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reiki practitioner + psychic medium ☆ | they/she
Apr 22 16 tweets 3 min read

You’re managing. I feel like other people clouded your judgement for quite some time but you honestly took your time to feel confident in your own inner voice again. Kudos to you, Sagittarius. Some of you could really benefit from a lot more physical activity. There’s so much in your brain as well as things sitting on your heart that need to be expressed externally— in a healthy way.
Feb 7 18 tweets 4 min read
Scorpio placements,

You're a gem. The first word Spirit shared with me is 'indestructible.' Although you are very capable of reaching a breaking point, right now? You're solid babe. There have been people + energies praying on your downfall but jokes on them - you're protected. Just because you've dealt with many transformative moments in your life that have shaped your exterior to be tough, it doesn't mean you should always be met with harshness. Especially from those that claim to share love + support with you.
May 27, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
gemini, virgo, sagittarius, pisces 🌱

there are many things, habits & people that sit in the past for you that you will no longer revisit. you might’ve slipped up once or twice in the past but the self-respect has grown immensely. you treasure yourself more, i love that. now, i’m not saying you never respected yourself because that isn’t true — you just had a difficult time when it came to boundaries because of how open + receptive you are & can be.

people took advantage of how willing you are.
May 27, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
aries, cancer, libra, capricorn 🌱

you’re entering a stage of your life that is the most foundational its been for some time. internal work has been done, and that is being reflected into your day to day life. you have let go of sorrow’s and began to see the beauty in the darkest of moments. it hasn’t been the easiest, but nobody said it would be easy. you knew that.

you decided to keep prospering & not give up, that is powerful.
Nov 2, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
november vibes ⊰•*
taurus, leo, scorpio, aquarius

believe. allow the faith in self to hold weight. it seems like there is much transformation, but trust that you’ll be experiencing a lot of transparency too. some things that become clear, may feel unpleasant in the moment. a few days or even hours later you’ll realize in which way it benefited you. there is much to be proud of and much to accomplish this month. you’re thinking about creating more stability in your work life, or just needing more movement. it’s coming.
Aug 10, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
aries, cancer, libra, capricorn ꕥ

truth is, you know exactly what you’re doing right now. wow, you’re so accepting of the wisdom your guides have shared with you and you’ve been listening. you’ve been getting so many feeling were you just ‘know’ things will happen. ꕥ

there’s this beautiful independence that you exude right now. you’re really been getting your shit done and doing exactly what you need to for yourself. you’ve probably been a lot more to yourself than usual to.
Aug 10, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
taurus, leo, scorpio, aquarius ꕥ

truth is, you have no limits right now. there are a lot of finish lines that you’re crossing over the next few months of 2021. you used to lead head first, and overthought quite a lot - but there was strategy to it. ꕥ

you’ve built more mental stamina than you know. but ask yourself - “where do my thoughts limit me and hold me back?” where does this question take you? some of you have energy that is positive with pressure behind it but then you’ll wobbly and can’t sit in that good feeling.
Aug 10, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
gemini, virgo, sagittarius, pisces ꕥ

truth is, you’ve given a lot and the universe is ready to give back. this is a time for abundance and wealth for you. you’ve been walking down a path strongly based on intuition. ꕥ

you weren’t sure about certain directions, but you knew you had to pay mind to your body, mind, and soul. you put certain things on a high pedestal but then realized it had to be replaced. your focus had to be shifted.
Aug 8, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
8/8 | new moon in leo: air signs *゚


so have you found meaning yet? there’s a lot of answers to questions that you’ve been needing to pair together. faith was almost lost, but something, someone- or simply a feeling told you to hold on. *゚

this new moon is helping you bring that vision that crept under the carpet, back into the spotlight. i heard “free the water, let it go.” and then had a vision of someone removing a rock from a river. as soon as the rock was removed-
Aug 8, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
8/8 | new moon in leo: fire signs *゚


anxiety may have attempted to creep to the surface- and for some it did. although, the wave of security you needed washed over you. some of you, this hasn’t happened yet and that’s okay. *゚

there’s a subtle click of energy that has to occur first. you’ll feel it- it’ll be an ‘aha!’ moment. how can you connect with your higher self during this new moon? i see spirit wants to discuss how to use the unity of your mind, body, and soul to your advantage.
Aug 8, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
8/8 | new moon in leo: water signs *゚


