Paul Clark Profile picture
Cornish creative geek, Green, maker, light artist, shantyman, sailor, amateur actor/stage-manager & lapsed dancer. He/him. for now
Aug 24, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
Spent the past 24 hours dispairing of people's stupidity over Brexit and Cornwall. Again.

But this time it's some (only some) Remainers with their Schadenfreude over Cornwall's justified demand for UK-level replacement of the EU ERDF/ESF funds.

Friendly fire really hurts. Let's set the facts straight. The Leave/Remain split in Cornwall overall was 56:44, and not in every consituency. So not "you Cornish all voted Leave, suck it up", then.

Some of us fought tooth and nail both before and after the Referendum to try to prevent this.