Dr Sanil Rege FRANZCP | MRCPsych Profile picture
Psychiatrist / Co-Founder Psych Scene / Founder Vita Healthcare / Founder of 🎓 Academy by Psych Scene /#MedicalEducator
Jose E. Sánchez Tato 🏳️‍🌈 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 7, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
🧠 Addiction Psychiatry: The Power of Salience 🚀 🧵

1/ In psychiatry, addiction isn't just about substances like alcohol or cannabis.

It's about the brain's response to what's most "salient." 2/ Salience is what the brain finds most attention-grabbing.

When one stimulus dominates, a cascade of addiction-related behaviors can follow.

A shift from liking to wanting to seeking .
Aug 7, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Twitter Thread: #AKATHISIA Important Points on Akathisia
1. Akathisia, derived from the Greek word "akathemi," refers to a compelling urge to move, often accompanied by a sense of inner restlessness.

2. Objective restlessness often leads to identification however 1/ 3. Subjective restlessness is equally distressing & Clinicians must rule out subjective restlessness and promptly address it, as akathisia is linked to an increased risk of suicide.
Feb 10, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Weighing into the the ongoing debate on the existence of ADHD. Strange to me. Labels can always be debated and disproven but the underlying neuroscience ( may be incomplete) but not so easily disproved. So let's get back to neuroscience to understand #ADHD. 🧵👇 In order to understand ADHD, we need to look at the three main brain functions
1. Cognition
2. Movement & action and
3. Reward sensitivity. 1/
Feb 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Relevance to GPs & psychiatrists in 🇦🇺 [webinar open for all HPs]. Up to 1/2 of patients w #longCOVID could be described as meeting criteria for CFS. Approximately 10 million Australians have had confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection with long-term sequelae only now being defined ...1/ "To prepare the next generation of health-care providers and researchers, medical schools must improve their education on infection-initiated illnesses such as long COVID and ME/CFS, and competency evaluations should include these illnesses. [Davis et al, 2023]
Feb 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Amazing news this evening! The Neuropsychiatry of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & #LongCovid - A Practical Guide is accredited for CPD by the RACGP (7.5 hrs) over 3 evenings. Self-accreditation for psychiatrists (7.5 hrs). Coming up in May! #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #LongCovid #meded Day 1
✅Neuropsychiatry of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
✅Pathophysiology of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
✅ Clinical Assessment of Chronic fatigue syndrome
✅Management principles in Chronic fatigue syndrome
✅Clinical Case Study part 1 – Diagnostic aspects
Jan 23, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The study on escitalopram v placebo in healthy volunteers measuring reinforcement sensitivity has caused a stir as usual with incorrect interpretations of ‘SSRIs blunt emotions’This is incorrect - let us understand reinforcement sensitivity 🧵👇 Keeping it simple -Humans utilise the limbic network (Amygdala-Ventral striatum) & PFC to respond to stimuli & make decisions leading to actions. Reinforcement learning / reward learning helps us solve problems. Reward does not only mean pleasure. Removal of a ‘problem’ =reward
Nov 24, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
Grab a cup of Adenosine antagonist 👉 long one,but this one will leave you amazed to learn about the wonders of our 🧠 (the anti-psychs who think monoamines (including 5-HT) don't play a role may have nightmares) (pardon the pun) 🧵 some key points 👇 psychscenehub.com/psychinsights/… The sleep-wake cycle is regulated by 1. Circadian process 2. Homeostatic process
Special retinal cells modulate Dopamine (DA) & melatonin release (sleep hygiene interventions) - Blue light 👇melatonin.
Sleep pressure linked to adenosine (AD) accumulation - ⬆️activity 👉⬆️AD
Jul 22, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Since 5-HT is all the rage - Here are some antidepressants that do not act via SERT blockade. Antidepressants are not a homogeneous group. Most commonly those that put them under one umbrella have a anti-med agenda. So let's get started 👇 1. Agomelatine - 5 HT2C antagonist & Melatonin R agonist. ⬆️DA&NA in PFC. Melatonergic potentiation - ⬆️SWS psychscenehub.com/psychinsights/…
Jul 20, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
With 1-way ideologies (the chemical imbalance) I find one rule useful. As Taleb says (finance) don't ask a person what their opinion or reco is - ask them what's in their portfolio. So @markhoro @joannamoncrieff @HengartnerMP-how do you treat depression? Do u prescribe SSRIs? 1/n Do you prescribe antidepressants that directly or indirectly act on serotonin receptors. If you prescribe ADs how do you explain this to the patient. @markhoro you in detail explain withdrawal Sx neurobio- how do you Rx dep in your practice? 2/n