Ryan Wick Profile picture
Bioinformatician at @TheDohertyInst
Jan 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The Polypolish manuscript had graduated from preprint to peer-reviewed publication!

See this thread for an overview: Peer review brought quite a few improvements, so many thanks to the reviewers! My favourite addition is this new supp figure.
Jan 23, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I just released a new version of Unicycler (v0.5.0) which fixes SPAdes compatibility, drops some extraneous bits and patches a few bugs.

Unicycler is now nearly 6 years old, so here's a thread with my thoughts on its place in the world in 2022.
(1/8) Unicycler is a hybrid (short+long) bacterial genome assembly pipeline that takes a short-read-first approach. I.e. it first makes a short-read assembly graph, then uses the long reads to scaffold the graph to completion.
Oct 18, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
Our preprint describing Polypolish is now up:
Polypolish is a short-read polisher for long-read bacterial genome assemblies. Some highlights from the paper follow in this thread...
(1/12) There are already quite a few short-read polishers out there: HyPo, NextPolish, ntEdit, Pilon, POLCA, Racon and wtpoa. So why did we add to this collection? It's because they nearly all suffer from the same problem with errors in repeats.
Sep 9, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
I've just released (during #MicroSeq2021) a new short-read polishing tool for fixing errors in long-read bacterial genome assemblies: Polypolish!
(1/8) There are many other short-read polishing tools, including HyPo, NextPolish, ntEdit, Pilon and POLCA. So what does Polypolish do differently to warrant another?
Feb 22, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
Excited to announce a new preprint! We did a study comparing two different @nanopore library prep approaches (ligation and rapid) for bacterial genomes with small plasmids:
(1/11) I really like this paper because it has a clear conclusion simple enough to fit in a tweet: rapid preps are better than ligation preps at recovering small plasmids.
Sep 22, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
We've once again updated our paper benchmarking long-read assemblers for bacterial genomes! Take a look at the fresh results here:

Updates since the last version include...
(1/9) New versions of some assemblers: Canu v2.0, Flye v2.8, Raven v1.1.10 and Shasta v0.5.1. My favourite change here is that Flye no longer requires a genome size parameter.
Jul 28, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
I'm releasing a new tool today: Trycycler!

It is for generating a consensus long-read assembly of a bacterial genome.

(1/9) Image I.e. you give Trycycler multiple different long-read assemblies of the same genome, and it produces a single consensus assembly that is better than any of the inputs.

Apr 23, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
The first update to my long-read assembler benchmarking paper is up on F1000Research:

Updates include...
(1/8) The results now include fresh versions of some the assemblers: Flye (v2.6 -> v2.7), Raven (v0.0.5 -> v0.0.8) and Shasta (v0.3.0 -> v0.4.0)
Jan 2, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
New paper for the new year! It compares different long-read assemblers for microbial genome assembly:

Two Twitter threads follow - one about the paper itself and one about my experience with @F1000Research.
(1/n) In this paper, we did a ton of long-read microbial genome assemblies (using both real and simulated long-read sets) to see how the current assemblers perform.
Dec 3, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
I've got a little new tool to share: Minipolish

It does Racon-polishing on a miniasm long-read assembly. Why not just use Racon directly? For a few reasons...

(1/6) Image 1. Minipolish keeps the assembly in graph form (GFA format) whereas Racon produces FASTA sequences.

2. Racon has a nasty habit of sometimes truncating sequences a little bit when it polishes them - Minipolish will repair this.

Aug 13, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
I have a little tool to share, in case it's useful to anybody else:

Nothing too fancy, but if you work with large numbers of bacterial genomes, read on... (1/9) I occasionally encounter a situation where I have lots of genome assemblies, but some are quite redundant. Often because the set contains outbreaks of near-identical genomes. (2/9)
Aug 5, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
I've just put together a quick addendum to our recent @nanopore basecalling paper, looking at different Guppy models and polishing strategies:

It's not long, but if you'd prefer a Twitter-based summary... (1/9) This was our recent paper on basecalling accuracy:

It looked at the performance of basecallers over time and examined both read-level and consensus-level accuracy. (2/9)
Jul 24, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
Guillaume (@phylogeo) has just posted a new paper that we've been working on!

He already summarised it well, so take a look at his thread for an overview:

I only had a few thoughts to add... (1/9) One of the big conclusions is that using more genomes is better when building metagenomic classification databases. More genomes = bigger species pan genomes = better ability to assign reads to a species. (2/9)
Jun 25, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
Our analysis of @nanopore basecalling performance started life as a GitHub repo, and after pupating on bioRxiv for a while, it has now emerged as a manuscript in Genome Biology!

Some highlights and discussion (and requests of @nanopore) to follow... Guppy is a very nice basecaller and it continues to get better as features are added. For 99.9% of users, this is probably the only basecaller they need.
Feb 7, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
I have finally updated my @nanopore basecalling comparison with the current tools! Instead of living on GitHub, it's now a proper preprint:

Some highlights follow...
(1/12) Guppy is my overall favourite. It has good accuracy and lots of features, and (if you can run it on a GPU) is blazingly fast.
Jan 31, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
I've added a section on Medaka polishing to my Basecalling comparison. It did improve assemblies, but not as much as Nanopolish.
github.com/rrwick/Basecal… I also tried a combination of Medaka and Nanopolish (in both orders), but could not improve upon Nanopolish alone.