PR Consultant & Founder of @ariatuPR -
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Mar 12, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Black women are undermined, ridiculed, erased, disrespected, minimised, insulted and abused so often that society sees it as normal.
They expect us to take it and move on.
The hatred permeates all areas of the spaces that we navigate.
And it does not matter how hard you work or what social ranking you have. None of that matters, in fact our value should not even be tied to those factors but capitalist thought made us believe that the harder we worked the more respect we would earn. That is false.
May 16, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
So if my husband has an estimated net worth of $175 million and my net worth is $40 million we should split all the bills 50/50?
You mean to tell me that marrying a multimillionaire doesn't mean that I can stop checking the electricity meter?
May 15, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Has Shereé always been so...uhmmm...uncomplicated?!
Sanya is NOT a good friend.
She's a social climber and people pleaser. #RHOA
May 8, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
In our conversations about colonialism I think it's important to remember that African nations had (and have) their own caste systems which are pre-colonial.
In Nigeria for example: Abolition of Osu, other caste systems gets Delta monarch’s backing
"They are also banned from traditional leadership positions and elite groups, and often prevented from running for political office and representing their communities in parliament."
That Channel 4 report about the Ukrainian refugees "struggling" to integrate here because there are "too many" Black and Asian people is absolutely not surprising at all.
There are schemes in place in which people are even volunteering to give them diversity training.
I might not make it through the gates of heaven but there is absolutely no way that I would be able to do that. I know my limitations. But good luck to everyone involved.
Jan 24, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Since the end of the pandemic lockdowns more Brits have been retiring early and the powers that be are panicking...👀…