Ryan O'Connor Profile picture
Lawyer/Partner at GTA law firm. Lover of Liberty, Politics, Public Policy, Travel, and Food. Kid from Durham Region.
2 subscribers
Aug 21, 2024 25 tweets 4 min read
🧵Today, I appeared in Provincial Court and successfully secured a withdrawal of charges - in the middle of trial - on behalf of a client facing $8,135 in fines for allegedly failing to use the ArriveCAN app returning from Europe in *September 2022*.

Here's what happened: 2. My client was charged on September 16, 2022. This was two weeks before the Liberals made ArriveCAN voluntary. Instead of the Crown declining to prosecute these cases, they are still being scheduled for trial.

My client ultimately waited a year to be assigned a trial date.
Jan 29, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Fascinating to return to Former Attorney-General David Lametti's posts about the Emergencies Act from 2022, during which he insisted that his invocation of the Act respected the Charter, after the Federal Court held last week that some emergency orders were unconstitutional 👇 2. Lametti's Claim:

Emergencies Act needed because blockades and the Ottawa protest threatened public safety Image
Jan 23, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Some fascinating tidbits from the Federal Court's decision holding that the Liberals' invocation of the Emergencies Act during the Convoy in February 2022 was unreasonable, illegal, and partly unconstitutional 👇 2. The Court found that the government's position that the Convoy and other protests presented a national emergency throughout the entire country was an "overstatement" Image
Jan 9, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
🧵 1. I appeared in court today to represent a teenager who was accused of not downloading the ArriveCAN app before returning to Canada. While she faced a $6,000 fine for her alleged non-compliance, I was pleased to secure the withdrawal of the charge. 2. My teenage client drove to the US not to party in Vegas but *to volunteer*. She was charged in *August 2022*, two months before the Liberals stopped requiring use of the ArriveCAN app when entering Canada.

She faced a $6,000 fine for an offence which now doesn't exist!