robert shrimsley Profile picture
Chief UK political commentator and executive editor, FT.
Jul 3, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Assuming the polls are roughly right the combined Tory and Labour share of the vote will be at its lowest level in memory. Lower than the 65% in 2010. So a quick thread 🧵on the huge electoral distortions that will come from our first past the post (FPTP) system tomorrow. 1/n FPTP rewards winners, punishes losers and makes it very hard for small and newer parties to break-through. If a big party falls just a couple of points below a certain vote share, it is like walking off a cliff and the losses are suddenly huge and disproportionate. 2/n
Mar 21, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
What if Theresa May has genuinely decided that no-deal is the second best option? Many assume Theresa May is running a “madman” strategy to scare MPs into voting for her deal. (although strategy is a big word to attach to the PM’s approach) - a Thread 1/n But what if they are wrong and Mrs May no longer sees no-deal as the worst outcome. If, as some Tories now believe, the PM has reached that view - either from personal conviction or under pressure from chief whip and cabinet and for reasons of party unity? 2/n