@chennaicorp@SharanyaAri@GSBediIAS Amazing I should say, Co-Corporation that never sleeps! Yesterday-Sunday I had mild fever and other symtoms, I called SHO Dr.Venkataraman ZoneVI WARD74(9445190066)he immediately tele consulted, I shared SpO2 reading and temperature.1/3
2/3and immediately confirmed Monday for RT PCR test. Soon after Thirumathi Mohanambal(9445025875) Sanitary Inspector called and organised for todays test. Swab sample taken One simple call from ordinary citizen. Whole machinery works with precision. No wonder Corona is brought3/3
Jul 18, 2021 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
@tattvavadaelib@bhargavasarma@Naraprasanvital @pranasutra Dear Sir LAKSHAVRTTI HARIVAYU STUTI MANTRA PARAYANA SAMITHI(LHVSMPS) IS STARTING THE NEXT BATCH OF SUMADHWA VIJAYA Parayana PaAtha- in Gurukula style, Samithi harivayu.wordpress.com/contactus/ is ready to teach all Madhwa's +2
I am tagging you "4 pillars"for wider propagation May I request you Esteemed people to send it as a fresh tweet/retweet, whichever will reach all Madhwa's. Samithi is based out from Chennai has multilingual Sanskrit Scholars, Marathi - Kannada-Telugu speaking for explanation+3