Samuel Bendett Profile picture
Analysis of military robotics, drones/UAVs, AI and Russian military weapons development. CNA, CNAS and CSIS. Opinions my own.
23 subscribers
Mar 24 21 tweets 5 min read
1/ QUICK TAKE by a Russian volunteer on what happens to the "People's VPK" - a vast ecosystem of Rus volunteer and start up efforts that manufacture and supply Russian forces with drones, CUAS and other equipment. Translation of main points below:…Image
2/ "If we imagine a scenario in which the SVO (war) is suspended, the first to feel the consequences will not be the quasi-state defense enterprises, but the so-called people's military-industrial complex: those same hundreds of private companies and teams of enthusiasts who..."
Mar 13 15 tweets 4 min read
1/ QUICK TAKE by a Russian mil blogger on retaking the Kursk region and Sudzha, and the role of UAVs and drones in "isolating the battlefield". The TG post is obviously subjective, so usual caveats apply - translation in this short thread below.… 2/ "Our troops began moving towards the village of Novenkoye. And then video footage appeared from the Sumy-Sudzha highway, with a bunch of burnt (Ukr) equipment. Then the information field exploded with Operation Truba... The heroic actions of our soldiers made it possible to significantly influence the resilience of the Ukrainian Armed Forces."
Feb 20 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ THREAD on recent Russian assault tactics - assault teams now bring FPVs with them to launch at the shortest distance possible at targets: "To achieve an effect similar to suppression by artillery fire (almost continuous explosions on the defending enemy's position)..."…Image
2/ "...preventing them from emerging from cover to fire at the attackers), the following method that has become standard for many is used: Assault infantry, moving to the initial position to carry out an attack, lays out on the ground (roofs of buildings, roads) their FPV drones and turns them on."
Feb 20 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ THREAD: A Russian mil blogger on tracking fiber-optic cable back to drone operators to take our UAV crews: "The Ukr tracks our UAV crew operating on fiber-optics by the light and reflection of the fiber optic cable. There is a video and it's not clear if they hit the crew."…Image
2/ "In any case, an analog FPV kamikaze is flying (at their position), which means there must be video interception systems. At least to warn of danger. In their videos, the Ukrainian Forces admit that the Russians have few video interception systems."
Feb 18 13 tweets 3 min read
1/ QUICK TAKE from a Russian mil blogger on the importance of domestic microelectronics and "military IT" that Russian generals still don't get: "It is important to understand that technical progress today is driven..."… 2/ "...not only by the military mega-corporations, but also by the small civilian sector... Or rather, the rapidly growing microelectronics sector. Civilian electronics can carry so much computing power with relatively low energy consumption, that if you..."
Feb 8 15 tweets 3 min read
1/ QUICK THREAD - an account of the Ukrainian UGV-UAV combined assault on Russian positions in December 2024: "The mission itself involved complex logistics and communications requirements. No drone swarm technology was used..."… 2/ "...which meant that each individual drone was piloted by an individual pilot. Less than 100 soldiers were involved in the operation, including pilots, logisticians, planners and support staff – all to launch an assault of around 30 drones."
Feb 1 16 tweets 4 min read
1/ QUICK TAKE from a Russian military blogger on counter-UAV issues/problems: "The general principles of armed struggle have not really changed much - in this case the functionality of classical manned frontline aviation has largely "migrated" to small unmanned aircraft systems. Image
2/ "The organization of a systemic struggle for dominance in the "lower skies" in our current circumstances obviously stumbles not only on the significant shortage of normal material resources and trained human resources (although, of course, this factor plays a huge role)."
Jan 27 19 tweets 5 min read
1/ QUICK TAKE by a Russian blogger on the importance of frontline tactical UAVs: "The key component of the enemy's recon-strike complex are numerous Ukrainian recon quadcopters hovering over their front line 24/7. I will add to this: and "wings", that is, fixed-wing drones."…Image
2/ "Specifically, the Ukr's aerial recon that: notices our attacking assault groups already at the advance stage and adjust their artillery fire; guide FPV drones in our near rear; adjust artillery fire in our near and middle rear (10-40 km from the front)...."
Jan 3 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ QUICK THREAD: Russian concerns about being left behind in the military AI race: "Against the backdrop of China's, US' and Israel's leadership in #AI, #Russia faces a number of challenges that limit its capabilities in this technology race." 2/ "Firstly, Russia lacks large companies capable of competing with Anduril or Palantir. Developments are carried out mainly at military research institutes, but access to advanced technologies, such as powerful AI algorithms and modern computing power, is limited."
Jan 2 27 tweets 7 min read
1/ QUICK THREAD: Russian mil bloggers on a Ukrainian USV destroying a Rus helicopter in the Black Sea (below), trying to come up with proposals on dealing with such threats: "...the issue of using anti-aircraft missile launchers (on USVs) was only a matter of time." Image
2/ "This is a consequence of the proven effectiveness of Rus forces intercepting USVs with helicopters. While they were just kamikaze USVs, (our tactic) was extremely effective and allowed us to eliminate the USVs (let's keep quiet about why they (Rus MOD) didn't start doing this back in 2022, because the words that come to mind are mostly obscene)."
