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Ukraine in NATO, now! Expel Russia out of the @UN Security Council or disband the @UN. Decolonization and defederalization of Russia is the way.
Feb 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Russia suffers devastating losses at Vuhledar. The Russian winter widely-advertised offensive may end up being "costly and brief." It will be interesting if Russia begins breaking at some point the way it already did in Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumi, Kharkov, and Kherson Districts.

Burning the reminders of machines in the renewed offensive will lead to the impossibility to clutch onto the occupied territories.
Feb 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
War widows in Donbas whose husbands were recruited and died for the Russian world, thank an organization that gave them fur coats. "Not everyone probably thought that there would be such an opportunity." That's not abt the opportunity to exchange husbands for fur coats, surely... Idk how to interpret it; I think it's safe to say poverty, plus that they didn't expect to be compensated or be remembered about even in this way. This is perceived by them as an act of care. It would also appear that the organization that gave fur coats isn't the government.
Jan 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Simply evil. Does @georgegalloway not understand that Bakhmut is Ukraine? Ukrainian citizens live there. Ukrainians defend it. Russian assault of Bakhmut is a tragedy and crime. It's unconscionable what Russia did to Bakhmut. You're so evil you can't even pretend to be impartial, can you, @georgegalloway?

Every Russia's taking of a Ukrainian city must be reversed and paid for, Georgie. In reparations.
Jan 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Looking at these, I think the main problem of the Russian opposition is that it didn't accept the reality that it is out of the country for good.

Maybe in 20 years like Solzhenitsyn some of them will travel the train from Vladivostok, but it's always better to assume the worst. What's wrong with the last thing is that, as some Ukrainian said, "Russians still think we're joking when we say Crimea is Ukraine."

Meanwhile, Crimea IS Ukraine, whether you like it or not.

Jan 23, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Navalny's person Pevchikh wants to write a book in response to the question whose Crimea is. Pevchikh is an abhorrent douche. @pevchikh, you are a fascist.

Simply put, Russia has no chances to survive as a country with this kind of opposition. Navalny said everything he ever wanted to say, including in prison, which he himself highlighted in his posts. He would find ways to signal his position. That he didn't do so means it didn't change, and it was roughly that no Russian politician will agree to give away Crimea.
Jan 23, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Human rights abuses are routine in the Russian occupied territory of Ukraine. Russians made a dentist record his apology for "Ukrainian propaganda" as he condemned the actions of the Russian troops. They force him now to work for them for free. @amnesty u up? Why is RU on @UN SC? @codepink @medeabenjamin @jeremycorbyn any comment from you, fools?
Jan 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Russian protest. "You crucify freedom, but the human soul doesn't know chains." 🤦‍♂️

It was worth it to write this long overwritten ornamental slogan in Russian and employ dozens of people to hold it?

Who does it address? Russians agreed on something 😹

I bet things like "Russia, get out of Ukraine" and "Crimea is Ukraine" were too complicated to agree on. Freedom crucified and we don't know chains are a different matter.
Jan 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Geopolitics back to normal is Russia's victory. Scholz wants Russia's victory and business as usual. Just say it like it is. What's the point of tiptoeing around Scholz and pretending like business as usual, as though Russia didn't and doesn't daily commit the Bucha atrocities, isn't Russia's victory?
Jan 18, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Should we try and open a sort of think tank discussing ways in which Russian-locked colonized nations are aspiring for independence? Discussing partitioning of Russia? Do you know who might be interested? In financing such a think tank in particular, plus experts? Think tanks are result-driven. What is the intended result?

Result is an agglomeration of happy prosperous states governed locally by the people, pursuing the horizontal governance over the Putin's "vertical of power" and rigid centralization.

The scope is de-imperialization.
Jan 13, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Some of the Russians killed in Ukraine posted on social media aggressive statements before dying. "I personally will reduce your neighborhood in Jewdesa (sic) with artillery to rubble." "Listen here, Northern Kazakhstan used to be part of Russia. It was built by the Russians. Russians live in Northern Kazakhstan. Question, on what ground did Kazakhstan steal and appropriate those lands after the USSR collapse?" Etc.
Jan 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Why does @nytimes publish Russian fake news and awards Russia with a victory when Russia practically razed a 10K town to the ground?

Why does @nytimes seek to diminish the Anglophone society's support for Ukraine?

@nytimes fire your Russophiles and hire Ukrainians. Image @nytimes is doing with Russia what it did with Trump's rule: NYTimes legitimizes both, making it appear that the language of "contested town" is appropriate.

Questions are what's significant in this occupation. Taking a district capitol, NYTimes, would be significant.
Dec 6, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Commenters to this literally denying young Ukrainians a moment of celebration of life, enjoying themselves, or dance at war. How hateful can you be? What will Ukrainians even think of you? What a fucking shame... The nutjobs compare this dance to the dance of nurses during COVID that enraged far-rights and American Libertarians, who are also far-right. Understand that people elsewhere don't even know, nor do they care, about your local contexts.
Dec 4, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
TW Russian channel Pozdnyakov posts photos of five men hanged. He writes: "Luhansk District. As I am told, they are hanging for being collaborators with the Ukrainian Armed Forces."

In the writing: "He passed on info to the enemy."

Another picture: "Traitor of Luhansk people." ImageImageImage Admit that Russia is a terrorist state. Give Ukraine all the necessary weapons to defend itself, including ATACMS, jets, and Western tanks, and artillery in due quantities. Cap that damned price for oil at $20. Put an end to this. Enough.
Aug 20, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
I like this tweet as it is intriguing, however, Dugina or even Dugin himself don't belong to Putin's inner circles. Dugin is no doubt an influential figure in Russia and abroad among fascists and possibly tankies, but Putin has no respect for writers, doesn't consult them, doesn't listen to them etc.