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Sep 24, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
The on-line nihilism/defeatism I’m seeing goes EXTREMELY WELL with Trump’s stated aim to steal the election. Like if the GOP could write your tweets for you, they’d say “We’re doomed lol ” or do the cute little world-weary advance self-absolutions many of you are doing. The media won’t help you. Fascist takeover is good for CNN’s ratings & Twitter/Facebook’s billionaire boards. I understand it’s scary to realize you have power. But you do. Voting is the tiniest thing you can do. Are you registered?
Sep 6, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
I’m FUCKING INSANE about all Lou Reed & all John Cale. I have, however, never been reeled in to Velvet Underground via their more popular stuff. What would Reed & Cale & V.U. fans recommend as an entry point for a strange ranger like me? These are some songs by Lou Reed & John Cale that I love very much. Simply #wacky that I haven’t dug into V.U. yet. I’m remedying!…
May 26, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Need help understanding Cummings saga. Johnson keeping him on will lead directly to spike in deaths due to eroded confidence in govt & its lockdown guidelines. I know Tories don’t care about individual human lives but in this case 1/ turnaround from their (lack of) actions will be quite quick.
With deaths due to social care cuts & NHS privatisation, a Tory MP can say “Who me?” when a disabled kid in Hull chokes to death alone 8 months down the road due to his care package being cut. Not so w/ coronavirus. 2/
May 23, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
By driving 267 miles & stopping at a minimum of 2 rest stops to do coronavirus diarrhea & sneeze on 7-10 service workers & 81 yr old man & young mum with asthma for good measure. Fuck you into the sun. Just laughed imagining Johnson & Cummings meeting & deciding it’s probably best Cummings resigns but then Laura Kuenssberg smashes through the window & physically prevents them from pulling the trigger.
May 5, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Mar 8, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
In 2010 I got Hepatitis A when there was a small outbreak in LA. As soon my dr determined I had Hep A, he called Dept of Health as legally required. Several ppl at my job got Hep A too. The LA County Dept of Health descended on all of us. 1/ A few ppl were hospitalized. I was quite ill but didn’t need to be hospitalized. MTV, on whose show we worked, was amazing; instantly transparent about everything & arranged for employees & families to get free immune globulin shots. 2/
Nov 21, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
This is among the best political videos I’ve ever seen. Look at him go! And it’s all so achievable. Let’s do it! ✊🏼❤️ People outside the UK should watch this too & get inspired. And follow @UKLabour @jeremycorbyn @LabGND & @LabourByTheMany to see what a brilliant, people-powered campaign looks like.
Oct 27, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
So obviously Trump is very, very stupid & a bigot & may even have neurosyphilis - so it’s no surprise his speech is a grease fire in a nursing home. I only even saw it because I’m at the gym blasting my quads (pics to come). But what I was struck by is how ABC 1/ (the network they had on in the gym) kissed his ass before he came out. INSANE state propaganda. Don’t know correspondant’s name who teed him up but I hope he’s on GOP payroll. Really shameful & embarrassing. Shredded any remaining mystery for me as to why ppl vote for him. 2/
Jul 29, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
The goal must be to eliminate private health insurance cos. Their *sole function* is to make money off of you, the patient, or “consumer” as they call you. Billions of your dollars each year go to their CEOs & their *armies* of staff whose job it is to deny your claims. If the change of switching from private health insurance to a true single-payer, free-at-point-of-use health care system is scary to you, I can only tell you my own story which is that my family made that switch when we moved from the US to the UK 5 yrs ago.
Jul 17, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
How to say this simply? I lived in the US until I was 37 & had private health insurance most of my life. For the past 5 yrs I’ve lived in the UK & use the NHS. The NHS is a HUGE part of why I might never move back to the US. It is a REVELATION to leave behind navigating private health insurance & all its Byzantine restrictions on what care you can get & when & the nightmare of getting a prescription paid for. With the NHS it’s free-at-point-of-use. It is not *free*, as we pay for it thru taxes.
Jul 5, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
MAD Magazine is closing. Like millions of others, MAD Magazine showed me what humor is for and thus gave me my life’s direction. I used my allowance of $1.50 to buy each issue, which in 1987 cost $1.35 [(cheap!) it said next to the price]. In 1987 my parents took me, age 10 and my 5 year old sister to New York City from Massachusetts for our first visit. We saw Cats, went to the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building. We also visited 485 MADison Avenue where MAD was headquartered.
May 25, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Might not be worth saying this but for those who don’t like my political views, here’s what I’m trying to do: get everyone good health care that’s single-payer & free-at-point-of use. Also, good public schools with manageable class sizes & well-paid teachers, for all kids. There are many other important issues but inequity in health care & education are how I got interested in politics & they remain my biggest causes. These inequities exist because the very wealthy hoard resources they took from you over the years.
Mar 13, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Hi I’m a dues paying member of @UKLabour & I hope to one day be a citizen so I can vote for them in a GE since they care about the NHS, social care, education & ppl w disabilities. I am almost physically sick watching smart ppl say “both sides suck.” Glad most haven’t walked in my shoes but when I saw what Tories CHOSE to do to poor families with kids in hospital & social care as our own son was disabled & then killed by brain cancer, I grew angry & I remain angry. Tories kill, again and again, by cuts & closures.
Dec 26, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Our first Christmas without Henry came & went. The day itself was okay, maybe because there were so many horrible, painful days leading up to it; we must have hit our quota or something. We talked about him a lot & included his memory throughout the day. I speak publicly about Henry in an effort to destigmatize grief. My family is sad & in pain because our beautiful 2 yr old boy died after a long illness. Why wouldn’t we be sad? Why wouldn’t we be angry and confused?
Oct 3, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
Gotta hand it to UK press; Johnson using Trump playbook & *literally being coached by Bannon* & you’re like “Yes. I like this. It is good.” Although I can’t vote I’m a member of @UKLabour so I can at least support them with a little £. I learned more about how Tory cuts kill sick & disabled kids & destroy their families as brain cancer disabled my own son then killed him.
Jul 5, 2018 12 tweets 3 min read
Happy 70th birthday to the NHS! I moved to the UK 4 yrs ago after 4 decades using US health care. Was amazed at how easily I registered my family at our local GP. Quality care, free at point of use & £8 for prescriptions? Shocking to an American. #NHS70 My family pays £200/yr per person- the Immigration Health Surcharge & we pay UK taxes & National Insurance contributions as residents who work here. So it’s not free. But it’s free AT THE POINT OF USE. A critical distinction.
Mar 24, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
My oldest son was at daycare next door to Santa Monica College in June 2013 when a man shot & killed 5 people with an AR-15. 2 victims, Carlos & Marcelo Franco, father & daughter were killed a little less than 100’ from my son. Between the Francos & my son (& many other babies & toddlers) was a chain link fence & air. The Francos were shot in their car which then crashed through a short wall surrounding a parking lot.
Sep 23, 2017 6 tweets 1 min read
This piece isn't perfect but I agree with much of it. It reminds me of some things I've been thinking. 1/ If you voted for Trump, you did a bad, indefensible thing. Something is wrong with you. You're bad at thinking & decisions. 2/