Samuel G. Parkison Profile picture
PhD, Systematic Theology (@MBTS), Professor of Theology (Gulf Theological Seminary in the UAE). Shannon's husband and dad to Jonah, Henry, Lewis, and Eden.
Phil Auxier ☧ Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jun 30, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
It’s not that this piece is off in its content, it’s not. What it affirms should be axiomatically affirmed by Christians. But it’s ethos is, in my estimation, tone-deaf to the moral and spiritual magnitude of this moment.… It sets as opposites what ought to be harmonious (culture war and compassion). Excess of celebratory fervor is not our greatest danger right now. Should Israel not revel in Yahweh’s triumph when Molech and Dagon are decimated?
Jun 27, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I've seen and heard Christians calling other believers to dampen the celebratory fervor surrounding the reversal of Roe v. Wade as an effort to empathize with our neighbors who are hurting. In light of that, I'm wondering if we're ready to recognize @joe_rigney's vindication yet? I can't think of a starker example of what "empathy run amuck" looks like. Sadness over the loss of the right to kill your kids is not a sadness that calls for empathy. Love of *that neighbor* looks like NOT empathizing, but defining love biblically (i.e. "This is good for you!")
Nov 19, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
One highlight from #ETS2021 was this: I got the chance to meet a significant theological hero of mine, @JohnPiper. It was a brief conversation on an escalator, and I’m sure one he’s had countless times, but he was gracious and gave me his full attention for a minute. Me: “I’ve thought a lot about what I would say if I ever had the chance to meet you and I’m coming up empty. All I can say is that I’m grateful. The Lord has used your ministry in my life in more ways I will ever be able to express. Thank you.” All true but woefully insufficient.