Rob Wiblin Profile picture
Exploring the inviolate sphere of ideas one interview at a time:
3 subscribers
Sep 5, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I'd always wondered why other species don't have a sense of disgust like humans, in order to avoid picking up pathogens and getting sick.

'Plagues upon the Earth' gave me my answer: humans suffer 10-100x as many pathogens as wild animals.

So hygiene is way more imp for humans. Humans suffer among the highest pathogen burdens of any species because we started congregating in cities, forming pathogen communities large enough for illnesses to circulate indefinitely.
Apr 17, 2023 24 tweets 8 min read
Twenty-three reasons not to read newspapers and online 'news' sources. 🧵

All from Dobelli's 'Stop Reading the News':…

1. News is overwhelmingly not relevant to any decisions you will make. Image 2. If the planet were four times as big would it be sensible to read four times as much news to keep up with it all?

If not... why not read less news now? Image