs, videos, commentary, etc.

A prime example of this would be the unprecedented banning of "non-essential" goods from store shelves. There are many such examples but that one should strike anyone witnessing it as without explanation. It's been happening the whole time but, people are now beginning to notice.