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eDo Profile picture John Beynon 🌹 Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jan 27, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
the backup feature for 1941's SUB-MARINER COMICS #3 is about Nazis trying to stop antifascist comic books Paul Gustavson's 'Death Draws a Comic Strip' is about the (golden age) Angel literally going undercover as an anti-Nazi comics creator when violent intimidation silences the industry
Jan 27, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Golden Age Namor knew (from the astonishing Bill Everett's SUB-MARINER COMICS #1 (1941))
Jan 23, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
watching a cheesy spider-man cartoon from 30 years ago and whoops it's about legitimizing a kleptocratic despot in the press over the objections of the only Black journalist in the room Robbie 4 evah
Jan 22, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I've run a couple of open-ended homebrew mashup D&D-based games for my kids in past years, but we're all kind of hankering for something more contained and standard -- planning on starting a new campaign with this baby next week and excited! Image haven't run a prepackaged adventure in 30 years!
Nov 24, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
glibly trotting out nameless 'drone victims' like a rhetorical device doesn't actually count as anti-imperialism thanks we desperately need rejuvenated anti-militarist activism in this country, but if you can't show basic respect for the lives you claim to be lamenting you're no help
Nov 23, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
TIL Joseph Ducreux (the french painter whose self-portrait became a meme a few years back) did a whole series of these and I'm dying amazing
Mar 22, 2020 17 tweets 3 min read
Greetings adventurer! You have set out this night on the Road Between Places. Many have travelled it before and many will travel it after you, but this tale is yours.

Eveyr tale must have faces to go wih it -- which one do you wear? Ah, a Performer! I should have recognized your attention-commanding strut and your Mask of Many Faces. Surely these will serve you well on your quest!

Speaking of your quest, folk set themselves on the Road Between Places for a thousand reasons. What do YOU seek this night?
Jul 19, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
the Thing's working class Jewish radicalism > Mister Fantastic's bourgeois WASP liberalism send tweet Reed Richards, cable news pundit
Jun 9, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
stop writing fantasy/sci-fi races/nations that are locked in senseless endless war ONLY BECUZ FOR HATE

what RESOURCES are the sides fighting over? which side controls theose resources? what is the history and legacy of one side dominating those resources? (this trope is basically a legacy of genre conventions being steered by white liberals who want/ed to believe 'racial conflict' is an error of thinking or feeling rather than a result of exploitation -- it's almost never used well)
Jul 23, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
a buddy broke down for me recently just how crucial hate clicks have become for online revenue models and honestly I've started reacting differently to transparently stupid pieces.

just plain not sharing/discussing these shitty takes does them more damage than any retort. It was interesting because she pointed out that even hate tweets that deliberately don't include a link but still keep the discussion going are seen as helping with 'virality'
Nov 16, 2017 5 tweets 1 min read
If we’re being honest - and I feel like this crosses race and class lines - male culture tries to make boys/men feel fucked up for NOT being harassers. that’s how warped this shit is. it’s hardcore indoctrination and we get it CONSTANTLY from the time we are little.

that’s not any kind of excuse, just a reminder of what needs to be rooted out.