prof-g Profile picture
@Penn mathematician; engineer; educator; assoc. dean of undergraduate education @PennEngineers; illustrator; animator; e/acta non verba
4 subscribers
Dec 31, 2024 15 tweets 6 min read
i am about to teach a new applied linear algebra course at @PennEngineers, meant for datasci/ML/AI.
to support the class, i've written a book...
[see below for links to text] Image this is a weird 300-page book, written in a weird manner.
i built a custom project on claude to assist with the creation.
i began on nov 2, 2024 & published the book on dec 28, 2024 Image
Nov 15, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
new paper in PNAS (link at end)
led by @irishryoon -- @chadgiusti, greg henselman-petrusek, yiyi yu, spencer lavere smith & i tackle a key challenge in TDA:
how do you match topological features across populations or datasets?
🧠🔗 Image 2/
the context:
neuroscience often involves comparing neural manifolds—geometric representations of neural activity—across subjects.
how can we align topological features (e.g., cycles) between different manifolds?Image
Oct 2, 2024 24 tweets 8 min read
can AI do research-level mathematics? make conjectures? prove theorems?
there’s a moving frontier between what can and cannot be done with LLMs.
that boundary just shifted a little. this is my experience with AI proving a new theorem.
1/ this is joint work with julian gould and miguel lopez, phd students in my lab @Penn .
this is also joint work with claude-3.5-sonnet, gemini-1.5-pro, gpt-4o, and gpt-o1-mini .
it’s a 25 page paper on network information flows and lattice theory.
(link to preprint at end)
2/ Image
Sep 19, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
is there a finite-time singularity in fluids?
(euclidean 3-d euler/navier-stokes, smooth IC)
this is the data we collected at @CRMatematica today... Image we voted on a scale from 0 to 10 where
0-nope! ==== 5-??? ==== 10-yeah! Image
Sep 6, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
1/ yesterday’s thread on the genesis of figures in “Elementary Applied Topology” ended on a cliffhanger: what do all the chapter heading illustrations mean? it’s a puzzle.
get ready for a myth/math mishmash. 2/ the title page & the back cover carry an iconic stylized pomegranate, with some motion induced on what looks like half-a-dozen seeds? hmmm… that reminds me of something… Image
Sep 4, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
1/ in 2009, i began writing a book on topology, meant to be a short introduction to the core concepts, in the context of lots of interesting applications. every idea would be paired with one or more uses, as much outside of mathematics as possible: “applied topology”. Image 2/ i wanted the book to have a lot of pictures – at least one per page on average – and i wanted the pictures to be the exercises. each picture is a puzzle, and if you understand the picture, then you have solved the exercise & understand something. Image
May 13, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
=> new paper w/yuliy baryshnikov <=
"navigating the negative curvature of google maps"
/1 Image one thing that google maps gets right is the user interface for navigating -- it just feels right to pinch-zoom, scroll, etc.
/2 Image
Mar 2, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ this week in multivariable calculus @Penn ...
constrained optimization 2/ this builds on previous investigations into level sets of scalar fields -- a topic for which my students often struggle to grasp the notation & motivation...
a bit of animation can help!
Feb 20, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
1/ this past week in multivariable calculus @Penn
the chain rule & its consequences... 2/ my students all remember how to use the chain rule "by hand", even if writing out / explaining the principle takes more thought. we start off discussing composition and what it means for functions and rates of change...
Mar 25, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
mathematical art is increasingly important in research & AI is about to revolutionize what can be done... 🧵 i have been doing art & animation for my research & teaching for years & have been convinced that this is the future of imaginative thinking & teaching... but it's hard & has a high learning curve...
Dec 5, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
billiards are a classic example of chaotic dynamical systems: choose a table shape, fire a ball, and find out what happens, using angle of incidence = angle of reflection
1/ some table shapes give chaotic dynamics, but circles are especially simple. orbits on circular tables are periodic or nonperiodic, depending on (ir)rationality of the angles involved
Aug 23, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
1/ observations on having taught math both virtually & in-person over the past month: a brief thread 2/ just finished up a 4-week "boot camp" for incoming students @Penn in the @Penn_CAP pre-freshman-program. i was responsible for teaching math to ~30 incoming engineers. this is a great program for acclimating students from a variety of backgrounds.
Apr 29, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
1/ recently, the @jm_collective and others have been pushing for mathematicians (& the @amermathsoc) to cut ties with the NSA (@NSAGov).
i would like to comment on that. 2/ i begin by affirming their right (& everyone’s right) to free speech & expression of beliefs, political or other. go for it & sign whatever petitions you want. make your arguments & let us all listen.
Jul 28, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
a quick thread on what the @penn mathematics department is doing starting this fall to improve the student experience in calculus courses...
of course, this is motivated by the pandemic and the need for online instruction; however, this is not a hackjob emergency plan. these reforms are more structural and sustainable, and have been in the works for some time.
Jul 15, 2020 20 tweets 7 min read
what ties together machine learning, rational homotopy theory, rough paths, lie groups, topological data analysis, and how to teach undergraduate vector calculus?
a thread…
1/ this is a long, paper-laden thread that sets up a new paper with darrick lee, a ph.d. student at @Penn in applied mathematics. buckle up!
Jul 9, 2020 18 tweets 4 min read
a technical thread for a technical paper:
"Cellular sheaves of lattices & the Tarski Laplacian"
with @hansmriess
here's the setup: cellular sheaves are data structures over a cell complex (such as a social or neural network) that attach algebraic data to nodes, edges, etc.
they are wonderful mathematical entities.
Jul 6, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
i get a lot of questions about how to make math vids...
my workflow is so byzantine, it's not worth writing up.
but...for those making vids for fall semester in a hurry: a thread of advice...
for quick lo-rez vids, you do not want to stand in front of a camera or be filmed at a board. nononono...
write on paper or a digital pad, and then do voiceover.
splice in visualizations if you got 'em.
that's the basic winning formula.
May 2, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
one of the things i did this semester in my multivariable calculus class was to give the option of doing an "extra credit" project. i've never done that before, and was inclined against it. but: it went so very well. let me tell you...
ground rules: you do the project because you want to learn more than what we cover in class. it counts for an unspecified amount of bonus credit if done well. no rules on format (essay? video? comic book? yay!), but you have to explain what you learned well.
Jan 20, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
henry wente: geometer & teacher.
he left this world today: 20-jan-2020.
he's the reason i'm a mathematician. i was an engineering undergraduate at the university of toledo, ohio, in 1987. i had AP calculus in high school, but there was an "honors calculus 1 for engineers" course, so i signed up for that. the teacher was *so* *weird*.
his name was dr. wente.
Nov 25, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
the invariant set of the smale horseshoe is obtained by intersecting all the horizontal & vertical strips in the square under iterations of the map & its inverse. this type of set is a cantor set. it looks like dust, but is uncountably infinite. twitter is going to compress this into mush, i'm sure. there is a better quality version up on youtube:
Nov 11, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
the lorenz equations define a classic chaotic dynamical system. any orbit meanders about an attractor in a way that, though deterministic, appears impossible to predict.
1/4 being chaotic, the lorenz system exhibits SDIC = sensitive dependence on initial conditions. if you start multiple orbits very close to one another, they will eventually diverge and have independent long-term behaviors.