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"How my lord aches for the flower. How I ache for my lord"
Mar 13, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Attic wife Shen Jiu who is rescued by Bingmei during those five years when he was trying to revive Shen Qingqiu.

Shen Jiu sees an opportunity and seizes it, wasting no time to marry Bingmei...

But then Shen Yuan returns and after seeing his Binghe had replaced him, he dejectedly leaves, not wanting to interfere.

But on his way he meets Bingge who is looking for his shizun...

So Bingge and Shen Yuan join forces to win their respective persons back. However, with all the time they spend together and receiving all of Shen Yuan's kindness and
Mar 13, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
#ranwan modern AU where Chu Wanning, during a rather long work trip impulsively buys a 20cm dildo, since he felt empty just sleeping without having something fill him.

When Chu Wanning reluctantly tells Mo Ran about it during their nightly online "check in" session next day, his husband is thrilled and finds the idea hot. So much so that Mo Ran even convinces him to use it while they were on the call. So Chu Wanning was not worried about the whole thing.

He felt confident, so months later, on a night when Mo Ran was late from work he just stuffs himself
Mar 11, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
#ranwan | cw: underage|

Where Chu Laoshi gets taken by the Mo twins every time he is alone.

Chu Wanning wants to stop them. Wants to tell them that this is wrong.

That he is an old, ugly man and they were high school kids with a future. Which made the whole thing even more shameful as he couldn't hold his own against a couple of children.

But it /was/ very hard. What was he supposed to do when the two boys crowded him on both sides? The older twin with a playful smile on his lips that Chu Wanning /feels/ rather than sees as Mo Ran presses wet
Mar 7, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
|tw: underage|

#ranwan AU where Chu Wanning transmigrates to a role reversed world

Chu Wanning wakes up feeling strange and when he opens his eyes he finds Mo Ran looking down at him.

Looking at him in way no one's ever has before, with eyes so gentle and soft. Chu Wanning is stunned but soon he notices the difference in this reality. Especially how Mo Ran looks much older, his skin a healthy honey colored and physique much larger.

"How's my favorite disciple feeling? You had me worried for a minute there, A-Ning"

Hearing this Chu Wanning
Mar 6, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Xie Lian: Ah, I'm such a dummy. I got lucky that I met Hua Cheng all those years ago, or someone like Hua Cheng would've never even looked at someone like me hahaha

Shi Qingxuan: what-

Feng Xin: Dianxia what the hell???

Mu Qing: wow such heights of delusions

Xie Lian: what? It's not like I'm wrong *awkward laugh* No one would like me like that any way.

Shi Qingxuan: I like you! If I was into more healthy relationships then I totally would've tried to woo you!

Feng Xin: Dianxia, you- you were my first crush *blushes*

Mu Qing: Everyone knows you