Colombian 🇨🇴 evolutionary biologist in the making. Ecology&Evolution @UChicago | #popgen #evodevo #molevol #cienciacriolla
Nov 30, 2020 • 24 tweets • 10 min read
I'm thrilled to present my first first-author paper on the evolution of gigantism in the #capybara, the world's largest rodent! 😃 Thanks to co-authors @CrawfordAJ@eenork@frozenzoo@OfficialSMBE#MBE#cienciacriolla 🧶👇 1/21
Body size evolution is central in biology. We know that body size co-evolves with many organismal traits (e.g. longevity, home range 🏠, generation time ⏰, predation risk, organ allometries 💪, etc.) within and between spp.