Ryan Mouque Profile picture
I help golfers shoot lower scores & improve their golf swing by helping you understand your issues & provide proper practice techniques to improve 👊🏼
Mar 2 20 tweets 10 min read
Would you like to hit the ball closer to the hole with your wedges?

This MEGA thread has everything you’ll ever need to become a master inside 100y

I'll also teach you how to hit this shot

🧵👇 Have you ever watched pros on TV hit those wedge shots into the green that bounce once or twice & then STOP immediately?

Well, below is everything you need to hit this shot & control the distance it goes.

We are looking for a low launching, high spinning wedge shot that produces predictable flight, spin & distance control every time.

Let’s dive in
Feb 28 12 tweets 5 min read
Do you want to improve your golf game without it costing you a cent?

Here are 10 drills that will help you using only alignment sticks

🧵👇 1.  Adding Rotation

Take 2 alignment sticks, place 1 in your belt loops & 1 across your shoulders.

Your goal is to rotate your upper body 90 degrees & your lower body 45 degrees. Do this everyday & work on adding rotation.

Grab a golf club & replicate this feel in your swing.
Feb 23 13 tweets 4 min read
Have you ever played the best 9 holes of your life, only to crash and burn on the following 9? (or vice versa)

If you've thought, "Why can't I put two nines together?" You're not alone.

Here’s 5 reasons why you can’t put two 9s together & 4 strategies to help

🧵👇 Even the best players in the world struggle with this. Pros can shoot -4 on the front and +2 on the back, or vice versa. That’s a 6 shot difference and nothing changed in their technique or skills.

So, if they can't always do it, why do you think you should?

Here are 5 reasons why you're struggling to put two solid nines together.
Feb 21 9 tweets 4 min read
If you are struggling with EARLY EXTENSION in your golf swing...

Here are 2 drills that will help you eliminate it...

🧵👇 The first thing you need to identify is WHAT is causing your early extension? Are giving almost 10,000 online lessons, the most common issue that causes early extension is an open club face & a steep downswing.

If you can work on strengthening the face and having the club a little shallower on the way down, that will make these 2 drills below a lot easier to perform

Now that’s you’re aware of what may be the culprit of your early extension, let me share the most common movement that moves the pelvis in towards the ball & the 2 drills I recommend to move away from this pattern

Feb 20 14 tweets 9 min read
Here are 11 ways to improve your game that DON’T require any kind of swing change!

I used these tips to go from a scoring average of 5.25 over par in my first year as a trainee, to holding a +3 handicap as a coach 3 years after.

Use these in your own game to improve.

🧵👇 1.  I stopped focusing on purely swing technique.

Now, I’m not saying swing technique isn’t important, it absolutely is. But at the time, my swing was “good enough” to shoot under par.

Every lesson I had ever taken was focused on making technical changes, & less on skill building. Granted, I wasn’t part of an elite training group which practices in that way, but every lesson I had was all technique.

Once I got out of that technique only mentality, it freed me up to play my natural game. Of course, there were times that my current technique let me down, but I was able to recover & adapt.

If you are someone who needs better technique as you can’t currently hit the ball from A to B effectively, then my advice would be to improve it. If you feel like you are technically pretty good, then maybe don’t keep chasing the “secret” that doesn’t exist.

I would advise you add in more random & competitive practice that replicates shots & situations you’ll face on the golf courseImage
Feb 18 11 tweets 4 min read

It's one of the most common issues that golfers face, just like one of my students here

Here's how we are fixing it

🧵👇 Firstly, here's the movement I want this student to work on


When the centre of mass is behind the hands on the way down, the body is incentivised to stay in posture & rotate to deliver the golf club vs having it across the line at the top & pulling it down steep

More info in the video below
Feb 15 12 tweets 5 min read
Do you want to improve your game WITHOUT changing your golf swing?

Here are 10 ways you can improve when working on the driving range or in a simulator this time of year

🧵👇 1.  Group Your Golf Balls

Split your golf balls up into groups so you can make sure you stick to what you’re doing. If you have golf balls in the bucket or all piled next to you, you’ll just rake & hit.

Splitting up your golf balls into groups of 5 or 10 will help you stick to a plan when working on your game.

Some groups could be for technique work, some for routine practice, some for practicing wedges, some for driver practice, etcImage
Feb 14 11 tweets 5 min read
Do you suffer from the following faults:

- Fat Shots
- Top Shots
- Casting
- No Shaft Lean At Impact

Here’s a student that suffers from all of these & this is how we are fixing them

🧵👇 This student of mine has a movement pattern that I would call “head in front of the ball”.

For context, this student was trying to “start the downswing before the backswing had finished”. Now, I agree with what he was doing, however I wanted to tidy up the upper body.

Here’s why 👇
Feb 13 9 tweets 4 min read
Are you trying to make a swing change & just can't seem to make your swing look any different?

Here's the exact 4 step process I would do to guarantee you make those swing changes you want

Do these & watch your swing change!

🧵👇 Take 20 balls and split them into 4 piles of 5. Each pile serves a purpose, and each phase builds on the last. This structure eliminates mindless range sessions.

Here's the type of training I want you to do with each pile of 5 golf balls

👇👇👇 Image
Feb 11 14 tweets 9 min read
Would like to improve your short game from inside 30y?

Here are 9 essential skills I guarantee will help you become a wizard around the green.

These are very simple & any skill level can do them.

🧵👇 - A Stock Pitch

It’s essential you have a stock pitch shot around the greens. A stock shot could be deemed as the shot you use 80% of the time when on a fairway lie, or even times when you are in light rough.

This would be a medium ball flight with an adequate amount of spin that lands on the green, takes a couple bounces, checks, then releases like a putt.

