Cubby 🗝️🧀🇸🇻🇺🇸 Profile picture
Designer focusing on brand, banking and Bitcoin. Opinions mine.
Dec 19, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
I'm taking a break from the incessant packing, re-packing, paranoia, etc as we prepare for our move to El Salvador. This means y'all get a thread.

Why single male Bitcoiners should try to meet a Russian "mail order bride" in 2024, and why they should marry her in 2025. Yes, frequent readers, I am not only moving internationally I'm also moving my Russian "mail order bride" fiancee with me and planning a wedding.

So, why Russian?

Do you admire femininity, beauty, intelligence, worth ethic, traditional family values?…
May 13, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
I’ll come out as one cautious but largely supportive of this take. I’m writing this from my individual point of view, not a custodian point of view. 🧵 If you haven’t been outside the US or EU to a developing country, or if you have but stayed in a nice part of a big city or a hotel/resort, you may want to listen before you speak. To help, imagine this:
May 11, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
RARE design tweet from me:

If you're just starting out in your career, the best thing you can do is learn grid/unit design. This is a fantasic film: The Vignellis are very compelling. Massimo, in particular, controls the grid and in doing so, he controls taste. He is probably the most important designer of the last 120 years.
May 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
For those of you who follow me & know my background in politics, you won't be surprised--but Trump killed it tonight in the townhall. CNN eviscerated itself & DJT showed agility/acuity at almost 80 years old.

Regardless of policy, I hope I have his presence at 76. He achieved this, again regardless of politics, by avoiding alcohol and through constant engagement with complex business deals. It's a good thought for keeping fresh: stay sober, engage yourself, have a sense of purpose beyond your own life.
May 8, 2023 43 tweets 10 min read
//Searching for housing in El Salvador, outside San Salvador, or: a thread worth the bookmark//

Nowhere is perfect, and everywhere has its tradeoffs. One of the big one for ES: it's über hard to locate quality rentals/for-sales bc most of ES lives in SS or Santa Ana:…… Note: since Twitter murdered my last thread about Costa Rica, I am going to write this in real-time and post one-by-one. Get it together,

Jan 31, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
If my last thread goes viral like my previous one, all I want to tell y'all is that you should get in touch with @josebitcoiner. This is a man with a dream who is working really hard. He's kind and fun to be around, and there's some mystery with Colombian Coffee.

Continued: Up until the last 6ish years, Colombians were forced to sell all their beans to the Colombian coffee federation (idk the proper name). This shorts the farmers and produces a lot of average coffee.

You've never really had Colombian coffee until you're in Colombia due to rules.
Jan 31, 2023 33 tweets 8 min read
For the last month or so, my girlfriend and I have "tried out" life in Medellin, Colombia. This thread covers why we tried it, what we found, what we liked, & why we likely won't live there.

Focus: cost of living, taxes, digital nomad visa, quality of life.

Rating: 8/10 WHY WE TRIED IT

In 2022 October, Colombia introduced a Digital Nomad visa. To qualify, you need ≈$840 a month income iirc. In our case, with a Russian national and a "software dev" salary, this isn't cheap but is OK. Other countries like Panama, CR/etc want $2k to $3k income.
Nov 21, 2022 53 tweets 13 min read
THREAD covering jurisdictional arbitrage, current plans, future actions, etc with a Bitcoiner twist.

Includes: our rationale, huge amounts of research, links, etc. For those who have been attending Bitcoin Happy Hour for a while, you'll know that I'm very interested in jurisdictional arbitrage. Tonight, we took the first step in that process: my girlfriend (Russian) will be moving to Medellin, Colombia in about five weeks. Why Colombia?