✈️ Award Winning Podcast Comedian. Writer for HBO’s Game Theory w/ Bomani Jones. The Black Guy Who Tips Podcast co-hosted with my wife @saydatagain #TBGWT
Oct 21, 2024 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
What's funny about the conservative ESPN anchors is that they spent all that time telling everyone that it was WRONG for their colleagues to speak on politics. Scolded them and judged them. And to a person the second they lost their jobs they jumped RIGHT into political grifting.
Sage Steele was mad at her colleagues for speaking on race. Then when they held a Black race forum on ESPN she was mad they didn't include her. The truth is those types don't want sports to be absent of politics. They want only THEIR political beliefs to be allowed.
Dec 11, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Let's kick the ballistics, a Black QB has to express gratefulness to be in the position he is in no matter how good he is. If you're not willing to play that game there's a cost to pay.
I have several thoughts. Mahomes may seem like the wrong person to start this with though.
The real issue is Mahomes can't / won't put the blame where it belongs which is on his WRs. He's being a good teammate. But also, he kinda has to. Black QBs don't get to call out their team and retain respect. Media / players always turn on them.
Jul 27, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
There was an episode of this podcast #SistersInLaw (great show) where one of the hosts discussed the media coverage of a case her team was prosecuting. And there is a weird media fallacy at play where they pressure prosecution and then take credit for work that was done.
Media pundits by their nature tend to be a bit narcissistic and believe they are literally creating the news and applying pressure with their coverage. Meanwhile in the case she was discussing her team had already been doing work the entire time. They weren't concerned w/ media.
Jul 3, 2022 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
They took fifty years of planning and voting to take these rights away. I don’t think we are gonna just get them back in a matter of weeks or months. I can already see the writing on the wall.
I sincerely hope they try all the solutions I’m seeing in threads on twitter so we can see if they work. And if that doesn’t work I’d love to know what is the plan then…
Nov 7, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I know his testimony would be 🔥🔥🔥
"When I was out there in the world just... sinning. I was lost. I was doing everything. I'm talking stealing, killing, mass genocide, planetary destruction. I threw a MOON at a dude. I snapped half of all living existence away... but when I tell you that HEEEEE forgave me?!"
Jan 16, 2021 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
"Operation Warp Speed" being a completely lie and the numbers not adding up is par for the course. Just another reason the Trump administration was a complete failure.
I was listening to a podcast with a journalist who covered the White House under Obama and then Trump. And they made what I consider to be a false equivalency.
Basically saying they went "too easy" on Obama and that somehow lead to Trump.
And I refuse to give anyone that.
Jan 14, 2021 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
A white dude I knew through hoops left a comment on my page about Kyle Rittenhouse's victims. He said "play stupid games. win stupid prizes."
I unfriended him. Then months later he messaged me on Xbox Live asking why. I said it didn't matter.
Months after that he texted me to ask if thought people who voted for Trump were racist.
I have no clue why he was so focused on me not caring to be his friend. We weren't very close. But long story short I told him that anyone who voted for Trump in 2020 was racist.
Jan 9, 2021 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
Trump forced them to deplatform him. If you've ever dealt with a true troll you knew this is where it was headed. There's no real bravery in this. And I understand why they struggled with the decision. Everything about this dude was unprecedented and unpresidential.
We had a dude who trolled our podcast for a long time. Every time we addressed it he got worse and worse. He branched out to our friend's podcasts and started to harass them as well. There was no reasoning with him.
Dec 21, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
It’s crazy that half the government wanted to give people 2,000 and the other half said “We don’t want to give them shit.”
And people still voted for republicans know they were going to do this.
And I know there is no amount that would be enough after republicans waited months.
Half of the voting populace wants the government to give us nothing and to do nothing to stop COVID. American citizens who vote... want all of ... this.
70 something million people.
Dec 20, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Doing this "performative impartiality" shit and blaming both sides when one side is Trump? How? Like in 2020 you are STILL doing that?
He has a cult like White Supremacist following that is trying to steal this election and you're like "Yeah but Democrats..."
