Knowledge would have little allure if we did not have to overcome so much shame on the way to acquiring it. -Nietzsche
Jul 18, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
"The theory of evolution by natural selection provides a well-validated explanation—indeed the only explanation that we have, or need—for the properties of basic, cross-culturally general human motives and emotions"…
"Many of the findings of evolutionary psychologists are unsurprising, at least in retrospect... Tell me something I did not know! But what would be truly surprising is if the theories and discoveries of evolutionary psychologists were strikingly at odds with intuition."
Jan 10, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Love the affable clarity of this cool new paper by Peter DeScioli...
"Indeed, humans have powerful motives to control the laws, which we have only just begun to uncover. They are probably as strong as our motives for status and alliances."…
"Social animals fight not only for food, shelter, and mates but also to control an idea, namely the group's collective idea of ranks in the hierarchy. As a result, many conflicts have no visible resource at stake."
Nov 15, 2018 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
"Psychological Barriers to Evolutionary Psychology: Ideological Bias and Coalitional Adaptations" -@ProfDavidBuss & @BillvonHippel…
(1/2) "The frequent 'virtue signaling' of social psychologists in presumptively scientific publications is a key manifestation of our evolved coalitional psychology. We broadcast our commitments to social justice, to opposing discrimination & prejudice, & to eliminating sexism...