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Teaching #Scala, #Akka, #Spark and the JVM. Videos regularly at with articles at 🚀
May 14, 2021 14 tweets 7 min read
As a celebration to the #Scala 3 launch, here's a thread with all the material I've published so far on Scala 3:

👇 New types in #Scala 3:

Apr 7, 2021 30 tweets 8 min read
Monads are monoids in the category of endofunctors - a #Scala 3 journey, tweet-size, no psychobabble

Read on 👇 You'll need to know some abstract Scala and heard about:
- type lambdas
- functors
- monoids
- monads

at least in the practical sense that I talk about on the blog and YouTube channel. If you haven't, go to the blog/channel and run a quick search. I have them all.