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1 John 4:2 Jesus Christ has come in the flesh | 1 John 4:15 Jesus is the Son of God | 1 Corinthians 12:3 Jesus is Lord | Rom. 14:11 | Isaiah 45:23 | Phil. 2:10
Aug 18 17 tweets 5 min read
@freegiftgospel Paul’s own testimony before Agrippa (Acts 26:18-20) reveals “repentance” AND TURNING to God WITH WORKS.
In v18, “to TURN them from DARKNESS to LIGHT, and from the power of Satan to God” 1/x
Image @freegiftgospel What part does Darkness have with Light, Satan with the Lord? It is heresy to say you can believe in the Lord & not repent from your sins. Disciples are to have surrendered all to follow Christ as Lord, at all costs daily. This includes forsaking & turning from sins 2/x

Apr 5 4 tweets 3 min read
@TheSeanEsposito @ThomasPudgy3 Jesus is points us to the New Covenant in Him. He commands us to obey His words & His Spirit Jn 8:31,51
Luke 10:21 revealed to babes
Jn 6:68;7:17 surrender to Him & follow
Mt 8:19-22;10:37-39;16:24-26
Mk 8:34-37
Lk 6:46-49;9:23-25;57-62;14:26-27,33

1Cor 16:22
Jn 14:12-26
Ro 8:9

@TheSeanEsposito @ThomasPudgy3 Jesus didn’t come to reestablish the Old Covenant, but to announce the New Covenant
Even His words in Mt 5:21,27,33,38,43 speak of a higher standard above Mosaic Law that is only accomplished by New Birth: New Heart & New Spirit w/ “law” of the Spirit inside to follow Him
Jn 3:3
Mar 30 11 tweets 2 min read
@AaronInWriting So, totalitarianism is bad. Got it.
Is Democracy always right? Is majority rule always right? Is voting on whether a woman can murder their unborn child the right thing to do as a Christian, or is there a higher moral ground, which does indeed want to dictate on this matter? @AaronInWriting No Christian that I know is presently advocating overturning the USA government, (although I wonder why #unorganizedmilitia haven’t acted already), in order to re-establish the rule of law in this country. God used to tell his people what to do: go, destroy, possess the land.
Mar 30 6 tweets 1 min read
@AaronInWriting That there is antichrist, devils, demons, evil spirits is a given if you believe in the scriptures. The whole focus on eschatological events seem a waste to me, unless it is the 70s, the ‘rapture’ is almost here, and you scare up new converts like Hal Lindsey generation did. smh @AaronInWriting The devil will use who he will use. It’s not a political Left or Right thing. Whether left, right or center, politically, evil spirits exist and exert influence. Can we just be about our Father’s business? If a great deception is to happen, how does that relate to our mission?
Mar 15 5 tweets 2 min read
@MarkGrote Unfortunately many in the “apologetics ministries” engage in character assassination and guilt by association rather than upholding & explaining rationally their theological positions as being “right” against another position as “wrong”. False teachers of another kind? Fruit?!

@MarkGrote Let me add, that me putting some “apologetic ministries” in quotes in itself is an aspersing of them (i.e. a character assassination), just as if I called them “heresy hunters” or labeled in some other way, OSAS, Calvinists, Hyper-grace, Pharisees, Sadducees, & false teachers,etc
Mar 12 9 tweets 2 min read
@MarkGrote So is your interpretive hermeneutic to filter all water baptism thru the lens of Acts 1:5? Yes, there is a distinction between John’s baptism and the baptism of Christ. And yet, Jesus/His disciples baptized in water more than the John (John 4:1-2), but not in the Holy Spirit. @MarkGrote So Jesus was water immersed. His own disciples baptized just as John did. John was Elijah to come and the voice preparing the way for the Messiah (Mk 1:3;9:11) How so? Does repentance from sin play an important role in preparation to become born again and receive the Spirit? Yes.
Mar 12 4 tweets 1 min read
@Truth_matters20 Ok Danny. The canon is what we take as authoritative. Nonetheless, what the primitive church in the 1st&2nd centuries, who were direct disciples of the apostles, informs us historically of the faith & practice at that time, before Augustine & Constantine. @Truth_matters20 Those direct disciples of the apostles surely had something to say, no? Yes, they did, and it is recorded history. YES, throw out bad RC doctrines corrupting influence, but don’t fail to look further back to see what was believed and practiced by those closest to the start.
Mar 12 9 tweets 2 min read
@MarkGrote Mark, please review this audio recording. The earliest church history evidence is of water baptism, and has been the continued practice ever since until the Renewal/Great Awakening movements where the whole ‘come to the altar, say a sinners pray’ started.

