Aleksandar Matković Profile picture
A Yugoslav. Working @Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade. PhD @ZrcSazu. Former visiting scholar @HumboldtUni. Publishing on economics & Marxist education.
Nov 9, 2024 29 tweets 5 min read
This post made me think about antifascist economics as I have touched upon the topic in my PhD while attempting to reconstruct the Frankfurt School’s early jurists and economists and their debates over the political economy of Nazism (1/29)…… Arkadij Gurland, Franz Neuman, Otto Kirchheimer and even some notes by Henryk Grossman. And here I wanted to write down how I came to the topic. Basically, a lot depends on how you define the transition to Nazism. For Gurland, in addition to other factors, (2/29)
Oct 3, 2024 30 tweets 7 min read
US media have been spreading fake news about alleged Russian influence on the Serbian environmental movement because we oppose a large Rio Tinto lithium mine. The Wall Street journal has just published an opinion piece on this that is just outrageous so as one of the (1/30) Image persons deeply involved in the movement I want to make a statement.

For context, when I say “US media”, I don’t mean only the Wall Street Journal. The Washington Post was previously contacted to report on the surging violence against activists and scientists in Serbia, (2/30)
Sep 5, 2024 23 tweets 4 min read
Informer, Blic, Alo i ostali prodržavni mediji su napisali da sam ja "nekim čudom zaposlen na Institutu ekonomskih nauka" pa samo želim javno da odgovorim na to. Lepo je od njih što misle da je biti zaposlen u Srbiji pod SNS-om "čudo". (1/23) Image To sve govori o tome šta misle o svojoj zemlji. Procenat nezaposlenosti varira oko 10%, nezaposlenost mladih je i veća, ali nije ni u tome poenta nego uslovi u kojima radimo. A što se tiče mog "čuda" to i jeste čudo uzevši u obzir sve uslove. (2/23)
Sep 1, 2024 31 tweets 7 min read
So a couple of people have asked me to update everyone on what's going on in Serbia. I've been meaning to do that for some time now, but there have been lots of events, and I am a bit overwhelmed. So, I will just do a short rundown here. (1/28) I tried to put everything in chronological order without too much added commentary.For a start, neither the German nor the Serbian state have condemned the violence. Last time I forgot to add some things: on August 13, in the midst of this crisis, Franziska Brantner, (2/28)
Aug 18, 2024 29 tweets 6 min read
I want to share what happened in more detail as some strange things have been happening in Serbia after Scholz's visit - that wreak of neocolonialism. Firstly, after his visit there have been massive national protests in every major city, and especially in the villages. (1/28) What happened was that the Serbian government signed a range of deals for a whole electric vehicles (EV's) production chain, from lithium extraction to refining and battery production, mostly with German companies like Mercedes Benz, but also InoBat, (2/28)