Ruth Greenwood Profile picture
Director of the Election Law Clinic, @HLS_ElectionLaw, at @Harvard_Law. Map enthusiast. Political junkie. Ice cream fanatic.
Oct 20, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Not surprised to see the gerrymandered Wisconsin legislature produce another extreme gerrymander as their proposal for the next decade:… This is #NotAFairMap Doesn't matter which metric you use, it's more skewed than around 90% of historical plans...
Apr 25, 2019 9 tweets 5 min read
BREAKING: Michigan plaintiffs win - Michigan maps struck down under federal law as partisan gerrymanders...(am still reading it! read along here..…) #FairMaps @rickhasen @rickhasen Michigan Congressional, Senate, and House maps all have districts struck down and will need to be redrawn. Also note this nod to how *other courts* should handle this question #FairMaps