@MarkGrote The most important thing is for the individual to be 1st renewed, regenerated, born again from above by the Spirit, and 2nd subsequently (or simultaneously) to receive the Holy Spirit to indwell them, often called the baptism of the Holy Spirit. These events may be separate.
Mar 11 9 tweets 2 min read
@AaronInWriting Why do you mock others people faith? Must you prove yourself to be right and all others wrong? What spirit are ye of?

The writings of the 1st&2nd century church practice never invalidated water baptism, until “renewal” and “awakening” revivals much later.

@AaronInWriting Where in Bible is Holy Spirit received into a disciple when they go up to the altar & say a sinners prayer or answer an altar call? The Holy Spirit is of upmost importance, Rom 8:9!
What does John 14:21,23 & Acts 5:32b tell us?

Jan 28 8 tweets 4 min read
@AaronInWriting Do we dare deny the legacy of who the Father is from His Biblical record of Himself where we refashion the Lord after the image of the Son Jesus Christ as ONLY being meek, mild, & turning silently the other cheek? His cross is the ultimate Champion’s victory, not a wimpy One

@AaronInWriting Possessing the Land by the people of God was not automatic, but required coordinated loving faithful obedience (allegiance) to their God and King, the LORD. They had to fight to dispossess & possess the land, to possess the Gates of the enemy (the seats of power).

Nov 21, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
@jdruva41 @joecast50967150 Not so. Using James 2:10 like that is part of the deception of “sin” which hardens your heart. Read John 5:16-17 and tell me what is a “sin unto death” and a “sin not unto death”? Then read 1Cor 6:9-20.

Not all sin is the same as another.
Some leads to death. Some eternally.


@jdruva41 @joecast50967150 Even reject, lust against, quench, grieve, resist, insult, lie to, blaspheme of Holy Spirit, shows there is a progression and differing outcomes for these sins.
That which is not of faith is sin.
He who knows to do good, and does it not, it is sin.
Not all sins are the same.


Nov 20, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
@Ewelsh16 @1984_nate @BBehnke84 @13thconcept_ @JingoJango6 Hold on: Notice in 1Jn 5:13 it says “these things”? Context. Those who are to know have “the witness” in them. What witness? (V6-10) And going further back, what are they doing? Overcoming v4-5, Loving God & loving Others & keeping His commandments v1-2,4:19-21
@Ewelsh16 @1984_nate @BBehnke84 @13thconcept_ @JingoJango6 And in v11-12 the eternal life is “in the Son”, so it would be pretty darn important to make sure one was “in the Son” or they wouldn’t have eternal life. Cf. John 15:1-14. They must abide, or be “cut off”. Abide=continue, remain. No Son, no eternal life. No abiding, cut off.
Nov 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
@thomasitsok I could see how that might happen, yes. I think I hear what you are saying. But our faith must carry us thru, based on a, dare I say, “mystical” or “spiritual” or “experiential” knowledge of Him that we cannot deny is real. That He is real. They we would die before denying Him. @thomasitsok A relationship is something experienced that you know first hand. It is not merely in words, or memorized phrases, or doctrinal statements, creeds, systemic theologies, or propositional truth affirmed to mentally. You must be born again. HE must live INSIDE of you.
Nov 11, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
@deadwithchrist @SavedAtHisDeath Yes, “after”, but that passage does not say how long afterwards before the Ephesians were so “sealed” after hearing and trusting, nor what other mechanisms were involved (if any).

Does belief as the devils do result in regeneration & infilling of Holy Spirit, James 2:19?
@deadwithchrist @SavedAtHisDeath Isn’t it curious that so many rely upon this verse to prove to themselves they must be “saved” because they were “sealed”, and yet entirely ignore His other “seal” for them to “depart from iniquity”?

