Ryan Tracy Profile picture
Co-Writer @CapitolAccount. Reach me at rtracy@capitolaccountdc.com #istandwithevan
Jul 28, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Previously unreported emails show Facebook’s 2021 decision to remove posts claim Covid-19 was man-made came as a result of White House jawboning. “We were under pressure from the administration and others to do more”… wsj.com/articles/faceb… We already knew the WH was jawboning FB during 2021 to combat false vaccine info. Internal emails show FB resisted. E.g., it thought the WH wanted takedowns of even humorous posts on vaccine hesitancy. FB worried that would make things worse, perhaps fueling conspiracy theories.
Jul 12, 2019 37 tweets 9 min read
Didn’t watch the “Presidential Social Media Summit” yesterday? I’m emptying my notebook here… There was WAY TOO MUCH to put into a single story last night. This is admittedly selfish because as a policy nerd reporter I rarely get a 45M POTUS speech to cover. And wow was it something! Hopefully you can read this in about 5 minutes.