How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App distraction by the Civil War crushed the momentum of the first wave of Prohibition and then a second furor in the last half of the 19th century faded with the introduction of beer the problem with an RV poll with self-selecting LV on enthusiasm is that your LV screen won't look right bc you're letting respondents determine it. On top of that, the implication with X% are enthused is that you are saying turnout will be like 70% of all RV the new expanded child tax credit for instance - polling has shown that it's on the more popular end, but a majority alsp want to end it. Those that received it do not want it as much to end, but which group do you listen to in this instance mention this example a lot but check out Johnson county, KS: Trump is right in line with the historical trend starting from HW Bush but Romney was a huge overperformance