And also lost in that is that democrats had the MOST votes in history this year during a pandemic. How is that still a failure? Were they supposed to get EVERY vote? LMAO They kicked his ass. Hell, they kicked Bernie's ass in the primary. WTF?
Dec 20, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
1. Biden won working class voters in every demographic except WHITE working class voters. 2. Why not specifically say what it is that Trump does that appeals to those voters? Why say "this and that?" 3. Why does whiteness get so many excuses? 4. This is why he lost the primary
There is this assumption that the 73 million people who voted for Trump (the vast majority of them white people) are just democrats who got "confused" on their way to the polls.
Dec 19, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
I wonder what the post-Bernie plan is for democratic socialism on a presidential scale... is there a successor that people are going to get behind that won't fracture that movement?
And how do they ever plan on winning over enough Black people to win the primary in the future. Assuming they still want a Dem Soc president and it's not just about a Bernie movement.
Dec 18, 2020 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Eminem was always offensive and over the edge. Times changed on dude and now he apologizing in his raps. I'm not saying he shouldn't but it just shows how much the world changed. Him being offensive used to be the point.
He's an interesting dude to think about because I'd imagine a large segment of his fans went over to the "dark side" supporting Trump and being alt-right fanboys.
And while Em is edgy he's not that. A lot of what he said was meant to be like a character who goes over the top.
Nov 11, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
I think the Black dudes who feel "excluded" from political process when they see Black women in leadership positions, investing in voting and being proud... can only feel "excluded" if they believe Black women aren't an equal part of the community.
It makes me wonder what they really were voting for when Obama was president then. It's not the majority of Black men. But it is a vocal minority who tried to hijack 2020 with a bunch of "where is the Black agenda" dog whistling near the very end of the process.
Nov 6, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Unpopular opinion but anyone who voted for Trump this time around is irredeemable and the democrats don’t need to reach out to them. The plan is gonna have to be to go around them / through them to win from here on out.
And that goes for every demographic that voted for Trump 2020. I don’t care what group you belong to. Money and resources can’t be spent trying to convert those folks to Democrats. Either the policies and work of a Biden admin does it or it doesn’t. That’s all they should get.
Nov 6, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I lost my grandmother a couple years back. Before she passed she had gotten re-married to a very sweet man. I never knew my grandfather but Nate is an extremely laid back and nice dude. Last year he celebrated Christmas with us. He's family now. He lives with my aunt now.
He's like 80 or so years old. And he voted for the first time ever in his life this year.
In Atlanta, GA.
Nov 5, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I can't stress this enough. We don't know that the polls were "wrong" or that anyone was lying to pollsters.
Another way to look at this is that we are finding out how effective voter suppression is in these states.
Which I think is the more likely phenomenon.
I know social media is the home of the sinister conspiracy theory but I bet it's the very blatant obvious voter suppression skewing these results.
Nov 4, 2020 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Republicans retaining their senate seats despite being out fundraised prove that it's not just about who raises the most money. It's also about who has the power to suppress potential votes against them.
People will act like it's a messaging thing but I saw those debates.
Jaime Harrison didn't have a "messaging" issue. He was the better candidate. Progressives online will take the wrong lesson from this because of confirmation bias. They believe every democrat that loses does so because they aren't progressive enough. But that doesn't make sense.
Oct 30, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Another thing... it's telling that so many Black men are outspoken liberal voters and they are NOT getting this traction. Some of the most popular athletes on the planet have been promoting activism, voting and allyship all year.
They're in the NBA.
I really hate that a handful of washed up has been rappers are able to disrupt the positive political messaging the NBA did this year.
Especially this close to the election.
Oct 27, 2020 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
The average American is so politically uninformed. All these “do something Democrats!” statuses yesterday were so depressing.
People really send Dems into the lions den unarmed and then blame them for not winning an unwinnable situation.
Soon as you ask “What should they do?”
They never have any substantial answer. It’s always some shit Dems have done before and something that still wouldn’t stop the GOP. We are a dumb populace who think all of this is going to stop without us coming together and voting republicans out of office.
Oct 24, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Thankful I come from a funny family.
The one downside to this is that I universally see humor as a way of defusing tension. Like I know there’s are okay after a disagreement when we can share a joke over it. Until then I never feel sure.