2/ Image
Nov 6, 2023 32 tweets 6 min read
@thomasitsok @biblelinemin I believe the Bible is clear in that regard:
Yes it is possible, but we’d have to qualify what is a “Christian”, “salvation” & “sin”

Are they a “true Christian”?
Perhaps not

What is “salvation”?
Justified only?

How do we define “sin”?
Jam 2:10
But 1Jn 5:16-17
& Rom 14:23b
@thomasitsok @biblelinemin The ‘children of God/The family” cult redefined “sin” so much so that “flirty fishing” by female members sleeping with outsiders to induce them to believe & follow Christ “in the name of love by faith” was no longer “sin”.

But, not all sin is the same (see prior verses)
Nov 5, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
@sheaSwatson If I answered no, you would quote
1 John 1:10, and say Jesus is perfect.

If I answered yes, then would you quote James 2:10, and say Jesus is perfect.

The verses in the graphic still stand, either way, whether I am condemned or justified.

@sheaSwatson Jesus is perfect. Christ Spirit is supposed to have renewed us, transferred us from darkness to the Kingdom of Love, and filled us with His Holy Spirit.

If He was holy, how is it we are not to be holy as well? We are to so walk!

Nov 3, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
@CuttingStraigh1 @jojofinger For OSAS, 1 Cor 15:1-4 is the end-all, “check-the-box”, “you’re-in”, “all good now, live your life” without regard to the expectations of what is SUPPOSED to happen to the SINNER and how they are to NOW live their lives as SAINTS because they are CHANGED to follow Christ 2Cor5:17 @CuttingStraigh1 @jojofinger For some, 1 Cor 15:1-4 is the ONLY GOSPEL to the exclusion of whatever any other New Testament author wrote, as if those other writers were at odds with true gospel. Instead of affirming, and seeing the other NT writers as complimentary, they are put at odds against Paul.
Oct 31, 2023 28 tweets 15 min read
@dearlyseye Christ thru the preaching of the good news is calling disciples unto Himself. He requires absolute surrender of the individual to follow Him as their Lord. He also requires continued obedience to Him to remain in Him. He forgives & sets free from sin.
John 15:1-14 or be “CUT OFF”

@dearlyseye Look, I affirm 1 Cor 15:1-4.
But that can’t be the only thing preached to convert a novice believing disciple, right?
Who is Jesus Christ who they believe in? Deity/Godhead?

Even Muslims believe Jesus existed and was a prophet per Quran/ Mohammed.
Oct 20, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
@xTheGoodNews The early Pentecostals & the Wesleyan Holiness (pre-1906) would talk about a “2nd work of Grace” for
“entire sanctification”. These ideas of holiness and “baptism”/filling of Holy Spirit was merged together somewhat after Azusa Street (1906) by some.
@xTheGoodNews The point is, there was a time when theologians could perceive that people were “born again” (renewed) BUT not yet BAPTIZED/FILLED by the Holy Spirit. They were “born again”, but had not received the POWER after the Holy Spirit “came upon” them yet.
Aug 15, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
@breaaaannaaaaa @Tyloxs1 This same Lord God, the Holy One, devised the covenants with Abraham, but also with the Patriarchs, and later Moses. He shows Himself intolerant with sins and iniquity of those with a covenant and those without one.
Even Moses, escaping Egypt did not get into the Promise Land. @breaaaannaaaaa @Tyloxs1 So this same Holy God, who destroyed His chosen Elect— those He called “sons” (Israel & Judah), and those who called His betrothed, over their unrepentant sins — their whoring and idolatrous adultery, this same God, no longer cares about you sinning?
May 29, 2023 31 tweets 12 min read
@Kamva_InRealLyf The mindset “I’m just a sinner saved by grace” is part of the problem.

Those in Christ, who follow Christ’s Spirit as Lord, are to live out righteousness, and are saints, not sinners.

The verses which ad “to be” saints are in error (“to be” added by translators).

@Kamva_InRealLyf Ephesians 5:3 (NKJV): 3 But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints;

Do a word study on “saints”. Also notice the italicized words “to be” and realize those words are not in the Greek text.
