Roman Sheremeta šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ Profile picture
Chairman of Ukrainian American House | Professor of Economics at Case Western Reserve University | Founding Rector of American University Kyiv
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Jul 26 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Russia is lying about its economic strength: sanctions are working and we need more.

Finance ministers from eight European countries claim that the ā€œrussian government is lyingā€ about sanctions not impacting russian economy.

Letā€™s look into itā€¦

1/n Image 2/ The first point is extremely important- russia is lying, they always do. So, relying on the data reported by russia itself is just stupid. But there are many other data sources that show us an accurate picture.
Jul 25 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
7 more Ukrainian children returned home!

On July 24, 2024, Save Ukraine returned seven Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territories.

Here are their stories:


2/ A 12-year-old girl whose parents serve in the Ukrainian Armed Forces; they searched long for an opportunity to evacuate their daughter, as children of military personnel are closely monitored.
Jul 24 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
ā€œThey tried to make us russians.ā€

Thousands of Ukrainian children were abducted and indoctrinated to be ā€œsoldiersā€.

30 minutes to pack and two days to travel through Crimea to Anapa. This is the route russians use to take Ukrainian children to the aggressor country.

1/n Image 2/ Then begins a targeted campaign to destroy Ukrainian identity, using psychological pressure, lies, and propaganda.
Jul 23 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
Putin is running out of soldiers. To incentivize new cannon fodder, russia has increased the compensation for new recruits to 1.9 million rubles. That's almost 1000% increase compared to what was offered two years ago!

The evidence is mountingā€¦

1/n Image 2/ Over half a million russian soldiers have already been killed in Ukraine.
Jul 20 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
The powerlifting champion of Ukraine and Europe Andriy Mazanovych died defending Ukraine from russians. He will not be able to participate in 2024 Paris Olympics because russians killed him.

2/ Yet, the International Olympic Committee has admitted 15 russian athletes to the Paris Olympics. While Ukrainian athletes are killed by russians, russian athletes are rewarded by the IOC.
Jul 20 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
I have seen too much evilā€¦

In the past two and a half years I have seen too many pictures of crippled children, mutilated dead bodies, parents crying on the graves of their children, and small kids hugging the gravestones of their fathers.

1/n Image 2/ I have seen tortures committed by russians in Ukraine.Ā I have seen prisoners starved to bones in russian prisons.

I have seen so much evil committed by russians that I have become desensitized.
Jul 19 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
This is why the russian athletes should not be allowed at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Meet Elena Vesnina, a russian tennis player from russia who is set to compete in Paris Olympics. Vesnina is one of 15 ā€œgood russianā€ athletes who have been invited to Paris.

2/ Yet in March 2022, Vesnina through her verified Instagram account "liked" a post by russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov, which hailed the "heroism" of three russian soldiers for fighting in Ukraine. In the post, Solovyov referred to Ukrainians as Nazis.
Jul 16 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
The Western support of Ukraine is directly correlated with the amount of blood shed by Ukrainians. Unfortunately, this is true.

1/n Image 2/ Ukraine didn't get tanks, howitzers and MLRS at the beginning of the war. No, Bucha Massacre had to happen first. The Western leaders saw the bodies of executed civilians, heard the testimonies of raped children. The sacrifice was accepted, and the weapons were given.
Jul 4 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
All russians hold a collective responsibility for the genocide of Ukrainian people.

They are accountable for their silence, complacency, and inaction.

1/n Image 2/ The russian dissident and one of the best chess players of all time, Gary Kasparov, said: ā€œThe big debate is whether itā€™s russiaā€™s war or Putinā€™s war. Unfortunately, itā€™s russiaā€™s war. Every russian, myself included, has a responsibility for the crimes committed in Ukraine.ā€
Jul 3 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Any land grab by russia would be a colossal defeat for the world democracy and the beginning of World War 3.

Today, a number of media outlets have circulated Trump's plan to stop russian war against Ukraine.

So, what's the plan?

1/n Image 2/ The "negotiation" is based on the idea of how much Ukrainian territory to give to russia. The idea of such appeasement is completely flawed and would lead to World War 3. And here is why...
Jul 3 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
ā€œOlena Zelenska bought a Bugatti for 4.5 million.ā€

The story was obviously fake, but my question is how stupid would you have to be to believe in it?

