Samuel Schmitt Profile picture
🚀 Founder of @thruuu_seo ✍️ Avid SEO blogger ➡ I aim to offer an easy way to analyse the SERP and gives insights to craft the perfect copy to rank first
Jul 2, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
Are you using Google Search Console?

Follow these steps to create a solid topic cluster 👇

🧵SEO Thread... 1 - Exports the relevant keywords from Google Search Console and apply a filter on a specific page.
Jan 25, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
How to build an SEO strategy and content plan
in 5 minutes...

Step 1 - Pick an article on your website
Step 2 - Export KW from Google Search Console
Step 3 - Cluster the KW
Step 4 - Browse the clusters
Step 5 - Pick the best topics

📹 Watch me create a content plan
Jan 23, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
thruuu has evolved from a "SERP Analyzer" to an "End-to-End SEO platform" empowering your content team.

Unlock your SEO potential by saving hours of research with powerful features

➡️ SERP Analysis Tool
➡️ Content Brief Generator
➡️ Keyword Clustering and Topic Clusters Image ⭐️Scrape the Google SERP for Better SEO Insights⭐️

Get the blueprint for EXACTLY what Google is looking for.

Review up to 100 pages of Google organic results and uncover what Google deems most relevant to a query for any location. Image
Dec 19, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
What is that?

Search intent is the user’s goal when they search for something on a search engine.

For example, does the user want to learn something, purchase something, or go directly to a website?

By understanding the search intent, you will: ➡️ Understand why a person is doing a search
➡️ Who is this person
➡️ And what do they expect to find on the SERP
Nov 16, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
🥊 SEO Minion VS Frase vs thruuu 🥊

Who is the best at counting words?

I recently improved the text analysis feature of @thruuu_seo and wanted to know how accurate is the word count vs other SEO tools.

What I've done (more in thread) Image ➡️ I analysed a small sample of pages,
➡️ extracted the data by hand and
➡️ compared this with the output of thruuu, @fraseHQ and SEO Minion
Sep 10, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Ça serait cool si Google pouvait faire un .... Helpful FOOD Content Update. 🤬

Je cherchais à savoir comment stériliser des sauces tomates, et voila mon expérience utilisateur: Je cherche et tape le 1er résultat. Normal quoi.
Sep 4, 2022 22 tweets 7 min read
Thruuu is three years old 🥳
I officially launched it on September 4th, 2019.

Below is the tweet that started it all.

Today, in this thread 🧵
I will share with you:

➡️Why I created @thruuu_seo
➡️What you can look forward to in the future Image Before telling you why I created thruuu, I should tell you more about my SEO journey.

I started SEO “only” in early 2019 with the launch of my blog

At this time, I wanted to build a personal brand and thought creating a blog could be the best approach.
Jun 1, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Dear SEO experts and Copywriters 👋
... what is your take on this one 👇

What "things" a content brief should include?

Ok, I start...

(thread👇) Image From my point of view, a content brief should contain essential information to let the copywriter write the best copy with clear guidance.

So what could be important to include in a brief is:
Oct 20, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
I've noticed an interesting pattern on Google SERP.

I call it "the What and the How"

For some informational queries, Google displays on page 1 some content focus on the "What" and some content on the "How"

Indeed nothing new, mixed intent... but...

(thread 👇) Many SERPs have mixed intent...

And as said @theandreboso previously

"It’s fine to create multiple pages targeting the same keyword when they have different search intent."