Sam Bidwell Profile picture
Director of the Next Generation Centre at @ASI▪️Personal enquiries to:▪️🇬🇧
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Feb 20 19 tweets 7 min read
We often hear about absurd asylum decisions, with criminals spared from deportation by faceless tribunals.

But never forget, these decisions don't happen by accident. They're made by activist judges. Let me introduce you to some of them.

A 🧵 on the judges in our asylum system Image First, some context.

In the UK, the Home Office is responsible for making decisions on immigration and asylum.

But these decisions can be reviewed by 'specialist' tribunals. These tribunals can block Home Office decisions, if they feel that these decisions contravene UK law. Image
Feb 12 25 tweets 10 min read
Who should we celebrate as our national heroes? 🇬🇧

There's a lot to be said for figures like Churchill, Wellington, and Nelson - but a 9th-century Saxon king could be the ideal hero for 21st-century Britain.

A 🧵 on why we should rediscover our love for Alfred the Great Image Alfred was born in Wantage, Berkshire, in 849. He was the youngest son of Aethelwulf, King of Wessex.

At that time, England was divided between a number of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, which jostled for supremacy. The largest of these kingdoms were Wessex and Mercia. Image
Feb 7 22 tweets 8 min read
Did you know that about 1.8 BILLION people are eligible to vote in UK elections, including millions from India, Pakistan, and Nigeria?

That's because, believe it or not, Commonwealth citizens can vote in UK elections.

A 🧵 on this loophole, and how it devalues UK citizenship Image So why can Commonwealth citizens vote in UK elections? The story starts at the end of Britain's Empire, in the wake of World War 2.

Traditionally, those living in Britain's overseas dominions were considered British subjects, with the same rights as those in Great Britain. Image
Feb 4 19 tweets 8 min read
The Government is planning to introduce an official definition of Islamophobia - which could criminalise criticism of Muslim migration and even grooming gangs.

A 🧵 on the 'APPG definition of Islamophobia' and why it's so dangerous for free speech… According to reports from The Telegraph, the Government is set to introduce a new legal definition of 'Islamophobia'.

In order to do so, it plans to convene a 16-year member 'council' on Islamophobia, which could include figures such as Leeds imam Qari Asim. Image
Jan 25 19 tweets 8 min read
Over the past 48 hours, I've received a deluge of anti-British comments from Indian accounts.

Many people in UK politics still think of India as a ready-made ally; we must not ignore the intense animus that many Indians feel towards us.

A 🧵 on Britain's misplaced Indophilia Image So why am I receiving these comments in the first place?

On January 23rd, I responded to a video from India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, which glorified Subhas Chandra Bose.

Bose was a Nazi collaborator. He admired Hitler, and actively worked to undermine the British war effort.Image
Jan 19 16 tweets 7 min read
The 'r-somalia' page is one of the most interesting places on the Internet.

A community of more than 40,000, it's a fascinating insight into Somali culture. Lots of infighting between Somalis and Somalilanders, Somalis and Arabs, Somalis and Ethiopians...

Some highlights 🧵 Image Under the post above - a discussion about integration amongst UK-based Somalis.

The consensus seems to be that second and third generation Somalis in the UK have integrated poorly - but the blame is largely placed with other Muslim communities, such as Arabs and Pakistanis. Image
Jan 19 20 tweets 9 min read
As of 2021, London was 53.8% White, and 36.8% White British - but how do White Londoners actually vote?

Despite living in a major urban area, White Londoners are actually quite a right-wing group of voters.

A 🧵 on the political habits of London's White population Image But first, some caveats.

In the UK, we don't collect granular data about racial or ethnic voting patterns.

Given the scale and speed of demographic change over the past few decades, these tools haven't had time to develop - unlike in countries like the United States. Image
Jan 13 25 tweets 10 min read
Britain has some of the best human capital in the world - and some of the worst government policy 🇬🇧

We mustn't lose sight of this fact. There is so much to celebrate about our country.

A 🧵 with some reasons to be bullish on Britain - if we can just get the basics right Image Let's start with London.

The capital ranks alongside New York as one of the world's truly 'global cities'.

The City of London in particular is a financial powerhouse. 38% of global foreign exchange transactions take place in London - more than any other city in the world. Image
Dec 23, 2024 25 tweets 10 min read
By the 1500s, England's murder rate was lower than the murder rate in modern-day Africa 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

And by the 20th century, Britain was one of the least violent societies on Earth - but why was this the case?

A 🧵 on the history of how England crushed crime Image Mid 20th-century Britain was one of the least violent societies on Earth.

By the late 1930s, despite the mass unemployment caused by the Great Depression, the murder rate in England was similar to that of modern Japan (about 1 per 100,000 people).

But this wasn't always true. Image
Dec 18, 2024 20 tweets 8 min read
A Turkish heroin peddler has been allowed to stay in the UK - because deporting him would infringe upon his "right to a family life" 🇹🇷

Somehow, this case is even worse than it sounds.

A short 🧵 on our broken asylum and immigration system… This case concerns a Turkish man, who first entered the UK in 1988.

He claimed asylum but was removed to Turkey just four days after arriving.

Nevertheless, in 1991, he was allowed to return to the country while his claim was being considered. Why was this necessary? Image
Dec 17, 2024 24 tweets 9 min read
In 1700, Manchester was an obscure village of fewer than 10,000 people - by 1900, it was a metropolis, the world's first industrial city 🇬🇧

Its remarkable growth is testament to the power of trade, industry, and British ingenuity.

