Refugee Support Aegean (RSA) is a non-profit organisation. RSA is implementing partner of the PRO ASYL litigation project RSPA-Refugee Support program Aegean
May 20, 2024 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
#Thread #detention 2023 #Greece #RefugeesGr
1/10 Greece continues to systematically detain refugees and migrants facing deportation proceedings even to countries where returns are neither feasible nor in line with the country’s international obligations.
2/10 The practice is confirmed by official statistics on return and deportation procedures and on immigration detention for 2023, obtained through parliamentary questions and analysed in this note.
Feb 7, 2024 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
#Thread #Samos #Greece #RefugeesGr
1/15 According to refugee testimonies &information from organisations in the field, disgraceful living conditions prevail in the overcrowded CCAC in Samos, whose construction was 100% financed by the EU.
1/14 Το πλωτό σκάφος της Ελληνικής Ακτοφυλακής ΠΠΛΣ 920 ήταν το πρώτο και μοναδικό σκάφος της που προσέγγισε το αλιευτικό Adriana μέχρι το τραγικό ναυάγιο στην Πύλο, στις 14 Ιουνίου.
2/14 Το σκάφος του λιμενικού προσέγγισε το Adriana στις 22:40 και παρέμεινε στην περιοχή, σύμφωνα με την ανακοίνωση της Ακτοφυλακής - δηλαδή περίπου για 3,5 ώρες πριν ναυαγήσει.
1/12 After the devastating floods in Thessaly, which left many people homeless, the government announced on 11 September that the flood victims would be accommodated in the refugee structure in Koutsochero.
2/12 The refugees residing there were suddenly transferred to other structures in the mainland, within a day, without warning and without even being able to take all their personal belongings with them.
#Thread about the situation in the structures in the Eastern Aegean islands
1/15 The situation that prevails in the Closed Controlled Access Centers of the Eastern Aegean islands is extremely worrying. The EU-funded structures are overcrowded.
2/15 Most of them currently accommodate many more people than their nominal capacity - most notably on #Samos, where this capacity has been exceeded by 60%.
Aug 23, 2023 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
#Thread about the #fires on #Evros #Greece #RefugeesGr
1/15 While the situation seems to be out of control with fires burning across a large part of Greece, from Evros region to Parnitha in Attica, the tragic human toll currently includes 19 confirmed dead refugees on Evros.
2/15 At the same time, the fires have destroyed and threaten vast forest and residential areas, many of which have been evacuated. The evacuation of the Alexandroupolis hospital at dawn on Tuesday is characteristic.
#Thread ένας μήνας μετά το #ναυάγιο στην #Πύλος #Ελλάδα
1/13 Επικρατεί σκανδαλώδης σιγή από τις αρμόδιες αρχές ως προς την ενημέρωση για τις περιστάσεις του ναυαγίου &τη διερεύνησή τους σε σχέση με πράξεις ή/και παραλείψεις των αρμόδιων ελληνικών λιμενικών αρχών και της @Frontex
2/13 Η Υποστήριξη Προσφύγων στο Αιγαίο (RSA) ανέλαβε από τις πρώτες μέρες τη νομική συνδρομή και εκπροσώπηση επιζώντων του ναυαγίου, καθώς και συγγενών θυμάτων.
Thread 1.| Protests and strikes today in #Lesvos, #Chios, #Samos, #Leros, #Kos against the presence of #hotspots and the plans for new closed reception and detention centers. All the trade associations and local authorities call for the protest. #OpentTheIslands#Refugeesgr2. The main tone is that the local population is angry with the situation and the negligence of the government. In ##Chios & in Lesvos a lot of people participated in the protests. The officials' speeches were pointing the need to stop the new centers and this inhuman situation