1/n Image 2/ Russian propagandists spread a fake about the alleged purchase of a Bugatti Tourbillon car by Olena Zelenska for 4.5 million euros. They fabricated a video of a car dealership employee, about an alleged presentation of a car. They made a fake website and a fake invoice.
Jul 2 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
A truly devastating loss. British volunteer and combat medic Peter Fouche died defending Ukraine. He left behind a 15-year-old daughter.

Pete previously lived in London, where he worked as a policeman. In 2022, Peter came to Ukraine and join the fight against russians.

2/ He helped to create a field hospital. In January 2024, he took the oath and officially joined the Ukrainian Armed Forces as a combat medic.
Jul 1 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Putin is running out of soldiers. The evidence is mounting that russia is finally running out of soldiers:

Over half a million russian soldiers have already been killed in Ukraine.

1/n Image 2/ Since mid-2023, the front has barely moved in either direction, while russian casualties have nearly doubled, from about 600 per day to at least 1,200.
Jun 30 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
The number of sabotage attempts on the European infostructure has increased exponentially in the past two years:

- fire in Ikea in Vilnius inĀ Lithuania
- fire in east London
- sabotage attempt in Bavaria in Germany
- fire attack in Prague

1/n Image 2/ - fire in a metal factory in Berlin
- series of railway derailments in Sweden
- attempt toĀ destroy the signaling systemsĀ on Czech railways
- attack on the interior ministerā€™s car in Estonia
Jun 29 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
Oleksandr Hrytsyuk was captured in April 2022. In January 2024, the relatives were informed that Oleksandr's body had been returned from captivity. He died from starvation and torture.

The whole world needs to here the words of his wife:

1/n Image 2/ "When we arrived in Kyiv on January 25 to identify the body, I was shocked by what I saw. It was a very horrifying sight. What struck me the most was how emaciated the body was. The pathologist said it weighed less than fifty kilograms. Sasha was tall ā€” 180 cm.ā€
Jun 27 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Why so many Ukrainians speak russian? Let me explain.

But first, let me ask you a question: Why do Irish and Scotts speak English, Catalans and Basques speak Spanish, Bretons speak French, etc. You probably know the answer. You probably know the short answer.

1/n Image 2/ But let me put a longer one. Ukrainian language was banned by russia 134 times! Here are most notable events:

1720: A decree by Tsar Peter I banned the printing of books in Ukraine.
1753: A decree by Catherine II prohibited teaching in the Ukrainian language.
Jun 25 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
I block morally bankrupt people.

How do I define morally bankrupt people? People who say the following:

1/n Image 2/ ā€œBoth sides are...ā€ Would you use ā€œboth sidesā€ for a robber/rapist/murderer and the victim? There is only one side ā€“ this war is 100% russiaā€™s fault. They attacked Ukraine and are killing Ukrainian people.
Jun 23 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
My grandfather was right, and I was wrong to doubt him.

Growing up as a child I could never fully understand my grandfather. He told me that russia did a great evil to Ukraine and other nations. But I couldnā€™t fully accept his message.

1/n Image 2/ I was studying in the school during the Soviet times. I was taught how the Soviet army liberated Nazi Germany, how russia allowed for the Soviet Union to fall apart peacefully, how Ukraine got its freedom in 1991 without a fight.
Jun 23 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
ā€œNATO provoked russia to attack Ukraineā€œ
The brainwashed idiots such as Nigel Farage and Jeffrey Sachs continue to repeat russian propaganda that somehow NATO provoked russia to attack Ukraine.

1/n Image 2/ First, the stupidity of this argument begins with plain ignorance. NATO never promised russia not to expand.
Jun 22 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
I am angry.

Today, russian terrorists destroyed my alma mater in my home town of Ivano-Frankivsk. I studied at the Technical University for four years. Many times I had classes in this exact building. Now, russians destroyed it.

1/n Image 2/ My parents live two miles away. This was not a military target, but a. university. In addition, russians damaged 14 buildings, a school, and a kindergarten. To say that I am angry is to say nothing.
Jun 21 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
Wow, what a sobering video of a Ukrainian paramedic responding to an idiotic journalist from Switzerland who askedĀ "Arenā€™t you tired of war in Ukraine? Because weā€™re tired here."

With sarcasm, the paramedic points out the sheer hypocrisy of the question.

1/n 2/ "Everything is fine. Totally fine.Ā Except the fact that my phone list numbers look likeĀ a necrolog. Because half of the people there are dead. And I am not brave enough to delete their names from my phone and my heart. But except this everything is fine."