Robert Kajiwara |比嘉孝昌| 魏孝昌 🧧🐉🧨 Profile picture
Indigenous Luchuan (Okinawan) musician, artist, peace activist @PeaceForOki 琉球人うちなーんちゅ音楽家、画家、平和活動家。 琉球独立
Feb 20, 2022 24 tweets 6 min read
I really hated the Okinawan (mis)representation in Cobra Kai. Here's why ⬇️ First, they filmed the "Okinawa" portion in Atlanta - about the most non-Okinawan place they could possibly find. They were obviously trying to parody the American Village shopping center in Chatan Town, Okinawa.
Feb 18, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
由于美日帝国主义和殖民主义,琉球命名法很复杂。“琉球”是国家的名称,也是整个岛链的名称。琉球境内至少有160个岛屿,其中约60个岛屿目前有人居住。在琉球,我们通常将其细分为至少 4 个不同的主要的群岛:吐噶喇列群岛、 奄美群岛、冲绳群岛、宮古群岛、八重山群岛。(还有一些较小的群岛。) 琉球原住民居住在所有这些地区,并且是大多数人口。这些群岛中的每一个都有自己的语言,彼此无法理解。例如,奄美语使用者无法理解冲绳语使用者。奄美语、冲绳语(Uchinaguchi)、宮古语、八重山语: 这些都是琉球语。但是,历史上琉球政府的通用语是冲绳语,所以这在历史上被认为是“琉球语”。
Nov 14, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
University of Arkansas professor Kelly Hammond is attempting to rewrite Japan's long history of war crimes & oppression, claiming Japan 'helped' Muslims against China. This is another example of how white academics can say almost anything - without proof - and be rewarded for it. China's Muslims & Japan's Empire: Centering Islam in World W During the Rape of Nanjing Japan raped & murdered hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians, including Muslims. Interesting how Hammond doesn't mention this at all in her entire book, since it undermines her narrative that Japan "wanted to help" Chinese Muslims. China's Muslims & Japan's Empire Kelly A. Hammond University
May 17, 2020 21 tweets 9 min read

Intro to Ryukyu spirituality

Spirituality is the foundation on which the rest of Ryukyu society is built. It is so deeply ingrained in Ryukyuan culture that it permeates virtually every aspect of society. The lines between the spiritual & the secular are often blurred. For Ryukyu, spirituality is the domain of women. Men are not allowed to be spiritual leaders, except in the absence of a capable woman (rare). Thus normally it would not be appropriate for me to be teaching about Ryukyu spirituality, but in this case it's ok. I will try my best.