A 🧵 on how capitalism built Manchester Image For most of its early history, Manchester was entirely unremarkable.

In c. 79AD, a Roman fort was constructed on the banks of the River Medlock, the first settlement in modern Manchester.

The area remained largely depopulated and impoverished throughout the medieval period. Image
Dec 13, 2024 24 tweets 9 min read
The British invented the modern world 🇬🇧

Few other countries can boast such a proud legacy of innovation and invention - for centuries, we have led the way on the development of new technologies.

A 🧵 on some of the world-changing innovations birthed here in Britain Image In 1668, Englishman Sir Isaac Newton built the world's first reflecting telescope 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Newton's discovery was based on his understanding of prisms and optics.

It allowed scientists to develop a sophisticated theory of colour, and paved the way for the modern telescope. Image
Dec 10, 2024 21 tweets 8 min read
In 2023, after decades of turmoil, Argentinians elected maverick libertarian Javier Milei as President 🇦🇷

Milei promised to cut tax and spending, fire government employees, and get the economy moving again. 1 year on, it seems to be working.

A 🧵 on Argentina's nascent recovery Image But first, some context.

In the early 20th century, Argentina had one of the highest per capita GDPs in the world - ahead of countries like France and Italy.

But thanks to decades of mismanagement, the economy is now in turmoil - in relative terms, it has declined steeply. Image
Dec 1, 2024 23 tweets 9 min read
The UK economy has flatlined since 2007 🇬🇧

In terms of Gross National Income - a measure of the goods and services produced by residents and businesses from a country -, the UK has been practically stagnant.

A short 🧵 on the countries that the UK has fallen behind since 2007 Image But first, some context - what is Gross National Income?

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measures the value of goods and services produced in a country (including by foreign multinationals).

GNI focuses on income produced by residents and businesses from the country in question. Image
Nov 28, 2024 18 tweets 7 min read
Today's new immigration figures highlight the scale of Britain's mass migration crisis.

Politicians have allowed migration to skyrocket, against the repeatedly-stated wishes of the public.

A 🧵 on where immigrants to the UK are coming from, and what we can do about it Image Since 2021, migration to the UK from outside the EU has increased steeply - this has colloquially been titled 'the Boriswave'.

In 2022, 2023, and 2024, total inward migration to the UK was higher than 1.2 million.

That's a city the size of Birmingham each year. Image
Nov 27, 2024 25 tweets 9 min read
What makes the British unique? 🇬🇧

There are many things that make us unique - but one of the most important is our tradition of empiricism.

For centuries, the British have preferred concrete evidence over abstract rationalism.

A 🧵 on the history of empiricism in Britain Image But first, what is empiricism?

Empiricism is the idea that knowledge comes from experience and evidence.

Rather than seeking knowledge from first principles, empiricists derive their knowledge from the world as it really is - whether in philosophy, science, or public policy. Image
Nov 24, 2024 25 tweets 9 min read
Britain often comes under attack for its role in historical preservation - we're accused of looting, appropriating, and orientalising.

In fact, Britons have made an outsized contribution to historical study around the world.

A 🧵 on the British role in preserving global history Image First, it's worth reflecting on the fact that the British approach to history isn't shared by everybody.

Objective study, cataloguing, and preservation is not the historical norm around the world.

Many now-famous sites were simply abandoned when they lost their original use. Image
Nov 21, 2024 25 tweets 9 min read
People across the political spectrum say that the UK needs an industrial strategy.

In fact, it was industrial strategy that killed our industry in the first place - Attlee is more to blame than Thatcher.

A 🧵 on how we can really revive British industry… According to the popular narrative, British industrial decline started in the 1970s and 1980s, as free trade and neoliberalism shifted us towards a more globalised economy.

Today, advocates of industrial strategy argue that Government needs to intervene to redress the balance. Image
Nov 20, 2024 25 tweets 10 min read
We often hear about outrageous asylum cases, in which efforts to control our borders are frustrated by legal interference.

This is a systemic issue - it's useful to see these cases lined up side-by-side.

A 🧵 on some of the recent cases produced by our broken asylum system Image First, a procedural note.

In the UK, we don't publish decisions from the First-Tier Tribunal - the body which initially rules on immigration and asylum cases.

We only get details of these cases if they're appealed - so today, we'll be looking at Upper Tribunal reports. Image
Nov 19, 2024 19 tweets 7 min read
Yesterday, news broke that a Congolese paedophile, who sexually assaulted his stepdaughter, had been allowed to stay in the UK on human rights grounds.

Somehow, the case is even more outrageous when you look into the detail.

A 🧵 on the MD Case, and our broken asylum system Image The man, known as 'MD', arrived in the UK in 2008 from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He launched an asylum application on unknown grounds.

He was 36 at the time, and settled in the Glasgow area.

His bid for asylum was rejected - and yet he was allowed to stay in the UK. Image
Nov 16, 2024 23 tweets 9 min read
The Allison Pearson case has highlighted the terrible state of free speech in the UK.

But this isn't a problem caused by a few bad police officers - anti-free speech rules are a feature of our legislation and regulation.

A 🧵 on the rules behind the UK's free speech crisis Image First, some context.

On Remembrance Sunday, Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson was questioned at her home by two police officers, investigating her on a charge of inciting racial hatred.

Police refused to tell Pearson which of her online posts had sparked their investigation. Image