To play this, I’d have my feet close together, pressure 60/40 favouring the lead side, 60/58 deg or 56/54 deg wedge, ball position middle of the stance, equal backswing to downswing swing length.
Feb 9 13 tweets 6 min read
Do you struggle getting out of bunkers?

Here are some keys shown by Rory McIlroy that you should incorporate in your bunker action

🧵👇 To set the scene, I took this video of Rory at the PGA (Southern Hills). I watched nearly every player in the field hit shots out of this bunker & Rory was HANDS DOWN the best from this spot.

This ball was high, soft & he did it with ease!

Here’s how 👇
Feb 7 11 tweets 4 min read
Would you like a more consistent ball flight?

You need to control this skill...

Here's how to do it

🧵👇 Why is having a functional swing path important?

A poor swing path, either excessively out-to-in (over the top) or excessively in-to-out, leads to hooks, slices, & overall, inconsistent ball flight. Instead of overanalysing your mechanics, you can use external feedback to fix the problem.

Here's how 👇
Feb 6 13 tweets 5 min read
Have you been told to TURN THE HIPS to start the downswing?

If so, you've been told a LIE!

Let me show you what really starts the downswing

🧵👇 Many golfers are under the impression that they should start the downswing with their HIPS...

Unfortunately, this is NOT how you should start the downswing.

Feb 3 6 tweets 4 min read
Do you struggle to rotate your body in the backswing?

If so, here are 4 of the most common reasons golfers struggle with rotation & how to fix it

🧵👇 Image
1. Lead Knee

❌ When golfers attempt to turn in the backswing, if the lead knee moves OUT towards the lead foot, you will severely restrict your ability to turn both the lower & upper body

✅ Instead, allow the lead knee to move INWARD as you turn the lower & upper body. This will allow a lot more freedom to rotateImage
Feb 2 11 tweets 6 min read
Do you want to hit longer drives WITHOUT having to increase your club head speed?

The key to doing this is to increase your ANGLE OF ATTACK!

Here are 8 of the most common reasons you hit down on the ball & what you need to do to increase you angle of attack

🧵👇 Firstly, let’s look at this chart below. What it’s showing us is that even if we keep the same club head speed, the distance you hit the ball is affected by the ANGLE OF ATTACK you have coming into the ball.

If you are hitting DOWN on the ball, your launch angle goes down which means the ball isn’t in the air long enough to carry further than if you were to hit UP on the ball.

So, this thread is all about how to increase your angle of attack so you can hit the ball further

Let’s get into it!Image
Jan 31 11 tweets 6 min read
Are you confused by the JARGON us coaches use when we teach you?

If so, let me help you make sense of the 7 most common terms you might hear (they are actually really simple)

🧵👇 1. Lead/Trail Side

Why don’t we use the words “right & left”? Because we must be mindful of those poor left-handed golfers

Lead side & trail side is used to ensure any golfer can understand what is being spoken about.

Anything on the side of the body that is facing the target would be considered “lead side”. Lead shoulder, lead leg, lead foot, lead hand grip, etc

Anything on the side of the body that is on the side facing away from the target would be considered the “trail side”Image
Jan 29 7 tweets 4 min read
Do you have one of these swing flaws?

- No shaft lean at impact
- Steep downswing
- Slice
- Sway & tilt
- Arms stuck behind

Below are some drills for how to fix each issue in your swing

🧵👇 1.  No Shaft Lean At Impact

- Fault
Hanging back & flipping the club at impact, resulting in no shaft lean, tops, fats, high ball flights, no compression

- Drill
Place hands together and work on exaggerating the feeling of flexing the lead hand at impact to encourage shaft lean. Grab a club and do the same

- Swing
Exaggerate the feel when on a golf ball. You should see a low point that is more forward & a lower ball flight if you are doing this drill correctly
Jan 24 9 tweets 3 min read
Do you want to improve FASTER?

Here are 7 ways you can make your practice more effective & improve at a faster rate than normal.

If you are serious about improvement, you NEED to be doing these.

🧵👇 1.  Split your golf balls up.

If you practice at a range that has poor quality golf balls, grab the worst ones & make sure they are your warmup balls & drill balls. Save the good ones for ball flight feedback & driver practice.
Jan 23 10 tweets 4 min read
This is the most common movement I see in recreational golfers...

It absolutely destroys ball striking & causes the following:

- Over the top
- Flying elbow
- Lead wrist cupping
- Steep downswing

Here's how we fix it

🧵👇 At the top of the golf swing, we want to avoid the upper body "tipping" over towards the target.

You can see that the upper body here has done exactly that via the lines I've drawn.
Jan 21 18 tweets 7 min read
Would you like a SHALLOW downswing?

If you have a steep downswing, here are 5 of the most common reasons why, & how to fix them

🧵👇 1. Laid Off Backswing

One of the most common reasons golfers steepen the club in the downswing is because their backswing is “laid off”

Here you can see a laid off top position. The club is pointing left of the target, the face is open, & the trail shoulder is in “external rotation”

These 3 elements will typically create a steep downswing, mainly due to the trail shoulder moving from too much EXTERNAL rotation into too much INTERNAL rotation
Jan 18 12 tweets 6 min read
Do you want to improve your game without leaving your house?

Here are 10 drills that will help

🧵👇 1.  Coming Over The Top

Instead of swinging slightly from the inside, the upper body starts the downswing which can result in an over the top move, resulting in pulls and slices.

Setup with a wall behind you and make a backswing where the club comes into contact with the wall. In your downswing, practice keeping the club head connected to the wall. If you come over the top, the club head will come off the wall immediately.