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she/her || danmei || ao3: || tumblr: ronniexian
May 19, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
"I didn't know where else to go."

But it's post 33-lashes LWJ showing up at the Burial Mounds

He's recieved by a WWX whose mind is slightly clearer, and who pales upon seeing the state LWJs in

When LWJ stumbles forward, WWX hurries to catch him. He sees LWJ's back n goes numb "Who did this to you?" WWX is seething

"Punishment," LWJ says simply


His first instinct is to rage, to march all the way to the CR and make them /pay/. But A-Yuan is burning up a fever inside the cave behind him, and LWJ has gone limp in his arms
Nov 26, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
thinking of professor wwx who starts having morning classes after years teaching only at night

he tries, he really tries to be on time, but it's too damn early and so wwx is late every time lucky for him the professor from across the hall, who's always at his classroom an hour earlier, sees on the first day that the students are alone and goes to stay with them because university rules dictate the classroom should not be left unattended with unsupervised students
Sep 24, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
#wangxian general wwx comes back from a dangerous campain which he only won because he was extremely reckless.

He has to report to prince lwj, whose face goes somber as he hears just how close he was to losing his wei y-- the general.

They end up arguing about it right there. Wwx came straight from the battle field. He's still in armor, dry blood on the side of his face. He's aching all over but the need to see lanzh-to report was just too strong

And now the prince's passive aggressively arguing with him when there's not even abroken bone in his body
Sep 22, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Post canon wwx slowly building a sense of self-worth, where before he'd keep going no matter how injured, and now, after years of his husband and son (and brother!) instilling into him that he matters, feels comfortable enough to voice his pains, this wwx one day sprains his anke and proceeds to demand lan zhan carries him everywhere the next several days. Lwj, ofc, is more than happy to oblige. He tends of his wei ying's ankle first, making sure nothing's broken, then hoists his husband up, a hand strategically placed on wwx's 🍑, for safety.
Sep 4, 2022 27 tweets 5 min read
Some kind of #wangxian au where WY's fairy godmother (NHS) hears him mumbling in his sleep about his ideal boyfriend and proceeds to teleport LZ, from his house across town, right into WY apartment. WY wakes up to a handsome stranger staring, nay, glaring, at him. He stares back for the few seconds it takes for his brain to process what is happening, then he whelps and jumps out of the bed.

"Who the fuck are you? What are you doing in my bedroom?"
Aug 25, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
cw : mcd

LWZ has been with his Wei Ying for 65 years, that's longer than their son has been alive, together since 15. It's been a beautiful life, with the ups and downs of growing up, but every moment worth living for.

And now, it seems, it's time to say goodbye Any regret has long since been forgotten, no sorry, no thank you. They did what they had to do, and they loved each other through it all.

As he sits on the slightly uncomfortable hospital chair, holding WWX's cold hand between his, LWJ reminisces about the past few years.
Jun 20, 2022 23 tweets 4 min read
Genderbend #wangxian

Thinking Fem!yllz sitting on her throne of skulls, surrounded by pretty ghost girls who giggle and twirl their hair, some of them sitting by her feet, some on the arms of her throne some behind her, some serving her wine, when hgj comes to see her in Yiling. WY's sitting sideways, and, at first she's subconsciously sits up when LZ arrives. She smiles big bright and greets LZ with a cheerful "Jiejie!"

LZ, ofc, doesn't smile back. WY never expected her to, but she's so genuinely happy to see LZ that she can't help but to let it show.
May 31, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
early stages #wangxian in which lwj takes wwx out to overly expensive restaurants every week and wwx keeps kind of repaying it with his body, like, he just basically lays there and lets lwj do whatever he wants, and it's still good, much better than anyone else it's just... meanwhile, lwj has to keep grinding his teeth as snobbish waiters with fake french accidents mispronounce their names while also looking down at him when he declines the wine they suggested he should pair his dish with.
May 18, 2022 90 tweets 16 min read
with the combined efforts of lxc and jc, wwx and lwj get into jinlintai, wwx's paperman finds nmj's head, which pulls him into empathy, but thankfully, wwx manages to come back to lwj, and together they confront lianfang zun.

things do not go badly, they also do not go well. through a sequence of ill-fated events, qin su dies, lwj's identity is exposed in a room full of cultivators and he ends up mildly stabbed by su she of all people.

he's barely conscious when wwx whisks him away to lotus pier, and not conscious at all when they finally get there.
May 4, 2022 242 tweets >60 min read
okay but #wangxian au where, before jyl has the chance to push wwx away at nightless city, lwj jumps between wwx and the sword coming his way.

the random cultivator ends up running lwj through.

he dies in front of wwx. wwx lets out a piercing scream, nightless city goes dark as it's involved by uncontrollable resentful energy.

but it only lasts a second, then it's gone.

wwx passes out.

jyl and jc act fast, they take wwx and sneak him back to lotus pier
Feb 16, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
LQR goes to visit his nephew for the first time since Wangji moved to a new city. It's meant to be a surprise, LWJ is not expecting him, but LQR knows where he lives, and surely he can get there. Except his phone dies the moment he arrives in the city. #MXTXReverseTropeFest He should never have listened to his nephews when they told him to store all his information in that unreliable device! He should've written Wangji's address on the appointment book he's been using for the past 5 years until he let himself be convinced technology was trustworthy.