How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App projects that *have* done a good job tracking these deaths are gone/at risk. Some state databases have been shut down (ex: Colorado’s police shootings database). Non-governmental databases by The Guardian, HuffPo Jail Deaths tracker & no longer exist. 2013-2020, the nation’s largest cities saw overall arrests decline by 46% and low level arrests (which make up 2/3rds of all arrests) were cut by more than half. This has outpaced other parts of the country and accelerated during the pandemic. AND… is built into the design of the platform. For example, Facebook reinforces existing social hierarchies by replicating your existing social network online. You connect with people you already know and get influenced by big money advertisers who manipulate these silos. So if… most of these cities the arbitrator is selected in part by the police union or accused officer. They’re a lawyer who usually has no connection to communities harmed by police. Not accountable to the public at all. You rarely even see their names when they make these decisions., most obviously, it does not even ban no-knock raids. It allows them under “exigent circumstances” which is a glaring loophole police will use to continue breaking into people’s homes unannounced. But even if that loophole were removed it’d still be problematic because… convo about nuclear power often cites risks of meltdown due to accidents or mismanagement or terrorism which are all major reasons not to use/expand nuclear power. But conventional war in any country with nuclear plants/reactors might be an even more likely scenario/risk. 4 prosecutors who’ve convicted officers in two separate police killings are Keith Ellison (MN), Faith Johnson (Dallas), Paul Howard (Atlanta), Steve Kunzweiler (Tulsa). 3 of them are Black despite fewer than 5% of all prosecutors being Black. 2 were elected out of office. has nothing to do with police “pulling back.” It has to do with police aggression leading to catastrophic results for communities. Population-wide effects of police violence on community health, particularly in Black communities, are well-documented:…