Saeed Afridi Profile picture
International Relations, Security & Energy-Security Scholar with a focus on Central Asia. Interests: History, Travel, Reading & Writing Stories
Pakistan First Profile picture Syed Ali Profile picture Patriotic Devoted Profile picture Tariq Maqsood Khan Profile picture Naveed Malik Profile picture 8 subscribed
Sep 15 5 tweets 1 min read

When facing systemic collapse.. key actors try to strengthen consensus on its foundations.

Pakistan has a novel way of doing this.

Answer currently dreamt up is creating a separate Constitutional Court in a system based on Common Law & ‘Tradition of Precedent’ :)

1/n Reason why Common Law tradition states don't opt for a separate Constitutional Court (a 'Civil Law' derivative) is because Common Law & ‘Tradition of Precedent’ enable such a court to exercise unchecked judicial activism & enable its greater interference in politics & policy

Aug 20, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
Pakistan is a Competitive Authoritarian State mired by a colonial system destined for severe dysfunction every decade or so,when,the Military(primary authoritarian actor) constitutes ‘re-sets’ WITHOUT enabling a transition towards an Independent State(democratic or otherwise)
1/n Due largely to the military's latest mistakes,Pak stands at the precipice of a rare nation-building opportunity
The environment is conducive for 'redesigning' political,legal & governance sub-systems to enable a transition towards an EVENTUAL emergence of an independent state
May 22, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
States experiencing some form of transition from authoritarianism towards democracy live through several important, even pivotal, moments of decision …
Pakistan, well, Pakistan’s Army Chief (COAS), is now faced with one such moment

The aftermath of Imran Khan’s arrest, it manner later deemed illegal, saw widespread protests by his supporters (PTI) in Pakistan and isolated incidents of vandalism & property damage that led to, as yet, 25 citizens killed by the state

Mar 27, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Systems: Pakisan's Judiciary

There is nothing surprising or even unusual about Pak’s Supreme Court's internal divisions.

Pak’s judiciary, lower & upper, has, for decades, been predicated on ‘court packing’; the manipulation of judges’ appointments for partisan ends.

Pak's Current Supreme Court has only a minority of floating or independents judges, the proverbial fig-leaves.
While a majority are nakedly partisan between the main political parties (dominantly PMLn & PPP) & Pakistan's Military.

Mar 21, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read

A populist political leader relying solely on the power & sheer will of the people (voters) is presenting an existential challenge to the Military’s coercive political power as his voters take on the combined might of the state’s institutions

What is being witnessed is Pakistan now SHOULD have happened decades ago …

it’s almost 40 years too late

Dec 4, 2022 31 tweets 5 min read
Since the 1950s, the US remained the dominant external actor in Pakistan & Pak’s Military the dominant internal actor, irrespective of the regime-type.
US sought to ‘control’ key regional policies; if Pak wavered too much, it intervened; a modern ‘subsidiary state’
1/n Pak’s political parties/politicians relied either on the patronage of external actors(mainly US) or the dominant internal actor(military) to form govts..

Without the support of at least one, it was near impossible to form a govt in Pak

Oct 23, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
The following two threads are based on conversations over the past months with officials & senators in the US regarding the mess that has emerged in Pakistan this year ..

I thank you all for the permission, & in some cases, insistence, to write this publically

When Pakistan’s [Pak] former PM Imran Khan (IK) claimed that a US Govt backed ‘conspiracy’ removed him from office, his accusation was met with complete bemusement in the US, esp in the Senate’s Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees [CFR] [CAS].
Mar 31, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
So a mid-ranking US diplomat relayed the US Admin’s displeasure at Pak-US relations & singled out the Pak PM as the obstacle towards any improvement
All fine, a touch condescending perhaps, but that’s because Pak isn’t important in US calculus… but fine
The official went on to clarify that if Pak PM was not removed then Pakistan would have to face consequences

That constitutes a clear threat, BUT nothing unprecedented..past Pak Ambassadors have served as conduits for worse threats.. very post-colonial but true
Mar 31, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
.""ENDURED"" a VidConf with some key Pak "Thought Leaders"
Lessons Learned:

1) Even when facing a Global Pandemic that could kill THEIR OWN family members.. shameless sycophancy, petty politics & confirmation bias were STILL THE MOST important traits among many
2) A sizeable chunk of the 'left wing' press in Pakistan (esp the English speaking contingent), & this includes owners.... seem to be either inhumanly-callous or among the dumbest conspiracy theorists around
Jan 28, 2020 13 tweets 2 min read
Proxy Management:
Seeing the predicament PTM faces in Pakistan today,its important to understand HOW a movement that grew out of populist initial grievances became largely impotent as the Afghan peace process progressed..
This thread will delve lightly into why this happened.. Any asymmetrically powerful state's the use of political proxies within a weaker rival state to further political narratives comes in three distinct stages;
(a) initial alliance goal-congruence
(b) path management
(c) renegotiating an exit
May 18, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
Indus-G Block:
Without making this into an “introduction” to ‘Offshore drilling 101’, let me do this in a very VERY simple way (one we normally take when explaining offshore drilling to “high school” interns who come for a ‘day visit’
So here goes… in the most simplest terms.. offshore drilling has some distinct phases before the decision on extraction can be made..
(1) initial formation reports (seismic etc)
(2) drilling process
(3) analysis/testing/assessment