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Jun 17 9 tweets 4 min read
NEW: How Labour's plan to push through strategic projects like data centres and prisons can be made to work, by letting the local authorities affected retain 100% of their business rates bills. Image We have a chronic problem with blocking projects that are nationally important but locally inconvenient.

Weak growth, housing shortages, crime, high energy costs, droughts and transport congestion are all downstream of this problem.

Feb 20 10 tweets 4 min read
Here's what I learned reading about Israel's policies that give apartment owners the right to vote to redevelop their buildings into taller, denser developments with more units. 🧵 Image In buildings built before 1980, homeowners can vote on proposals to tear down their older, dilapidated buildings and replace them with new ones. They get newer, bigger, apartments.

Here's the clever bit: the project is paid for with new apartments added to their buildings/plots. Image
Nov 21, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The most likely explanation for this is that the public is self-interested, and understands that a policy that incentivises capital-owners to consume their wealth or put it into distortionary avoidance schemes hurts them in the long-run. Why does the public oppose randomly expropriating the property of people richer than them and 98% tax rates on millionaires? It must be their keen sense of fair play.
Jun 2, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read

"Coasean democracy" – empowering locals to decide on new housing, infrastructure, energy, prisons, and more near them – is the alternative to vetocracy, and the solution to Britain's sclerosis.… The UK industrial price of energy tripled between 2004–21.

UK energy output per person is below France, Germany & the US.

We’re producing LESS electricity per capita than we have at any time since at least the 1980s.

The causes of our economic sclerosis are not hard to find. ImageImageImage
Feb 24, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read

Issue 10 is out now!!

Including articles on:

- Empathy for animals
- Faster infrastructure rollout
- Plastic roads
- Prediction markets in misinformation
- How a baby bust toppled France as a superpower.

And more! Image Most of Europe experienced huge population growth during the Industrial Revolution.

But not France.

If France's population had grown at the same rate as England's, there would be 250 million Frenchmen today.

For the first time, we know what happened.… Image
Feb 24, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
My speech to the Cambridge Union last night on why "this house should prioritise economic growth ahead of everything else".

My case: Economic growth is the Swiss army-knife we need to take on climate change, pandemics, poverty and more. 📈🔬🚀 Short thread with some of the trends I mentioned.

First, GDP per capita versus CO2 emissions per capita. At first, there's a trend of more money -> more CO2, but once we reach the richer world, more and more countries begin to buck the trend.…
Oct 20, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
This govt has obviously been disastrous and I feel chastened for supporting it. I think Truss was right that the UK’s core problem is chronically low economic growth, but the “solutions” of front-loaded tax cuts funded by borrowing, and a blank cheque on energy prices were bad. As we wrote in 2019, you do the hard supply-side reform first, & the tax cuts are the reward. Doing tax cuts first (ones that weren’t even very focused on growth) before getting through things like more housing (if you’re lucky) + energy supply was ADHD.
Oct 12, 2022 8 tweets 6 min read

A special issue on energy abundance, flying cars, & the next technological frontier.

With @elidourado on nanotech, @_brianpotter on the death of personal aviation, @Ben_Reinhardt on our fusionpunk future – and more! Our lead essay is on energy abundance and flourishing.

The West's slowdown coincided with flatlining energy consumption. @Ben_Reinhardt describes a world that prioritises energy abundance & gets us closer to the sci-fi world we once hoped 2022 would be.…
Apr 22, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
This is very good, on the grip on British politics held by NIMBY boomers.

It's probably the best version of this view I've come across: that there is an unbeatable electoral coalition of middle-aged and old people that has no stake in growth or progress.… I have a few thoughts, because I think ultimately I don't subscribe to this view.

1) I think people actually don't vote in directly self-interested ways, usually. Empirically, they tend to vote for what they believe to be in the interests of society / their community.
Mar 24, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The forecast on the right here is nightmarish.

Real wages after tax are forecast to be lower in *five years* than they are today.

We're looking at a second lost decade here. This is catastrophic. Image Nobody in power cares about this.

The govt's agenda is price caps, Brexit, regulating Big Tech, net zero, protecting the green belt, "online harms", the national debt, the "Red Wall", data ethics, cutting immigration, pay gaps, etc, etc, etc.

Economic growth is an afterthought.