How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App can read the report about this segment in the @libertytimes below. Based on the YouTube documentary released last night, what the CCP-funded media Strait Herald director said suggests New Party and KMT could be CCP proxies doing CCP's work in Taiwan., while it might seem the Chinese are less concerned about what's happening in Xinjiang, these protests indicate that the Chinese do care. We might not be able to extrapolate the reasons as to why, but there is solidarity., voters are tired of @DPPonline using China's threat to hold them hostage, while their concerns over their livelihoods & social issues are sidelined & while DPP continues to act like the KMT in favoring businesses over workers. DPP's little differentiation turned voters off."But then for younger workers, they started entering the workforce during a time when wages stagnated and do not have the same opportunity to see their wages grow, so there is a massive gap between those above their 40s, and those below their 40s," he said.""Putin decided to repeat what US did with Iraq, but did not consider that the reaction to the aggression of an authoritarian empire against a more democratic Eastern European republic would be so different...This allows us to finally put an end to such politics around the world.""Beijing could say, “Hey, Russia, you still sell weapons to India? India is not friend of China, so you should stop.” But the response I often got..was, “In 2014, before the first Ukraine war, [Russia was] overly exposed to the West, yet were able to stand up and push back." supports Russia's propaganda and helps prop it up economically against the sanctions, then threatens countermeasures against others:“I am not leaving because I refuse to accept it,” he told the Journal. “I won’t accept the killing of civilians or the distortion of truth. I refuse.”"The pilots were asked what they thought about Putin's claims that Ukraine was run by neo-Nazis.