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CS PhD @stanfordnlp on AI & Education: improving lives through learning🌲 prev: MIT 2020, Google Brain, Google Brain Robotics, @allen_ai
Jul 24 6 tweets 3 min read
We talk a lot about the potential of AI for applications, like AI for Education.

But actual progress requires that we hill-climb on realistic, hard tasks. Are there any?

🔽 Bridge, Backtracing, and Teacher Coach are 3 real-world AI for Education datasets that are far from saturated! [1] Can LMs help K-12 students with math mistakes? It's NOT enough to just reveal the right answer to them!

🌉 Bridge:

Input: Real conversation with student
Output: Response to student mistakes
Metric: Pairwise comparison w/ expert teacher response…
Apr 25, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
How can we algorithmically figure out what our model doesn’t know, and then construct datasets to improve it?
We tackle this question in “Know thy student: Interactive learning with Gaussian processes” at #ICLR2022 @cells2societies workshop.
[1/N] We cast this problem as a teacher-student setup where the teacher must first interact to diagnose 🧪the student (the model), before teaching 👩‍🏫(constructing the training dataset).