accepting change and being comfortable with detachment hasn’t always been your strong suit. there is a lot of release that has taken place recently and triggered a lot. many powerful emotional releases and realizations. *゚

the new moon comes here and brings comfort but also - one of those deep, stern yet informative and guiding conversations. one that you’d have with someone who you connect with so divinely on a mental level. you need one of those right now, and-
Aug 8, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
8/8 | new moon in leo: earth signs *゚


alignment of chakras. you’re proof that productivity, success, and flexibility is attainable. there is a protective glow around you, and true solid boundaries put in place. *゚

you’ve understood what serves purpose and what doesn’t, and you put your needs first. you were fixated on this idea of things were supposed to be, whether it be in a relationship, a job, or with a project.
Jun 17, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
gemini, virgo, sagittarius, pisces :༅。.

hmm, it seems like someone may have been untrustworthy towards you. you trusted them, but that’s changed a little bit. i honestly feel as though the distance between this connection is needed. heavily. :༅。.

some of you were betrayed but others on the other hand- y’all were the ones that left someone high and dry. anyways, the universe is asking that you be a little more strategic in what you do. i say that because you’re trying to get a loooot done right now.
Jun 17, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
aries, cancer, libra, capricorn :༅。.

whew, spirit has been asking you to hit the pause button and some have listened- some haven’t. you’re filling your days with many tasks, or ignoring proper rest. you need that rest right now my loves. :༅。.

i know a lot has been on your mind and you’ve been trying to make the necessary moves for yourself but for some reason you might feel stuck. or maybe certain progress isn’t being made, and you keep pushing.
Jun 17, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
taurus, leo, scorpio, aquarius :༅。.

love is transforming you in various ways. there is a lot of energy here that is focused on the power you bring to the table, as well as feeling solid in who you are and the direction of your life right now. :༅。.

i’m not gonna lie, the energy here feels incredible- although most of you haven’t truly stepped into this power. you’re getting there though. a lot of new opportunities and self-acceptance on the horizon.
Mar 5, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
capricorn 🍃

“i am open and receptive to the abundant flow of prosperity that the universe offers. all my needs and desires are mer before i even ask.”

whew, instant chills. keep your head up, i know you’ve had an interesting past 2 weeks or so.

+ i love how things are changing around you although you might not feel the same. it feels a little unstable, and even maybe making you nervous. even though you feel this way, your subconscious is ready.

Mar 5, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
virgo 🍃

“i trust my gut.”

as you should virgo! the energy here is unwavering. you’re walking into a very solid foundation within yourself and i feel as though this is reflecting on your career/school life as well.

+ plans are being made, and their are going to be multiple opportunities to choose from, so many blessings to come. get ready for this. i feel like there will be a shift within your career/school. definitely for the better, possibly even unexpected.

Mar 5, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
taurus 🍃

“i am safe to be my true authentic self.”

taurus, this is a time of blossoming for you. fill your environment with anything or anyone that brings you uplifting energy. you’re being given a blank canvas, let’s go buy some paint.

+ get creative, express yourself, have fun. find the beauty in things you never have before. you’re safe here, and the world loves it when you’re true to yourself. don’t accept any opportunities that make you feel less, or truly don’t feel as though they’re for you.

Mar 4, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
scorpio 🍃

“i love and accept myself as i am and everything in my life works.”

whew!!!! PLAY LEVEL UP BY CIARA LOL. scorpios, life is about to flip for you. be excited because you’re gonna wanna just dance of joy. you’re shimmying into a new light.

+ big news is coming to you, and this is going to really change a path for you some how. i did mention that cancers were leveling up too- and they are but in an internal way. yours is both internal and in the physical world.

Mar 4, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
cancer 🍃

“i release all negative thoughts of the past and all worries about the future.”

your mindset is shifting. you might’ve fallen into negative thoughts or were battling intrusive thoughts. you’re doing amazing, keep going.

+ now- many of you have already been introduced to this mindset shift and it’s in the works. the progress is truly being made and now you truly know that there is so much good to come in the next few weeks.

Mar 4, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
pisces 🍃

“i am surrounded by love and support.”

wow🥺 the energy here kind of makes me want to cry because it is so sweet and comforting. i keep getting chills. pisces, you are so loved and cherished. know this!

+ it feels like maybe you needed a helping hand with something recently or needed extra reassurance. this reassurance could’ve come from someone else or even self. it was needed because now you’re falling into security again.
