Sarah Sackman Profile picture
Public & environmental lawyer, Labour Party, GMB, social campaigner. Likes politics, travel, good books and Spurs
Oct 5, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Just finished speaking for @bevismarksuk to @cityoflondon Planning Committee. Made the case that 31 Bury St will
1. Harm Tower of London World Heritage Site. Historic England agrees!
2. Harm to Bevis Marks' setting. Its eautiful courtyard will be overshadowed by the office block 3. Loss of daylight/sunlight
4. Officer's accept the scheme conflicts with the City's own policies. That harm is not outweighed by benefits are modest, generic and mainly private. The stuff about a new "village hall" in the office and sustainability credentials all looks thin.
Oct 30, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Thread: Yesterday’s EHRC report and the robustness of its findings mark what many have rightly called a line in the sand. Do read it. 1/9 The report does not pull its punches. Read it. The EHRC’s investigation “identified serious failings in leadership” making it “hard not to conclude that AS within the Labour Party could have been tackled more effectively if the leadership had chosen to do so”. /2
Feb 13, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Im looking forward to seeing the leadership candidates in action tonight at the @JewishLabour hustings. After 3 horrendous yrs during which great Jewish MPs & members felt forced out of the party there are some tough qs to answer. I am supporting @Keir_Starmer, here is why 1/8: I've known Keir for a long time, have seen his work as a dedicated local MP up close and feel very strongly he is the best candidate. He has the leadership qualities, principles and experience we need at this critical time 2/8.