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Best-selling author | Senior Fellow, @ManhattanInst | Contributing Editor, @CityJournal | Newsletter:
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Feb 6 4 tweets 1 min read
3 interesting findings:

1. Unlike motherhood, which is relatively evenly distributed across the female status hierarchy, men with higher lifetime earnings, higher net worth, higher educational attainment, and higher leadership skills have more children over their lifetimes. 2. People under 25 are evenly split on the question of whether JK Rowling should be dropped by her publishers for her criticism of transgenderism, while nobody over 45 thinks she should be cancelled. These more illiberal generations will be the median voter by the 2040s.
Jan 18 4 tweets 1 min read
Three interesting findings:

1. While men are nearly 18 percent faster than women in 5K races, they are only 11 percent faster in marathons, 3.7 percent faster at 50 miles, roughly even as they approach 100 miles, and then women routinely outpace men at races 195 miles and up. 2. In a longitudinal study on happiness, the most reliable indicator of being happy and healthy at age 80 was relationship satisfaction, especially within marriages, which proved to be the strongest predictor of a fulfilling and healthy life.
Sep 19, 2024 16 tweets 2 min read
Some pieces of advice Machiavelli offers to rulers:

•Punishment should be delivered in a swift and brutal manner, while rewards should be dispersed in small amounts over time

🧵 1/ •Religion must be promoted regardless of how truthful it is, because it supplies social solidarity

May 30, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Fertility among college-educated women hasn't changed much since a generation ago. Fertility collapse is among poor women. In 1994, the average age of a first-time mother without a university degree was 20. Today, two-thirds of women without degrees in their 20s have no children. Image A generation ago, a poor woman would have children with a man in the hope that this would lead to marriage and family. This seldom happened. Those children witnessed this failure, absorbed its lessons, grew up, and now are simply not having kids.
May 20, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Wrong. They're expensive. Takes yrs to cultivate an understanding of them; to keep up with them, to express them without error. Helps to be immersed in affluence from birth. This is why Bourdieu, Fussell, Fitzgerald etc wrote real mobility is something of a myth. Saying defund the police in 2024 is like wearing Canada Goose in 2019. You reveal yourself as behind the fashion; a wannabe; an arriviste. Cringe. etc. Gotta be close to the source of the trends (typically elite institutions). Requires money, connections, cultural capital etc.
Feb 16, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
3 interesting findings:

1. On Tinder, women in their twenties are roughly twice as likely to swipe right (“like”) for the same man if he has a master's degree compared with a bachelor's degree. 2. Sociometric status (respect and admiration from peers) is a stronger predictor of happiness than socioeconomic status. This finding held up after controlling for gender, ethnicity, and extraversion.
Dec 25, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
My most popular Substack posts of 2022:

1. How I Read: Non-secrets for voracious reading 2. Why Dumb Ideas Capture Smart and Successful People…
Dec 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
3 interesting findings:

1. In contentious disputes with another person, a man is nearly twice as likely to apologize if his adversary is a woman and 3X more likely to physically attack if his adversary is a man. 2. Despite being only 1.2 percent of the population, psychopaths commit 30 to 40 percent of all violent crimes.
Sep 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Lots of discussion at the sexual revolution debate about whether the revolution failed men, or failed women, or helped men more than women, or helped women more than men. Nobody asked whether the sexual revolution failed children. People already know. Too depressing a topic. The sexual revolution did not fail— it succeeded in its aim: more freedom. Today people (esp women, are less happy but more free. What’s more important—happiness or freedom? For adults, freedom. Better for people to have the ability to choose badly than have no choice at all.
Sep 7, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
“A stringer is a man who strings women along…they con women into wasting the years when they are most attractive and most likely to get a proposal…If a man had even one long-term relationship with someone else, he’s very likely to be a stringer.”…
On average, for every guy who perpetually strings girls along in relationships with no ring, he is responsible for two women who remain unmarried into older age. Image
Aug 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Three interesting findings:

1. People who believe that it's wrong to have children (anti-natalists) are much more likely to score highly on Dark Triad personality traits (psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism). 2. Study with more than 11 thousand participants in 45 countries: Attractive men and women are viewed as relatively more intelligent, dominant, trustworthy, confident, responsible, caring, and sociable. They are also viewed as less weird and more happy.
Jul 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Most respondents got these answers right. The majority result for each poll was the correct answer.

The rich faces were composites of real people with annual incomes over $150K). The poor faces were composites of real people with annual incomes below $35K.……
People generally seem to infer that positive emotion (or at least the relative absence of negative emotion) is a cue for higher social class.
Jul 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s just a movie tagline relax it has no meaning beyond that you’re reading too much into it let people enjoy things. Image Yes we spent decades deconstructing culture and society to understand how corporate and political messaging promotes and reinforces prevailing dogma and no we aren’t using the lessons we gleaned to implement our preferred ideology and it’s good that we are. So stop asking.
Jun 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
"It is often easier to manipulate smart people than stupid people...The less smart people can see how manipulated the smarter people are. They also see that the smarter people look down on them and attack their motives and intellects."…
Jun 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
3 interesting findings:

1. The most common high school grade for girls is now an A. For boys, it is a B. Girls now account for two-thirds of high schoolers in the top 10%, ranked by GPA, while the proportions are reversed on the bottom rung. 2. Among men, handgrip strength is negatively correlated with Neuroticism and positively correlated with Extraversion. Stronger men tend to score relatively low on neuroticism and high on extraversion. There were no other personality correlates for male handgrip strength.
Jun 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
"Brainwashing, as popularly understood, does not exist or is of almost zero practice, 'cults' have retention rates in the single percentage point range..Typically, a conversion sticks because an organization provides value to its members"… "The CIA experimented with brainwashing...with drugs (including LSD) and medical therapies such as electroshock in their research on mind control. Their experiments failed to produce even one potential Manchurian Candidate, and the program was abandoned."
Apr 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The Cost of Luxury Beliefs, Time Trap, Half-life of Friend Groups… 3 interesting findings:

1. Only one in ten college-educated mothers in the U.S. are unmarried compared with more than half of mothers who do not have a college degree.
Apr 1, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
A brief chronology of the Communist regime’s Cultural Revolution in China

May 15, 1966: The communist party circulates a letter from Mao stating that bourgeois control of schools “cannot be allowed to continue.” /1 May 16, 1966: The communist regime launches the cultural revolution. It calls for a “thorough criticism of academia, educators, journalists, artists, publishers and other representatives of the bourgeois class, and seizing leadership in those culture spheres.” /2
Mar 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Word Games, Frictionless Existence, Psychopathic Males… 3 interesting findings:

1. Having tattoos is associated with low impulse control. Interestingly, even the expressed intention to get a tattoo is associated with impulsivity and short-sightedness.
Mar 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Sentiment and Facts, Academic Cheating, Paying on Dates… Three interesting findings:

1. A man is more than twice as likely as a woman to have a car accident and almost three times more likely to have two car accidents. Even when not driving, men are more careless; twice as many men are killed simply crossing the street.
Mar 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Five minutes into the new @chrisrock special on Netflix:

“Anyone who says words hurt has never been punched in the face.”

“In the old days, if someone wanted your job, they just worked harder than you. Now, they just wait for you to say some dumb shit.” “Motherfuckers are typing woke tweets on a phone made by child slaves.”

“I saw a sign at Lululemon that said ‘We don’t support racism, sexism, discrimination, or hate.’ And I’m like, ‘Who gives a fuck? You’re just selling yoga pants.’”