Dec 31, 2024 17 tweets 7 min read
1/ THREAD on some of the key drone and unmanned systems developments in Ukraine war for 2024 - I quoted my end-of-year 2023 thread (below), which in turn quotes my end-of-year 2022 thread for comparison. Main points below: Image 2/ First, the sheer numbers of drones delivered by both sides in this war this year - at least 1.3 million Ukrainian and around 1.4 million Russian UAVs. Such numbers are unprecedented for modern conflicts and have greatly impacted tactical picture at the front. Image
Dec 30, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
1/ QUICK TAKE: Over the past two years, I have highlighted the work by one of Russia's key volunteers - Aleksey Chadaev, an organizer behind "Dronnitsa" meet up and the facilitator of "Vandal Novgorodsky" fiber-optic drone development (see quoted thread). He recently spoke... 2/ ...with Russian media about his fiber-optic drone and the "Ushkyinik" effort that made it happen. His main points below: "Ushkyinik is a new organization that currently has more than 40 resident companies - universities, large defense enterprises, laboratories, and "garage teams."
Dec 26, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
1/ QUICK TAKE on the Russian mil bloggers' thoughts on drone swarms in 2025, translated from a TG channel: "The main combat UAV technology in 2025 will be swarm systems. In September 2023, I published a forecast of which combat UAV types would be most in demand in 2024." Image 2/ "In general, everything came true. Moreover, I would like to especially note the emergence of high-volume production of FPVs, the expansion of tiltrotor aircraft, the emergence of interceptor drones, and the beginning of work on the civil certification of heavy drones."
Dec 19, 2024 9 tweets 7 min read
1/ Russia's Project Archangel just published the following EW manual for volunteers and soldiers. I quickly ran it through machine translation - some interesting details in the images below.…Image 2/ Image
Dec 17, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ Ukrainian Military Reports Acquisition of Over 1 Million Drones in 2024: Kyiv’s combat units received 1.1 million FPV kamikaze drones through the State Special Communications Service this year.… 2/ The country also has 40,000 multirotor reconnaissance drones, including over 12,000 designed for nighttime missions, and 5,000 fixed-wing reconnaissance UAVs, such as the Shark, GOR, and Furia.
Nov 28, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ QUICK THREAD describing Russian comments on the future of FPV drones: "Drones with target lock are not 100% protected from electronic warfare, they are protected from it only at the moment when the operator has already selected the target. And..."…Image 2/ the most interesting characteristic of the system... is that until the moment of target identification, the drone is also vulnerable to electronic warfare on its control channels. Therefore, there is no absolute and ultimate solution against electronic warfare yet..."
Nov 19, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
1/ THREAD: Ukraine's Mariia Berlinska, one of its top volunteers and the nation's "Mother of Drones", on why Ukraine did not predict and prepare for the ongoing "technological war." Translated points below:…Image
2/ "I will now say something for which hundreds of influential and high-status people in our country may be offended. But I will still say it. Not in order to humiliate someone, but so that we as a society learn this terrible lesson. Do you know what unites all the leaders...?"
Oct 15, 2024 18 tweets 10 min read
THREAD: Attending #AUSA2024 expo today - below are a few samples of autonomous and robotic systems on display. Image
2/ At #AUSA2024
Oct 11, 2024 19 tweets 6 min read
1/ QUICK TAKE - The Russian military is systematizing the experience of using UAVs in combat. DefMin Belousov recently visited "Rubicon" - MOD's first Center for Advanced Unmanned Technologies formed in August 2024 in one of the functioning UAV combat units. 2/ Belousov was given a report on the work of the Center's detachments in combat, the latest UAVs and UGVs were shown, along with the work of operators and the analytical department that summarize information on the use of unmanned forces and assets.
Oct 5, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ QUICK TAKE on the Russian complaint that the forces do not have enough cheap tactical strike means: "There is a catastrophic lack of cheap high-precision means of destruction at a depth of up to 30 kilometers in our tactical contour..." Image 2/ "In our tactical contour of medium observation UAVs (Zala, Orlan, etc.) and strike UAVs like Kub and Lancet. Lancets are expensive and there are few of them, so the authorities give the go-ahead to destroy only "fat" targets. I will keep quiet about Kub..."
Sep 23, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
1/3 Ukraine's Robert "Magyar" Brovdi, talking with The Economist: During the next 6-8 months, humans will no longer be needed to control drones in Ukraine - the war will become truly unmanned. The evolution of such technologies will...… 2/3 "...lead to the fact that artificial intelligence will be the main tool of warfare, since already 50% of all "strike activity" is formed by drones. Hundreds of AI systems are currently being developed at the same time, and they are being tested in experimental modes."